
the glow of the field

Alt_7856 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

who am I..

The field's were empty, the breeze flows like silk hanging from a window to dry, green land, foggy interior forest.

It was like a dream, a dream you've never had before?

Why was I here..how did i get here...am I dreaming?

(I thought to myself)

In my previous life I was a girl a common girl who went to school and scored good grades...I wasn't popular back then boys my age never eyed me once...

I looked back at my hands, my hands?

Yes that's it...they are slender and pale..not quite my original hands?

Who do these belong to?

(I thought to myself again)

Why do I feel light headed..

I looked back at my hands, I gently twisted them in different angles I explored the soft curves and the Veins that showed from the outside exterior confused?

Yes, I was confused..

I looked at my legs..my legs are long and pale...but they don't look like they belong to a woman?

Who do these legs belong tow?

I asked myself, in thought...

If I could find a mirror...I need to find a mirror...

I walked around the field.. it was too much for me...no trees around me but far away from me...where could a mirror be in a open field like this. Once I took a step forward I sank, My heart dropped in fear...something I couldn't see had dragged me deep bellow and it was pitch black...I couldn't scream or yell, I fell like I was underwater yet it was hollow in the inside but I didn't know that did I?

I couldn't see where I was at all?

Once I had fallen deep enough I felt the end of this mysterious tunnel, I placed my tow feet on the surface I couldn't see..Once I had settled in I looked up only to see my reflection.

I couldn't believe what I've seen..I'm not a girl...I'm not female!

But I'm a girl?

What exactly am I?

I looked deeply into my reflection..only to see a tall young albino man standing before me...at first I thought it was somebody else when the thought hits me like a bullet, that isn't somebody else...that's me...it's me?

you get pulled into another world by a dream you've only had once, you meet yourself different from what you imagine

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