
chapter 2

Days turned over months, it has been 3 whole months from our first encounter, we were in same condition, we never communicate with each other, and she always used to sit beside me. It has been my daily routine to see her at the end of the day.

If I don't see her I feel discomfort in my whole body. Deep down I knew that I had fallen deep for her that I can't back away anymore even if I resist that tingling feeling whenever I imagine her face.

It was the last day of the month, I was heartbroken. I was so sad. My company was giving me pressure to take out best song of the year whereas on the other hand my grandmother died.

There is nothing wrong with me. I had lived my 23 years like a life in heaven, choosed the career I love. I had everything wanted. I am a singer with reputable fame.

That night was the first time she initiated to talk to me.

I couldn't attend my grandmother funeral for the last time. I was angry at myself that I was not able to give my family precious time. That was the time when I wished that I was not a superstar... I was weeping. I felt lost but I didn't know that this moment will bring me closer to her.

At first she looked at me as if I was alien. After a while she gave me her brown handkerchief. I wept silently on her shoulders. She reassured me that everything will be alright and I had to be strong, like a child I looked upon her and feel into her warm embrace.

Till this day when I remember that moment a warm breeze slightly touches my heart as if it was playing with me.

Next day I waited her on our daily seat. Finally she came, she was so shy to start our conversation so I started it with weather, it was silly topic to talk about but every relation starts with silly reason, right?

We went forward along with it. Time passed like in seconds, we became closer day by day. We used to talk about mystery and magic's. We feel like to idiots. She used to address me "you" and I used to call her "little girl" since she looks like a little girl with her hair tied in bun and hairband on her wrist.

Though I never confessed her, she knew I love her. On the occasion of New Year, my band was performing in the city so I asked her to come there though I didn't tell her that I was one of them. When I told her about my band, she looked at me answered so innocently that she doesn't know them; I was so embarrassed that she didn't know about us especially me.

At that time wished that the earth will swallow me whole. I convinced her to go but she refused me giving an excuse that she didn't want to waste her time on something stupid like that.