
The God’s & Devil’s War

Each year 8 people are transported in a new world where they are given the chance to join the war between the God and the Devil. They can choose either side and if they kill either the God or Devil they will get one wish granted by the one they chose.

Fran_8197 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 19

Man: Finally I was able to get rid of that awful creature from this world. I'm sure God is proud of me for cleansing this world of them.

The man after defeating the lightning panther tries to turn around to face Hana "ugh" but he doesn't have any strength left in his legs after using magic for a long amount of time with his legs so naturally his legs finally give out and he falls to the ground on his back. With both his arms out of commission and with the fatigue his body has from using magic for a long amount of time he passes out.

Hana: Should I take him back to the village? I don't know how to treat wounds but my mom does so maybe she will fix him up. Who am I kidding? He was using 2 types of magic so he must be part of the God's and Devil's war. The people in the village see them as dangerous, especially my brother so I doubt they would let him stay. Maybe they'll give him a chance though since he saved me so I can testify that he's a good person and won't cause any harm. Yup that sounds like a good plan.

Hana, being proud of herself for coming up with a convincing way to get the man accepted by the villagers and being to help the man that saved her life can't help but smile.

Hana: "Time to get a move on then!"

Hana tries to pick the man up but fails.

Hana: ".... I didn't think this through as well as I thought."

Her smile disappeared after that embarrassing moment she displayed.

Hana: "I guess I have to wait until he wakes up before I take him to the village."

Hana picks up his head and puts it onto her lap. It was the least she could do for him since she couldn't move him and she didn't want him to have a hard time resting.

After 2 hours he wakes up.

Hana: "Are you able to walk now? I'm not strong enough to carry you so I wasn't able to take you to the village."

Man: "I'm able to walk now after resting for a while but are you sure you can take me to your village? I know some villages aren't accepting of people in the war since we are seen as dangerous."

Hana not wanting to worry him gives him a smile "it'll be alright I'll convince them."

With the help of Hana the man gets up.

Hana: "My name is Hana Rios. What's your name, my savior?"

Man: "My name is Hyogo Takashi."