
The Girl Who Pretended to be Fine.

Yuki just wants to fit in and no one to judge her. I wonder why? Put more make-up on. Smile more. Pretend to be happier. She will do anything to fit in, even to be fake. I wonder what happens when that mysterious boy shatters her mask?

Heart_Aquii · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter One: Meeting You

"I like you, Yuki."

I jerked my head away, staring at the flight of stairs.

"Why do you like me?" I whispered, melancholy gripping my heart, and squeezing out the carefree happiness I felt a few moments ago.

"Huh? What?" he inquired, curiosity blooming in his eyes.

Why do you like me?" I demanded again, hiding my insecurity behind my mask of confidence.

"Well, uh- You're really pretty and you're nice to me?" he answered, perplexed.

Tsk. Anyone could be nice to anyone, my 'niceness' was nothing out of the ordinary. Truly, I had nothing that would make guys fall for me except for my looks. And what would happen if I were wipe off the heavy coat of makeup I had on, hiding my true, ugly face?

"I'm sorry." I replied, not feeling the least bit of grief for rejecting him. I turned around on my heel and headed back to the classroom.

"W-wait!" his raucous voice stuttered behind me, he snatched my arm, twisting it harshly, "Come on, all you have to do is date me! I can buy you expensive gifts! We're both attractive! We would make a good couple! Plus, we'll get even more popular!"

I smirked. Ah. So, this was his motive. He wanted me to be his pretty girlfriend and wanted to boost his status and popularity at school? Pathetic. Was there a decent guy in this school?

"No thanks." I shot back with certainty, flicking my auburn hair, "I'm not a gold digger and I'm popular enough. I'm looking for a two sided relationship, not with someone who's using me."

"How dare you! Do you know how much of an advantage you'll get with me around?" he sputtered indignantly.

"I said, NO."

"Um… Excuse me?" A masculine voice trembled from the stairs, 'I don't think she wants to date you… so maybe you should stop?"

Both of our heads turned towards the mysterious voice. Tanaka-kun from my class stood there, his silvery hair covering his eyes as per norm and his hands fidgeting behind his back.

"Tsk." the boy criticized, "Ha. You need a freak like Tanaka to do your dirty work? Whatever. It's your loss. I can get any other pretty girl."

He turned around and his heaving steps echoed throughout the hallway.

"Thank you." I bowed towards Tanaka-kun.

"Haha?... It was really nothing…" Tanaka-kun chuckled weakly and started backing away slowly.

Hm, what a weird boy.


"I'm home." I announced, carefully placing my shoes in place.

"Onee-chan! Welcome home!" A dynamic voice rung through the house.

As I took a few steps forward, I say my little, six year old brother skidding on the glossy wooden boards towards me.

"Onee-chan! Mum says she's working overnight again and isn't coming home again." My little brother, Haru exclaimed, wrapping his arms around my legs, his russet hair rustling against my knees.

I sighed, Mother and Father were so busy these days, I had felt the heap of responsibilities heap and drown me the last few days.

"Okay, I'll make curry and ice-cream after I wash my face." I replied, rushing towards the bathroom.

"Ice-cream! Ice-cream! All hail the Ice-cream!" Haru chanted the words with clear delight.

I washed my foundation off, revealing lumpy, dry, tanned skin. Next were my round, youthful grey eyes. I took out the contacts and studied my natural, miniature murky eyes. I tied my hair into a messy knot and headed towards the kitchen.

"Haru do your homework!" I hollered, dashing to multitasking with cooking and folding laundry.

"Yes commander!" Haru saluted with absolute seriousness, prone to my constant shouting.

Next, was the ironing, I rapidly swept over the clothes and heard soft rumbling.

"Onee-chan! The curry's bubbling!" Haru frantically yelled, scampering everywhere to press towels on the wet spots.

Just as I spooned the curry out, ready for feasting, their was a sharp knock at the door.

"Hello?" I queried, peeking through the door's peephole.

There stood a beautiful boy, his hair softly rustled, and his almond, cerulean eyes glistening.

"Um… Is this Yamamoto Haru's house?"