

"So Alexander, did you enjoyed the fight?"

"Yes dad it was amazing."

"But now son we have to come back home."

"Ok dad" - after 10 minutes:

Alexander's dad is knocking on the door.Claudia is opening.

"Hello again boys, did you liked the fights in the arena?"

"Yes mum it was so interesting the winner cut off his opponent's hand and then he cut off his throat."

"Ok son." "Now I'm going to the kitchen to make the dinner." Alexander and his father pass the threshold and then close the door.

"Son, go to help your mother with the dinner."

"Alright" - Alexander is going to the kitchen. Plinius removes his shoes and suddenly someone is knocking on the door. Plinius is opening the door and he see a man who's dressed in black.

"Yes what is it ?" - the man pierce Plinius with a knife. Plinius is falling on the ground and the blood begins to come out. Alexander and his mother hear the noise and they go to check what's going on. They see Plinius laying on the ground dead. Alexander is frozen because of the sight. His mother tells him to go somewhere to hide. Then she take a knife and attack the thief. He dodge hers attack and then he pierce her.She is fell on the ground.

"Alexander save yourself!" - thats the final words she said before she die. Alexander is behind the table but he don't know what he have to do now.

"Boy where are you?" "You do not need to hide!" - the thief is in the middle of the room.

*Think Alexander, think!* *What are you supposed to do now. * - he see a knife next to him.

*If I can sneak behind him and then kill him I will be safe. * *But I have to do it quickly. * - He gets the knife and start moving slowly. He is behind him.

"Thats for my family,you asshole! * - He pierce the thief and then he cut off his neck to be sure he will die.

" I did it!" " But my parents they are all gone! "

" And how I'm supposed to live now? ""I guess I will have to steal to be able to live." - Alexander leave his home. The only two things he have is the knife and the clothes on him.

" Outside is already dark and I'm starving!" "I will have to steal something or I will die!"


Raden Dragomirov