
Danger: Tripped

Mother Lily,was pregnant with her second child,she was lucky she could conceive her first child despite having problems with her womb,having a second child on the way was a miracle.

7 months into pregnancy,Lily went for a walk...when she came home she accidentally tripped over a pipe.

Her stomach hurt and her husband was at work,her mother took her to a man who was an expert in traditional healing. Lucky for her,the baby was fine but her womb had dropped down to her lower abdomen and blocked her gall bladder.

After a few hours,the man succeeded in putting the womb in the right place. Mother Lily was so relieved.

She thanked God for keeping her baby safe.

Mother Lily went home with a sense of relief and was now more careful and took good care of her baby.

July 15th,Mother Lily was rushed to the hospital,she was in labour.

Her husband was worried and was pacing back and forth waiting....,his brothers and sister in law accompanied him.

4:55 a.m,they heard the sound of the baby crying.

The baby wailed so loudly,they thought it was a boy. Soon the nurse came out with the baby and said, "Congratulations,It's a GIRL...!!!!"

Even though Daddy Maro was expecting a boy,nevertheless he was very happy to have a baby girl and fell in love with her at first sight.