
whatever happens

But Mother had been serious. When the next decade came, when they got to the 1960s there'd be nothing a woman couldn't do. Even this year people were beginning to accept that a woman could run things.

Look at poor Kathleern Sullivan over there across the road, filling tractors with fuel, supervising the man from the oil company when he came to restock. A few years ago they wouldn't have taken an order from a woman, preferring to deal with any man, even one as obviously incapable as Billy Sullivan.

"But it all depends on being ready for it, Kit. Will you promise me whatever happens that you'll work hard at school?"

"Yes, yes of course." Kit was impatient. Why did it always have to come back to this in the end? But there was something in Mother's face that made this sound different.

"Sit here beside me and hold my hand, and promise me that you'll remember this day. It's an important day for you, let's mark it by something else. Let's make it the day you promised your mother that you'd prepare yourself for the world properly." Kit had looked hat her blankly.

"I know it sounds like the old refrain... but if only I were your age again... if only... I would work so hard. Oh Kit, if I'd known..." Her mother's face was anguished. Kit was very alarmed "Known what? What is it, Mam? What didn't you know?"

"That being educated makes you free. Having a career, a place, a position, you can do what you want."

"But you did what you wanted, didn't you? You married Dad, and you had us?" Kit knew her own face must be white because she saw her mother's expression change. Her mother stroked her cheek. "Yes, yes of course I did." She was soothing, like she was when she told Emmet there were no demons in the dark, when she encouraged Farouk the cat to come out from a hidey place behind the sofa.