
The Girl Who Wheeled

Permanently bruised by a tragic accident, Melanie Martins felt useless. She was the girl who people stared at in public,the girl who didn't need a chair because she was permanently sitting on one with wheels. She became so isolated that her parents were getting so scared that they enrolled her in a therapy session. Melanie was acing all her tests and exams because she had nothing fun to do,so most of the time,she was stuck with her books. At least,she could do one thing right. Her friends moved away,and there was literally no one she could relate with. Well, until HE came along. Damien Brooks was the dude with the killer looks,he was that guy that was stared at whenever he walked into somewhere. He was so popular that all girls wanted to do was smell his jacket. He was new to Melanie's school,and Melanie felt threatened because he was stealing her spot on the 'A' list ; the top. Within a week of joining EastLake High,Damien found himself quite a couple of friends. Although he was known for his hot Instagram pics and videos,they finally met him in person,and all everyone wanted to do was one thing...be his friend. Damien noticed everyone trying to sit with him and talk to him,but there was this girl who wore round glasses and sweaters every damn day. She didn't give a hoot about his reputation,and he didn't like that. Damien was no douche or jerk,but his ego was something no one could match up with. Curious to know her,he tried talking to her,only to get coffee poured on him. Well,that was a rough start. Damien started to discover that there was more to the girl who sat at the back of the class,but aced all her exams. Damien discovered she was fun,but she was hidden in a wall she built around herself.

Melanin3000 · Teen
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Twenty Two.

He asked the same question again,and she stayed frozen.

"Well,I haven't had a first kiss before,but-"

"Can I kiss you,MM?" He asked her

"Why now?"

"I feel like it's the right thing to do now," he said,his voice very husky. "Besides,you can't expect me to stay cool if you keep teasing me with these thin nightgowns. I mean,the fabric is so-"


He chuckled as he brought her face very close to hers even more and kissed her.

She stayed in a place for about fifteen seconds before she actually started to move her lips.

"Relax,MM. I got you" Damien said against her lips.

He held her waist tight as he deepened the kiss.

He ran his other hand through her hair,and she let out a soft moan.

Immediately,she widened her eyes and pulled away.

"I am so sorry!," She cried out. "Is that allowed?" She asked

"Yes,MM.. It's normal" he said and brought her face back to his as he continued to kiss her