

A girl called mulah who is born in an African home but ends up being in a tango with an urban boy will a spack happen btwn them or is it just a moment

E_SS_Y_K_E_M · History
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I will crack this girl's head if i see her ...

mulaaaahh where are you...

coming ma..am almost done here ..mhhh you always say that but make sure you are in the next five minutes or else you are dead meat do you hear me ... or am just blaffing young lady....I heard you ma coming ....see

I didn't take that long....see ma.. ok yeah let's go or else we are gonna be late...

ok ma....

weeh mama Mulah the service today was amazing I learnt alot of things like who the clan members are and who started our cultures, Don't you agree mulahh ...uhh.. wat ... yes yes I agree

wat did I ask you crazy girl ..one day your going to be the death of me you know... let's goo and you young lady.. could you mind your manners and sit like a lady...your 17 and a half for heaven sake Mulah .. come-on...

yeah mAh... wat did you say.. yes ma..

ok .. let's go ..by the way mama mulah tomorrow we have a session of the youngster's hope Mulah will come .... I had there will be a guest from town .. to come and say hi.. wat do you think... Mulah ...

yah yah sure ..I'll be there .. ok .. at wat time exactly .. before noon .. ok I'll be there don't worry...

remember last semester you said that and you of all girls missed something great make sure you are there on time ok... yes mama Wendy ..I'll be there