
The Goblin Prince

"In a realm where magic intertwines with the fabric of reality, the birth of Prince Veer Chandravansh heralds a new era for the Godling empire, a beacon of hope amidst races of elves, beastmen, orcs, dragons, and more. But this joy is shadowed by a dire prophecy revealed by the Royal Seer—a looming darkness that threatens to engulf their world in seventeen years, with Veer at its heart. Unexpectedly cast into the manaless Earth in a human body, Veer must navigate a path back to his world, armed only with a mysterious system that guides his cultivation in a land devoid of magic. Upon his return, Veer is met with a world unrecognizable from the tales of his childhood. The Godlings, once a proud and beautiful race, have devolved into goblins, scorned and hunted by the allies they once stood beside. Veer's quest becomes twofold: unravel the mystery behind his race's downfall and unite a fractured world against the darkness foretold. 'The Goblin Prince' is a tale of courage, identity, and the unyielding bond that weaves the fate of races. Veer must confront the shadows of prophecy, challenge the norms of his world, and discover the true essence of power within himself to forge a future not just for the Godlings, but for all the races of his vast world. This novel blends the allure of high fantasy with the grit of a survival story, inviting readers on a journey through enchanted realms, political intrigue, and the depths of the human (and not-so-human) spirit."

Nakshatra_studios · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Night of Prophecy

It was the kind of night that had everyone buzzing with excitement, the air crackling not just from the elaborate light displays but also from the sheer anticipation. The Godling empire was throwing what could easily be the bash of the century, if not the millennium. At the heart of it all was the celebration of Prince Veer Chandravansh's birth, the newest addition to the royal lineage. Imagine the fanciest party you've ever been to and then multiply it by about a hundred—that's what was going down at the royal palace.


King Badra and Queen Aradya were the stars of the evening, second only to the little prince himself. The palace was a spectacle, with towers reaching up like fingers trying to tickle the stars. Jewels and lights adorned every surface, making the place shimmer like a dream. The guest list was a who's who of the realm—elves mingling with beastmen, dragons circling overhead, even a couple of orcs trying not to break anything too expensive. It was a sight to behold.


But then, just when the party was hitting its stride, in came the Royal Seer. Picture this: the music dims, the chatter dies down, and all eyes are on this enigmatic figure, draped in robes that seemed to swirl with the mysteries of the universe. Talk about making an entrance.


"Good evening, everyone," the Seer began, his voice calm but carrying a weight that had everyone leaning in. "I come bearing a message from the weave of fate, a prophecy of great importance."


You could hear a pin drop. Even the orcs were standing still, and that's saying something.


King Badra stepped forward, the picture of kingly concern. "Please, share with us what the fates have revealed to you," he said, his voice steady but everyone could tell he was worried.


The Seer nodded solemnly. "The tapestry of destiny is in turmoil. A shadow, dark and deep, threatens to envelop our world. It comes not because of the prince's birth but moves independent of it. Yet, in his coming, there lies a glimmer of hope, a potential to turn back the darkness."


The crowd was a mix of whispers and gasps. Elves were known for their stoicism, but even they looked shaken. A beastman muttered, "Well, that's not exactly party talk, is it?"


King Badra, ever the protector, pressed on. "How long do we have? When will this shadow fall upon us?"


"Seventeen years," the Seer replied, his gaze never wavering. "By then, the prince will have just begun to explore his path, his power still budding."


Seventeen years. It sounded like a lot, but everyone knew it wasn't. Not for something like this.


"What can we do?" It was Queen Aradya who spoke now, her voice like a melody that somehow cut through the tension.


The Seer looked at her, then at the king, and then over the crowd. "The path will be difficult, fraught with challenges and choices that may seem insurmountable. But in unity, in the strength of your convictions and the bonds that tie you to each other and to this world, there lies hope. The prince is key, yes, but so too is every soul who stands against the coming darkness."


The king and queen shared a look—a mix of fear, determination, and love. Not just for their son, but for their people, their world.


"Thank you," King Badra said, his voice firm. "We will take your words to heart. We will prepare, and we will stand together."


The Seer simply nodded, his part played, for now, leaving the stage as mysteriously as he had entered.


The crowd slowly began to buzz again, but the mood had shifted. There was fear, yes, but also a sense of unity, a shared purpose. It's amazing how a bit of prophecy can do that, isn't it?


King Badra raised his glass, his voice rising over the murmur. "To the future," he toasted, "to our children, and to the strength we find in each other."


"To the future," echoed back, a chorus of voices from every corner of the realm.


And so, the night went on. The music swelled once more, the lights seemed to shine a bit brighter, and the party found its spirit again. But beneath the festivities, under the laughter and the songs, there was a new resolve, a shared understanding that the path ahead was not just one of celebration but of preparation and unity.


As the guests danced, feasted, and shared stories of their own adventures and trials, the conversations subtly shifted. Now, they spoke not just of past glories but of future endeavors, of ways they might support the young prince and the kingdom in the face of the coming darkness. The elves discussed ancient magics that might be rekindled, the beastmen spoke of alliances between the races that could strengthen their collective defenses, and even the orcs, in their own gruff way, offered their strength and loyalty.


In a quiet corner of the palace, King Badra, Queen Aradya, and a close circle of advisors convened an impromptu council. The joy of the evening was tempered by the weight of responsibility now placed upon their shoulders. They spoke of the Seer's words, dissecting each sentence for clues, for any edge they might use to protect their world and their son.


"We must begin Veer's education as soon as he is ready," the king declared, his resolve steeling. "Not just in the ways of our people, but in the knowledge of all races. He must understand this world in its entirety if he is to save it."


Queen Aradya nodded, her mind racing with plans for her son's future. "And we must reach out to the other races in earnest. If this darkness is to be faced, it will be together, as a united front."


Their advisors agreed, each pledging their expertise and their lives to the cause. Plans were made to travel the realm, to forge alliances and gather knowledge that might aid in their quest. It was a monumental task, but one they accepted without hesitation.


As dawn began to color the sky, the guests departed, each carrying with them the weight of the prophecy and the hope for the future. The palace slowly quieted, the remnants of the celebration a stark contrast to the solemn mood that had settled over its inhabitants.


King Badra and Queen Aradya retired to their chambers, their hearts heavy but filled with an unbreakable love for their son. They stood over his crib, watching him sleep, innocent and unaware of the role he was destined to play.


"We will protect you," Aradya whispered, her words a vow. "And we will prepare you. For you are not just our son, but the hope of our world."


The king placed his hand on her shoulder, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Together," he said, "we will face whatever comes. For our son, for our people, for the future."


As the first light of dawn crept into the room, casting a gentle glow over the sleeping prince, the king and queen knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges. But they also knew that with courage, love, and unity, there was nothing they could not overcome.