
Chapter 23 – First meeting

Walking at a decent pace behind Yuki, Adam was currently reminiscing on his past 12 days of training.

From the first day that he began training he had felt something different. In his past life, though he wasn't fit, he had tried exercises. The feeling of working out was a rewarding sensation of gradual progression.

Though it was not visible on a daily basis the pain and exhaustion that a workout brought were indicators of the body developing.

In his training sessions, Adam not only felt this pain and exhaustion but he could also feel the magicules in his body actively moulding it. This was a completely different feeling. If the reward felt from a normal workout was 1 then the feeling that he got while training was 100.

It was a kind of euphoric feeling of accomplishment and progression that he could not put into words.

On top of this, his body itself was growing at an incredible pace in strength. Not everyone can get used to carrying twice their weight within twelve days and not overwork their muscles in the process.

This would be utterly inconceivable with his previous worlds standards.

While he was rejoicing over his recent accomplishment, they had already reached the dining room and sat down in their respective spots on the low lying dining table.

They ate their dinner with a few idle conversations. When they were done Adam asked Yuki: "Mother what good news do you have?"

Yuki loved to joke and over exaggerate sometimes so he wasn't raising his hopes too high. He was treating the matter very casually.

"Hehe, you don't seem to be very optimistic about what I'm about to say." She giggled because she understood what he was thinking.

"Mother you always do this. I'm used to it by now." His voice had a hint of resignation in it.

"Oh ho. This time is different! I really do have good news. I found someone." Seeing how sure he was that she had no good news, she blurted out a bit of the secret that she was trying to keep.

"Found someone? Who were you looking for? Oh! Mother did you perhaps find a person who will adventure with me?!" It had been a while and he had been solely focusing on his training these past few days. The thought of finding a member to join his party had completely slipped his mind.

"Aaaah, I let it slip…" She pouted. Obviously sad at her inability to keep up the mystery. "It's all okay though. Yes, I found someone who fits my… I mean… our requirements." She fumbled a little.

"Mother." He shook his head.

"What?!" She gave a stern glare, trying to hide her embarrassment at her earlier slip-up.

"Nothing. So who is it?" He brought back the topic they were discussing.

"That's a secret. You will find out when you go pick them up tomorrow." She said with an air of mystery.

"Tomorrow? That quick?" Surprise evident in his voice.

"Yes, so rest well tonight. You can go pick that person up in the morning."

"I will follow your instructions. Thank you, mother."

"Good. There's no need for thanks between us. It is only such a small thing. You are my son, so of course, I would gladly help." She said with pride.

"Thank you, mother. I am not worthy of the love you give me."He looked down then said. He knew that she just asked him not to thank her but her words and actions had truly touched him.

She had gone out every day after working at the lodge to search for this person, it was all for him and yet she treated it like it was only normal.

His heart had long since promised that he would do everything in his power to protect and repay this wonderful mother of his.

A soft and warm gentle look overcame Yuki's face. She lifted his face with her two palms and met gazes with him. "You are my only son. If I don't love you, then who will I love?" It was such a simple statement but it held so much care and affection within.

Adam did not know why but these words caused his mind to go blank and his lips to quiver. If he had lost any more control, his eyes were bound to release tears.

'I can afford to disappoint the world. I can even afford to disappoint myself. But if I ever disappoint her I will have truly lost all respect for myself. I can no longer afford to be mediocre. I need to be better. To give her the pride to say that she raised me.'

Everything he had done and the goals he had set till now were all things he did for himself. However, he had now gained an additional reason to be great. His path as an adventurer was chosen.

Now, he would do everything in his power to reach the pinnacle of this path. To bring glory not only to himself but also this outstanding mother of his.

It was a simple reason but the strength that it provided to his resolve was incomparable.

Calming down, he spent a few more minutes in conversation with Yuki.

"Enough, you should sleep early today. You have a very big day tomorrow." Yuki cut the conversation short.

"All right. Goodnight mother."

"Goodnight dear." This was the first time she had called him 'dear' but neither of them noticed it. Unknowingly they had gotten closer.


The next morning. Adam was already awake when Fen walked into his room.

Fen was almost frightened to death when she saw a silhouette standing in the darkroom, looking straight at her.


Her animated and exaggerated response sent Adam into a fit of laughter while she came over to him and kept lightly thumping his chest with her curled up fists.

The loud scream had alarmed a few other girls working nearby so they came to check up on her. Seeing the scene of the furious Fen and laughing young master, they figured that he must have teased her so they all let out relieved sigh's and went back to work.

The two finally calmed down after a while.

Adam decided to skip breakfast and go directly to the spot his mother had given him directions to the previous night.

Fen informed a few of the girls to report to Yuki about Adam's plans and quickly followed after the fast-paced young master.

Yuki had already arranged everything. All he had to do was go there and pick up the person. He was not given any more information than this. This only further fueled his curiosity.

Making his way through the streets of the city Adam crossed by Blue Lane the commercial street of this city and arrived at a bustling street within minutes.

This street was known as fang street.

Looking around while he walked to his destination, he saw countless small and big shops lined across both sides of the street. The road of this street was actually wider than the one at Blue lane street.

Almost none of the stores here had the guild's plaque displayed on their storefronts.

Adam had heard about this street and knew why it was so. All the stores here dealt in services like betting, gambling, etc. While the goods sold in the stores were either stolen or second-hand goods, set for resale. They were obviously not recognised by the guilds but were still mostly legal.

This place was a mix of a red light district and a black market. It would be a completely different world at night.

In the morning, however, it was a bustling place where the locals would shop because of the inexpensive nature of the products sold.

It had thus become an integral part of the city. Receiving the name of Fang street was another indicator of that.

Walking through the crowd Adam reached a rather quiet location, with very few people walking around.

"Young master of the Four Ways Lodge!" A tall and well-built man with a handsome face came towards him. He had jet black hair that was slicked back with two similarly black feline ears atop his head. There was also a black tail that was swaying behind him.

He was dressed in a high waist puffy cloth pant with a bared upper chest.

"You are?"

"I am Ungad of the black panther tribe. I was told by madam Yuki that you would come."

"Hmph." Fen let out a sound filled with clear disdain for the man.

Adam was surprised. His big sis was such a joyful and timid girl. What could make her hate this man soo much?

"What do you do Ungad?" Curious, he decided to ask the profession of the man.

"I am a slave trader. Most of the girls that madam Yuki has purchased for the lodge have been provided by me. Including the one behind you. I hope that my products have not disappointed." He said nonchalantly with a wide grin playing on his face.

Adam didn't know why but the words said right now had truly disgusted him.

'Appearances can be deceiving. He looked like a genuine man but his trade…' Adam did not want to converse with the man any longer than he had to.

He also did not want to argue with him as it would be pointless. Even though he wanted to refute the last statement that Ungad had made. He resisted the urge.

"I haven't come here for pleasantries. Lets cut to the chase. If you don't mind…" Adam was very direct now.

"Of course, of course. Right, this way young master." he walked toward a long tent that had been set up to the side.

"You can call me Adam." 'Young master' was something Fen and the other big sisters would call him as. He wasn't too happy with this man doing the same.

He followed the man into the tent.

"As you wish… master Adam" the man was experienced in the trade. Nothing seemed to faze him.

Walking into the tent an empty space opened up with a stage in the centre. Two scantily dressed maidens were standing beside the stage.

When they saw Ungad walk in with Adam and Fen they immediately bowed and greeted them.

"You! go get the customers some refreshments and you, go get the product that madam Yuki requested." Ungad gave out orders as soon as he walked in. Pointing at each of the girls and giving them separate instructions.

Both girls immediately walked further into the tent without a word. Disappearing into the curtains behind the stage.

"Would you like me to get seats for you master Adam?" He asked politely.

"No. we should be fine. Thank you." He had no intention of staying here any longer than he had to. But he also did not want to start getting impolite so he replied courteously.

No matter how much he didn't agree with the man, he wasn't going to forsake his manners in a polite conversation. Why should he lower his standards for someone like this? He would be the only one losing if he started to get impolite.

He had been taught the arts and sophistry through Yuki's efforts. Manners as such held very high importance to him.

'Manners provide discipline and discipline is what separates animals from men. In fact, there are even some animals that follow discipline in their own ways.' How could intelligent creatures forsake manners and discipline when even some animals would strictly follow them. Giving them up would then mean that they are worst than animals, wouldn't it?

Waiting for a while the two girls came back. One had a platter of juices and fruits while another was escorting a completely black veiled figure that was about the same height as Adam.

The veiled figure was brought to the centre of the stage that was two steps high. this was directly in front of where Adam was standing.

"Master Adam would you like something." The man offered as he filled a glass with juice.

"No. thank you for the offer."

"It is the least I can do." He didn't fill another glass and completely ignored Fen as if she wasn't even present in the room.

Adam frowned a little. Fen was his family. This man had only just ignored her so he didn't get too furious but he was getting very close to snapping.

"Take off the veil. Show the master what he has purchased." Ungad's loud and energetic voice rang out in this hall of the tent.

Woosh! The veil that hung over the figure was pulled up by the girl standing beside in grand fashion. They were obviously quite experienced at this. They must have done so countless times before.

"Huh?" Adam was left speechless.

He had thought of a lot of possibilities and this was one of them but something about what he saw left him unable to form any sentences.

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