
The girl thought she was stupid falling for the boy

There's a girl in a school which she was the senior in scene and there's this one guy who happens to be in the school too

the girl's name is Lizzy and the boy Andy,now the story begins😁😁

in the classroom which happens to be the guys class,he was discussing with his classmates when a girl entered very beautiful and charming,all the attention was drawn to her

out of amazement and surprised the girl ran out of the class thinking that she was looking like a monster or something,when she went out others started making mockery of her saying she's still a mummy's baby

immediately all the guys lost interest some said she mistook their class as her's maybe that's why she went away ,some said she's a dummy

at this point this guy went out of the classroom just to see the girl taking a look at herself on the mirror kept on the hallway,so the guy came and stood at her back which startled her ,so she asked the boy what he was doing at her back,the guy gave a straight face🙁 and was like,why did you ran out of the class like that unlike other new students

so she was like the way you guys stare at someone is just ......🤦

the guy was like that's so childish, what do you mean? the girl asked?

yh that was so childish you could have stood your ground,come let's go

she refused and the guy dragged her

you can imagine

POV(at the classroom everyone was laughing when she came in)

hey y'all should shut up, you don't have to embarrass her just because she's a new student

(everywhere became quiet)

what gives you such authority the girl whispered to the guy

am the class representative so Respect from the class is highly accorded to me


"I don't care who you are"

Micky_Bellacreators' thoughts