
The girl with the golden rose

Miracles are really lovely concepts that people love to hold onto and try to grasp in their hands when it seems things are hopeless, or like children making wishes for crazy things at the wishing well with a nickel. Although Viviana was from a rich home and envied by others as a child, her life took a downturn when she fell sick as a teenager and her days became dark. From then on She had always longed for a miracle and when she thought it was almost over, it came at last. It wasn't just any kind of miracle, it gave her a chance to live her life the way she imagined it...........or so she thought. This is a story of how a simple miracle changed Viviana's life, uncovering many miseries around her and like every normal girl, how she found love at last. "If we have met at another time under different circumstances nothing on Earth or in the skies would ever make me let you go. Promise me you would beat this thing" --- Kyle Xavier "Even if they all say we are wrong and it will burn, that we are just young and foolish then let it burn but we enjoy it while it lasts what's wrong about being young and foolish. Everyone was once young and foolish weren't they" --- Ark Walter "The moon is beautiful isn't it but we can't deny the stars are prettier" --- Luis Cruz. Let's join Viviana on a journey of self discovery as she discovers the truth about her birth after she was given a miracle of second chance.

jodiekesh27 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

New Identities Part 3

Tatiana's lively personality lit up the atmosphere and lightened the tension in the room. "And you must be Kaiser, following in your father's footsteps. I am sure that Ludwig looked exactly like you when he was young, when you turn 18, be sure to call my number. I would teach you many new things." Tatiana declared before bursting into a laugh along with Christina, who found it funny.

Kaiser felt uncomfortable with the sudden attention given to him along with Tatiana's statement and gave off a nervous laughter while scratching his hair. He was a spitting image of his father. Ludwig, growing increasingly annoyed by Tatiana's chatter, disrupted the atmosphere with his following remark. " Tatiana, let's skip the pleasantries. We're running short on time, did you manage to do what I asked?"

Everyone adjusted their behavior, reminded of the purpose that had brought them together. Tatiana giggled at Ludwig's statement before standing up. "You're such a buzzkill! Ever thought about kicking back and giving your brilliant mind a rest for some fun?" She was searching the shelves for something until she saw a wooden box, which she picked up and placed on the floor.

" So I went through so much stress trying to arrange all you requested and made sure only my trusted allies were involved to ensure no information was leaked. So we can say this was achieved almost foolproof." Tatiana unlocked the wooden box with her key then opened it, taking out envelopes which she handed over to Ludwig.

" Since we all know Europe isn't safe for you guys as vampires have a certain influence here, and you requested I do a search on North America. Well, America is predominantly werewolf territories, so they are basically the main creatures you should be wary of. That, of course, won't be an issue since they mainly live in packs, so I just had to find an area which isn't under any pack territory and if by chance you run into rogue werewolves that won't be any issue for Ludwig to handle." Tatiana observed Ludwig's expression, hoping to get any hint he was satisfied with her work, but his expression was totally unreadable.

Since she didn't get any reaction, she explained further. " So I was able to get you guys new Identities, green cards, drivers licenses, work permits, enrolled Kaiser in a high school basically arranged everything for you to move. I bought a very nice house with a lakeside view, converted all Ludwig's money and deposited it in a bank, and so on."

Christina was overwhelmed by the sudden news of leaving Europe all of a sudden. She wasn't expecting this move. She thought maybe they would just go to another European country, Her brows furrowed noticeably, revealing both her displeasure and confusion. Tatiana understood Christina's sentiment and felt sorry for her. It must be difficult to adapt to everything. " Christina, I know you are not settled with the fact of leaving Europe all of a sudden, but this is the best course of action. You must be tired of running from place to place, and I can assure that the city I picked would be up to your liking. It's a sizable city, so getting accustomed to it should be hassle-free, considering the usual high number of migrants residing there. It is close to the ocean and very busy. Port Marino will be an excellent place for you."

Ludwig, who was done looking through the documents. " Are you sure you covered everything thoroughly." He asked Tatiana. 

" Yes, I did. I got you and Kaisers British citizenship, particularly from England, since you have a superb English accent, while Christina still has a German citizenship, which is very suitable for her. You would be working as a doctor while Christina a book editor in a publishing house. I refrained from establishing a company because I realize your inclination for a discreet lifestyle, especially given the unexpected nature of a vampire working in a hospital surrounded by blood." She paused then continued. " Your new names would be Casper, Ark and Petra because I gave Ludwig a backstory of being of German roots, that's also why your wife is German. And you would go by the last name Walter."

She also chirped in addition information. " The reason I selected those professions for you is because Christina was a book author before you met. so all I needed was to get a university certificate and Ludwig, you have multiple certificate qualifications as you have been to tertiary institutions multiple times and are already well versed with the medical field. I only just gave you some journals and books that would help you cope with new technologies now used in medicine. I am sure you would have no issues understanding them."

Tatiana checked the time on her wristwatch, seeing that she had wasted a lot of time as Ludwig and his family had a flight to catch. " I don't think any of you have any questions, do you." Her eyes scanned through the group. Christina and Kaiser nodded, dismissing the question.

" Alright then." Tatiana then snapped her fingers, indicating she remembered something. " You have to be careful not to do anything that would give away your identities as vampires even though port Marino is vampire and werewolf free, also not really under the territory of any non-human creatures. It doesn't mean there would not be a few other mystical creatures living there, as the city is very busy. I am sure they might not be necessary hostile, but you still need to be careful as vampires have numerous enemies. Take this warning serious."

Tatiana took a breath out since she had spoken a lot and was exhausted. She started feeling a little headache worrying about Ludwig's family because she knew there were creatures stronger than vampires and werewolves, which she was sure Ludwig had not explicitly explained to his family. She was also aware of the fact, no matter how well she searched to check how safe the place was. It was extremely challenging to smoke out those creatures as there were as cunning as witches and easily mixed among humans as they had identical heart beats with humans, unlike other mythical creatures which you can easily distinguish them from humans because of their distinct heartbeat and except some troublesome ones who have learned ways of camouflaging their heartbeats.

" So that is all we should get going. I have already arranged your luggage for your trip, so no need to worry about that and the house I bought has already been furnished and equipped with everything you need. Since Ludwig can only teleport one additional person along himself. I was able to get you access to a special network witches use to travel around Europe. It is a portal that would take you to Poland, where I have made arrangements for you to change your clothes and head to the airport. As I just booked a flight from Warsaw Chopin Airport, Poland to Marino's international airport, USA. Since we can't take the risk of using a German Airport." The door opened and a young girl who looked different from the sales girl stepped in.

" This is my apprentice, she would accompany you through the portal to my house in Poland where you would get ready for your flight." The young girl curtsied.

" I am Cecilia, please allow me to be your guide." Ludwig nodded at the girl before standing up. " Tatiana, thanks for your assistance. I really appreciate it." Witnessing the typically proud Ludwig humbled and in need of her assistance touched Tatiana deeply; she was truly grateful to be of help.

She dismissed him with a wave. " It was nothing, I am glad I could be of service to you." The rest of the Albrecht family followed Ludwig's lead and stood up ready to leave, expressing their gratitude for Tatiana's aide. 

" Have a safe flight." Tatiana waved farewell at the family as they left the room. With the help of Tatiana's apprentice, Cecilia, the Albrecht family was successfully able to use the portal which lead to Tatiana's house in Poland. It was a nice homely apartment big enough to house a little family and it wasn't far from the airport.

They quickly cleaned up and changed their clothes and concluded every other arrangements necessary before they left to catch their flight. They booked an Uber to the airport. The airport was massive and busy with people moving to and fro. Luckily, the Albrecht family were eloquent in more than one language, so it wasn't difficult for them to navigate their way to the terminal gate for their flight.

When they got to the gate, it was just an hour left before take off, so they joined the Queue to get their documents checked. Tatiana really kept to her words, as all the documents she provided were certified to be original. After stamping their documents, they got on the plane in the first class carbines. Soon, the plane took off to embark on its 11 hour flight from Poland to the USA.