
The girl with the golden rose

Miracles are really lovely concepts that people love to hold onto and try to grasp in their hands when it seems things are hopeless, or like children making wishes for crazy things at the wishing well with a nickel. Although Viviana was from a rich home and envied by others as a child, her life took a downturn when she fell sick as a teenager and her days became dark. From then on She had always longed for a miracle and when she thought it was almost over, it came at last. It wasn't just any kind of miracle, it gave her a chance to live her life the way she imagined it...........or so she thought. This is a story of how a simple miracle changed Viviana's life, uncovering many miseries around her and like every normal girl, how she found love at last. "If we have met at another time under different circumstances nothing on Earth or in the skies would ever make me let you go. Promise me you would beat this thing" --- Kyle Xavier "Even if they all say we are wrong and it will burn, that we are just young and foolish then let it burn but we enjoy it while it lasts what's wrong about being young and foolish. Everyone was once young and foolish weren't they" --- Ark Walter "The moon is beautiful isn't it but we can't deny the stars are prettier" --- Luis Cruz. Let's join Viviana on a journey of self discovery as she discovers the truth about her birth after she was given a miracle of second chance.

jodiekesh27 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

New identities part 1

In Europe, somewhere around Eastern Germany. In a cold dense forest, filled with spruce, pine, beech and oak trees all covered in snow. Fast fleeting figures can be seen moving at an abnormal speed, too fast to be seen by the normal human eye. The humanoid figures were moving so agile, fast and flexible in a way impossible for humans to move.

A small group of 3 were being chased by a sizable group of about 20 men who were gaining ground on them quite fast. The group of 3 consisted of a man, a woman and a teenage boy.

The man communicated with the woman via eye contact, ensuring their pursuers remained unaware of their conversation.

" We are very close to the town we are heading to, you are likely to arrive there in an hour. When you get there, try to blend in and search for the shop I described to you earlier. In the shop, request to see the shop owner and not the sales girl. Make sure you meet the owner, she is an old acquaintance of mine, the person we are looking for."

He instructed the woman in an urgent tone. The woman realized the man was planning to take on all their pursuers by himself and felt a little bitter inside and knew if she stayed behind she would only be a hindrance to him.

She knew he was the only one capable of outmatching their pursuers, acknowledging his strength, yet she couldn't shake off her worry for him.

She replied to the man via the same means, "Please be careful and don't overdo it. We will also be careful and reach the town as fast as we can."

The man was touched by the woman's concern and assured her that he would be careful. " No need to worry, these guys are nothing, just hurry and get to the place as fast as you can. I will meet with you there when I am done here." He urged the lady and the boy to move faster.

He stood on a tree branch and watched the lady and the boy get further away. Likewise, he had a tender look on his face as he watched their backs get less visible. When he saw, they were far enough not to hear or see anything from the point he was.

He turned around in the direction where their pursuers were coming from, the tender look on his face was nowhere to be found again.

He had a Stoic, calm expression on his face. His grey-silver like eyes turned blood-red, then he summoned a crow using his special abilities to search the area. He had a special link to the crow, so he could share its vision. Using the crow, he could see the number of people in the area and their exact locations. They were exactly 25 in number and looked to be well-trained.

The man's name was Ludwig and he was utterly amused by his pursuers' ridiculous attempt to capture him with their little number and mediocre talent. Did they think they could honestly stop him now he is alone he can easily get rid of them.

' I have to finish this as fast as I can, it is already noon, they shouldn't be too strong by this time of the day. Unfortunately for them, The sun does not restrict me.' he thought to himself before he disappeared from his location and appeared behind one of the pursuers.

Before the person could sense Ludwig's presence, his head was already dislocated from the remainder of his body, along with his pounding heart, had been forcefully removed by Ludwig from his back. He witnessed his still-beating heart in Ludwig's bloodied, bare hand.

He tried to scream with his last breath and notify the others, but before he could make a sound, his head was already crushed.

Ludwig took out the remaining 24 men similarly, teleporting to their blind spots and delivering a killing blow before they realized what was going on.

It was a total one-sided slaughter and Ludwig emerged victorious. It didn't take him long to finish the short battle. His eyes were red, his black clothes bloody and his face covered with blood. He sat on a branch and used the crow sight to survey the area to make sure that there were no survivors. He was sure that the people who sent his pursuers would clean up the dead bodies, as they wouldn't want to rouse the humans' suspicions of their activities.

After having a thorough scan of the area, he summoned back his crow, which flew back and rested on his shoulder before disappearing into black smoke.

The cloud rumbled and lightning flashed. Thick clouds covered the entire Forest before it started snowing down heavily. Ludwig reverted his eye's color to the grey-silver-like color and leaned on a tree trunk for some time to catch his breath. It had been a long he used his special abilities during a fight, b

most times he'd rather not use them as they always gave out his identity since there are very few vampires who possess abilities like that.

After he was done, he looked for a nearby river to wash off the blood, as it would cause a ruckus if he appeared in a human town all covered in blood. The river wasn't completely frozen, so he didn't have any problem getting into it for a dive to clean up. When he was done washing off the blood, he decided to teleport outside the forest to save time.

He appeared on the outskirts of the forest, hoping to find his family, but they weren't anywhere close there. He then teleported again to an alley close to the shop they were heading to. Ludwig walked out of the alley to the street, where he could finally see his wife and son trying to blend into the human crowd.

Everywhere was rowdy as it was snowing heavily and people were moving around trying to get shelter from the snow. So no one paid attention to him who was walking down the street giving out a heavy ominous aura.

He made long strides with his long legs and easily caught up with his family.

"Have you taken care of them" his wife Christina inquired via eye contact. " We are safe for now" Ludwig answered her the same way.

The little family of 3 walked under the snow down the street to an antique shop around the corner. The moment they stepped in, the doorbell rang, notifying the sales girl of their presence.

" Welcome, please what kind of gift or souvenir would you like to purchase"? The sales girl's voice rang out from behind the counter to welcome them.

She was wary of the people who just stepped in, they didn't seem like they were from around here, nor did they look like tourists. The man was drenched with water in this cold weather, which was super weird. There was something off about them, but she really couldn't put her fingers on it. She tried to reach out for a silver knife hidden under the countertop in case they made any suspicious movements.

Ludwig could sense the girl's nibbled actions, even though she tried hiding it. He would rather not cause any unnecessary bloodshed or drama, so he told the girl immediately.

" There is no need to use that knife hidden under the table, nor can your little spells even hurt me. I am here to meet your boss, the shop owner."

The girl was shocked, how did the man know she was a witch, but she didn't let her reaction be noticed because he was able to observe her nibbled actions.

" Sorry, but you would have to come another day as we are not reading fortunes today, or you can get a gift or charm. They work pretty well." She replied, trying to ignore his actions. This antique shop was being run under the disguise of being owner by a gypsy who was a fortune-teller.

" I am not here to read my fortune. Please tell your mistress Tatiana that an acquaintance of hers, Ludwig Albrecht, is here to see her. I am sure she is expecting me." Ludwig said slowly, making sure the girl heard every word coming out of his mouth.

The girl was shocked once again that this mysterious man knew the real name of her mistress, who had been using an alias since they moved to this town as gypsies. She had to report immediately.

She took a good look at her suspicious visitors, scanning them from top to bottom, wondering who they could be because they didn't seem like normal humans at all.

Alright, give me a minute and don't do anything funny while I am gone, there are hidden cameras all over the store. One wrong move and your faces would be all over town." She warned them before departing to go inside the shop behind the showcase room.