
759. Chapter 759

“Kara!” Alex’s voice is level at a whisper, but to her little sibling, all the way in Central City, it’s more than loud enough.

So Kara soars.

“What’s wrong, Alex?” they ask, only slightly out of breath despite nearly breaking the sound barrier on the way to their sister.

“Oh, um… nothing’s… I’m sorry, I just…” Alex squirms and she worries at her hands, and Kara’s muscles relax; this is awkward gay Alex panic, not angry DEO agent Alex panic.

Sure enough, Alex sighs with a confession: “I don’t know what to wear on this date with Maggie tonight.”

Kara would scoff, but the amount of times they’ve sent their sister an SOS about what to wear… this is the least they can do.

“Are you going for sexy or cute or comfy or some mix or something else completely?” they ask.

Alex’s whole body relaxes as Kara thumbs through her closet.

“Sexy but not like… too sexy?”

Kara smiles at the sudden appearance of bright red on Alex’s cheeks. They keep their grin as they hold up outfit after outfit for Alex appraisingly.

“So where were you?” Alex asks as she shimmies into one of the dresses Kara pulled out for her.

“With Team Flash. Cisco and Winn are working on a binder safe for my suit, kind of like Barry’s but for a Kryptonian, and Caitlin wanted to do some tests to make sure the fibers wouldn’t hurt me.”

“That’s awesome, Kara!” Alex grins from ear to ear, but Kara hears right through their sister’s false surprise.

“You’ve been working on it with them too, haven’t you?” they accuse happily, and Alex nods even as she stares critically at herself in the mirror.

“You know you’re picking up Maggie’s head tilt,” Kara observes as they both decide against the dress and Alex goes for the pants and shirt Kara’s holding out for her.

“Yeah yeah yeah,” Alex murmurs, clearly pleased as her blush rises again.

“And what about you? With Lena? You picking up any of her habits? Oh wait. You’re too nervous to ask her out.”

Kara scowls good-naturedly before growing serious, worrying at the inside of their cheek with their teeth.

“There’s just so much… me being Superel and her mom being Cadmus? It puts her in too much danger. And I just – ”

“Kara, she’s your best friend. Besides me. And you really think that’s any safer for her than it would be to date you? I mean hell, Kara, what do you call what you guys do now anyway? Weekly brunches and mutual lip staring? I mean really, Maggie says – ”

“Oof, Maggie’s gonna love that outfit. That’s the one. As long as you feel good in it?”

Alex looks down at herself and grins: her sibling’s right. Maggie really will like this outfit, and hell, so does she.

“Okay, awesome. Thank you. But don’t think I didn’t notice that subject change you made there. Call Lena. Right now. Maggie and I are going dancing. Come with us, both of you. Double date.”

“Whenever you and Maggie try to go out, aliens invade,” Kara points out dryly.

Alex shrugs but doesn’t deny it as she slips her alien stun gun into her thigh strap.

“All the more reason for you to come along.”

“And bring a date?”

Alex smirks. “Works for me. Come on, sib. You like her! She likes you! Just ask! She’ll swoon so much she’ll barely be able to get out the door, but – ”


Kara adjusts their glasses and pulls their hair back, biting their lip and taking a deep breath.

“Hi Lena!” Alex pumps her fist excitedly in the background, and Kara shushes her with a wave of their hand.

“Um, so, Alex and Maggie are going dancing tonight, and Alex thought – I mean I thought – I mean Alex doesn’t disagree, we wouldn’t be crashing, I’m assuming it’s okay with Maggie?” Alex nods eagerly and gestures Kara along. “I just thought… twenty minutes? You can be ready that quickly? Yeah. Yes. I’ll… I’ll pick you up. Yes. Okay. Soon. Bye.”

Kara spins on their heel so hard they corkscrew through the floor; the third time this week, but neither they nor Alex mind. “She wound up asking me! Oh Rao – Alex, what do I wear?!”