
The Glass Crown

She's the Alpha female, one that was born with the title although somehow...it wasn't dormant. Had she been entirely a wolf, the Alpha in her DNA would have remained sleeping, fading away as she grew. It seems this woman came from thin air, arriving on a deadbeat Alphas land and taking it from his weak little hands. This woman is determined, to make her own pack, to take the weakest wolves and shape them into soldiers. It becomes survival of the fittest, and barely half of them are left standing by the end of the week. Eventually like all men, they learn that a woman is capable of ruling, perhaps even more than a man. Men jump for war, they say women are too weak, too gentle to decide such things. Perhaps that was the case, before she came along. The Alpha female has strength beyond that of men, fearlessness, honour, authority. She is far from gentle, and far from having mercy, although she too learns that a pack works both ways. While she is capable of love, and kindness to her wolves, all outside her borders are but another enemy. She's the flame to the fire, the very first spark of life into the war approaching. Time, that is all she must require in order to finish what she started. See, This Alpha Female doesn't wish to obey any man. No Elder, No Alpha, No mate. To do that, she must overthrow them. Given she'd had a lifetime to plan every single detail, including the hiccups along the way, nothing is going to stop her from accomplishing her purpose. Naturally, men underestimate her constantly, without knowing she is far more capable that any Alpha. She is the one strong enough to tear down the Elders and their laws, for she doesn't just command wolves, but Lycans too. The very beasts that refuse to bow to the moon herself. The Alpha Female is ready for war...are you?

Amber1999 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"Try that shit again, and I'll have our Alpha rip your head off!" The brute beastly man snarls his poison yellow teeth at me, in desperate need of cleaning.

His attempt to frighten me with a mere show of anger immediately fails. Merely amused by the arrogant beast, his words go right over my head. I rise to his challenge, straightening my spine, strength coursing through every atom in my body.

"Is that so?" I challenge, my voice ringing with intense power.

The two men instantly chill to the bone, their wolves cowering at the unexpected domination residing within me. The two wolves are silent, mouths agape in shock, whilst their flesh trembles in fright.

Change is unsettling for wolves, it shakes us to our core. The world is changing, and it's about time wolves evolve from the ancient laws binding them to their weak human side.

"W-who are you?" One of the men find the courage to speak, utterly taken back in my presence.

I fixate my gaze on the simple man, my eyebrow arched.

"My name is Calliope Vanzetti, to you...I am Alpha."

"Alpha?" The man repeats like a docile child.

I smile sinisterly. "Long live the Queen."


~ One Year Later ~

I watch from afar, my distance keeping me within earshot and yet out of sight of the feral female.

The woman is above average height, seemingly the perfect height. She carries jet black hair that falls in luscious waves, tied back in a simple ponytail that somehow adds to her beauty. Her skin is clear, a light golden tan covering her, a natural colour I assume as there's almost no sun here. Even from the distance between us, those forest green eyes are sharp, calculating everything and everyone. Her body is lean with muscle, and somehow curvaceous with a slender waist and wider hips. Her stomach flat, glistening with sweat as she trains with her pack.

A year ago this woman proclaimed herself Alpha, her strength and will beyond most. The pack she found were weak, living as humans to survive, going against their very nature simply to live. She taught them endurance, and strength, she showed them patience and discipline. This woman who came from know-here, did the one thing no woman in history has been capable of doing.

She became Alpha.

Her DNA proved her title to be true, but that didn't mean the pack obeyed. If anything they disobeyed more, unwilling to obey and bend to a female. Like most men, they refused to be controlled by a woman.

Now those very men that once spat in her face, lift her when she falls. Those disobedience wolves that would not obey, now seek to please their Alphas wishes.

One year is a long time for a Alpha wolf to be treated so harshly, and yet she managed it. She kept her temper under control, she didn't force them into submission or abuse them when they lashed out at her. She gave them guidance, she gave them meaning, she showed them what it meant to be a wolf.

Her pack is ready, but the world is not. For Calliope Vanzetti is Alpha of the Red Claw, she is the Queen, and she has every intention to change the supernatural laws on what a female can and cannot do.