
The Goblin God's Predator Simulation System

Yes, I'm publishing it on RR. I'm Lord Trexer. Bozo, a goblin, ends up getting killed at the hands of some cruel humans. This is something normal in the world, but Bozo feels betrayed. He is angry. Why must they be hunted? Why can’t they live in peace? His rage defined odds and his hatred against humanity, awakened the slumbering entity: Predator Simulation System. [If the host gains high-rank ratings, then he will be able to get good rewards and skills from the simulation which he could use in real life.] [The death in the simulation will not affect host, but he can no longer simulate the character that has died.] Bozo, the unfortunate goblin, finally had a fortunate encounter. His plan of revenge against humanity, and his plan to build a kingdom of his own could finally set in motion after he has grown stronger, all thanks to the Predator Simulation System which was destined to belong to a monster… or being who would become a true monster in the future! … Join the discord: https://discord.gg/BSU2UZT4s2 … Inspiration for writing style is taken from: Immortal cultivation simulation, world traveler simulation system, and Reincarnated as a wolf with cheats. …

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
189 Chs

Chapter 14: It’s fine, you tried your best. For a goblin, you were impressive! 

Chapter 14: It's fine, you tried your best. For a goblin, you were impressive! 

Bozo noticed he was bleeding a lot and tried to use his regeneration skill, but it didn't work well. Only half of the healing happened before he got too tired. His body felt weak, and fatigue started to set in.

He worried that if he collapsed, the nearby beasts might attack him because of the smell of blood. If he passed out, he wouldn't even have a chance to defend himself.

Bozo did his best, staying close to the bushes with his low energy. He thought about climbing trees for safety, but they were too tall. Even a short one felt like a huge mountain to him.

His vision got blurry, and limping around drained even more energy. After about three minutes, poor Bozo fell to the ground with barely open eyes. He tried to drag himself forward, but it seemed useless. To make matters worse, a series of howls caught his attention.

As if a surge of adrenaline hit him, Bozo struggled to stand up a bit, attempting to move, but he ended up falling back to the ground as a beast leaped towards him.


[You have been surrounded by Common Wolves, Rank E.]

'How many?'

[They number 7.]

Bozo grit his teeth as he heard that. 

'Why must I die at the hands of an E rank monsters?', a drop of tear escaped his left eye.

'Why is it that, even in the same rank, we goblins are the weakest?'

'Why must we be considered the bottom feeders?', Bozo's hatred expanded. It wasn't somply limited to humans anymore. Other beasts who looked down on them and were ready hunt them hunt them without hesitation at first glance, had also come within his radar.

"Ha… Do you think I will go down without a fight?", Bozo's determination and rage reignitied as he pulled himself up with the support of an old tree's trunk. All the seven wolves stood in front of him.

Bozo's focused gaze and determination filled the air around him, a faint steam starting to envelop his body. But the wolves weren't impressed; he still seemed like an easy target.

The wolf that had spotted Bozo earlier took a step forward, as if signaling that he alone could finish Bozo off. "Ha... underestimating me, are you now?" Bozo chuckled with a mocking face, his eyes shadowed with two red dots of enraged pupils.

He raised his left hand and extended it, saying, "Come." The wolf wasted no time and leapt towards Bozo, its sharp canines ready to bite. However, using a nearby tree for support, Bozo jumped to the left, evading the attack and causing the wolf to crash into the tree. 


The wolf howled in pain, and the others started laughing, mocking their fellow wolf, Jara. Bozo couldn't understand their words, but he could tell they were making fun of Jara. 

The wolf's head spun for a second before it stared at Bozo who was limping at the side.

"Kahahaha, Jara, looks like you live up to the title of 'Huntless Wolf'. You can't even hunt this bastard, how will you hunt anything else? Kahahaha.", all the wolves started making fun of him.

Jara, the so-called 'Huntless Wolf,' had never been successful in a hunt. The wolves ridiculed him for failing to catch even a dead worm, mistaking a leaf for an enemy, and choking while drinking water. 

Imagine, just imagine a wolf failing to hunt a dead worm. Heck, once he thought he had hunted a worm and succeeded in killing it, but the worm was just pretending. When he turned his attention to the other side, the worm disappeared.

He is such an idiot that once he chased a dead leaf of a tree, thinking it was an enemy. It fell on his eyes and made him cry for one whole day!

If he breathes too much cold air, he suffers from a weird cold condition and would stop wheezing.

He once choked while drinking water... like seriously?

All this pent up anger erupted at the moment. Wolves, being prideful monsters, couldn't stand the chance of others dodging their attacks, especially a goblin on the verge of death. 

"Watch me."

Jara, sneering at his friends, leaped towards Bozo again, who was now without a tree for support. 

It was difficult to dodge due to the missing limb which also reduced his range.

Bozo, lacking a limb and in a dilemma, hadn't given up. His only weapon was his long, sharp nails, though not durable. He glanced at his green-fungus-filled nails and aimed for Jara's chest. Jumping forward, he seemed to be helping the wolf close the distance.

"Kahahaha! Look at him! He's giving up his own life! Jara, today might be the day you finally hunt!" one wolf laughed, but Bozo remained focused on Jara. The distance closed, and both of them were now dangerously close.

Bozo quickly formed a makeshift spear with his right arm, using his nails as the spearhead. Unsure if it could penetrate the wolf, he activated the Rage of Berserker skill 



Rank: S

-> Strength, Perception, Dexterity and Agility will be increased by 20 points for 1 minute. The skill will automatically be unavailable after 1 minute of it's use with cool down time = usage time x 10.

-> To use the skill, the host must have 50% Stamina.

-> Cost: 1 MP per second.

Quest (S): Title

-> Kill 3 beings possessing the skill 'Berserker'.

Reward: You will receive the title: Berserker God; effects will be known upon completion of the quest.


Bozo had just 2 MP at the moment. He had just 2 seconds to use the skill. Therefore, he made sure he decreased the distance properly before activating it.

And as he activated, he thrust his arm forward.

To the wolves, it looked like a spear was thrown at Jara.

Just before the attack, the wolves' instincts screamed a warning. 

"Jara! Be careful!" his friends yelled. 

Jara was an idiot… He had instincts just like others but couldn't understand what they were. A tingly sensation did burn his body, but Jara failed to recognize it. Thankfully, his friends screamed at the nick of the time.

Jara barely turned his body to the left at the last second, which saved his life at the cost of his eye.

Bozo had full preparation to rip out Jara's heart, but this deviation landed the penetrating hit to his right eye ball. Albeit a scratch, the eyeball was completely torn causing a large amount of red blood to drip on the ground.

"Aarrrghhh!", Jara screamed as he fell on the ground.

Bozo fell hard on the ground on his abdomen, wincing in pain just like Jara.

'Dammit… Dammit all!', As shadows towered over him, Bozo feared it was too late. His hit had failed, and being on the ground was a big mistake.


It would have been the end for him today… if not for some others arriving at the scene.

An arrow came flying and fell between Bozo and the wolves.

"???", this alerted the wolves.

"Get away from him!", a loud roar reverberated, a language that Bozo understood.

'Goblins?', a faint image of a large number of goblins chasing the wolves appeared in his mind, before he fell unconscious.

A/N: Join the discord: https://discord.gg/BSU2UZT4s2

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