
Chapter 50 ken is president

Ken prepared to report to office

 the first day of them assuming

 the position of acting presidents

 of the company, he was so tense,

and he needed some assurance

 so he put the call across to Gina.

   "Hello my love how are you?"

    "Am fine, you are not sounding

 ok, I hope all is well? Gina ask.

   "Yea, no, I mean am just a little

 bit nervous , you know I have

not done this before, this is going

to be my first time and I don’t

know whom am going to

meet there."

   "Ok dear, first of all is ok to be

nervous, and secondly is

 going to be fine. Just take a deep

breath and tell yourself is going

 to be ok, tell yourself you are

 good and you can do this."

   "Wow, thanks a lot, what do I do

 without you? I will surely try that,

are you sure it will work?"

   "Yes, it works all the time.

Ok dear, see you at lunch time."

   "Ok bye."

Getting to the office everyone

 greeted ken with respect because

 they knew he and ben are the

new acting presidents so they

 better behave before anyone

receive a sack letter.

   "Hello sir there will be a board

 meeting by 10 am today, is there

 anything you will like me to do?

A female who introduce herself

as his new assistance

announce to him.

   #No, nothing thank you, did you

just said board  meeting by 10

am today?

   "Yes sir,"

   "Ok thank you, you can go."

   "Alright sir, she said and left."

   "Board meeting,  Board meeting?

Ken repeated the word like five

 times, what do I know about

board meeting? I hope they are

not planning to disgrace me there?

I will just keep quite throughout

the meeting."

   "Ken’s heart start to beat very

fast when the time reach pass

nine on the clock."

   "He just wish that the time will

 just stop and 10am will never

 come, he blame himself for not

 been a good boy, when his father

wanted to show him around the

 business environment. Had it been

 he listen, he would have been an

expert in the field of business."

Ben walk majestically into the

 board room and sit himself at the

head of the chair meant for the

 president himself, while ken sat

 next to him.

Ladies and gentlemen, I call this

 meeting on behalf of the president

to announce to you that he is

stepping aside and allowing his

two sons Benjamin and Kenneth

to assume the position of acting

 president for a period of one year.

All clapping their hands in honor

of the new presidents.

So I will like every one of you to

 give your support to them.

He turn to ben and motion for him

to say something.

Ben got up and thank them for

welcoming them but warn that if

 he finds any one lacking he will

not hesitate to sack the person.

Do you all understand."

   "Yes sir," they all chorus.

The meeting ending with some

of the workers not been happy.

   "What’s the meaning of what you

just did in there?" Ken ask ben as

 they walk to their office.

   "And what are you talking about?"

   "I mean the statement you just

made, didn’t you see the workers


   "What did you just call them?

Workers right? So they don’t

matter to me, if they don’t like it,

they should quit simple."

   "If everybody quit because of you,

can you do this work alone?"

Ken ask.

   "You see why I said you are not

fit to be here? You think like a

gateman, who told you there are

 shortage of workers? We only

 have shortage of jobs not workers,

get that into your head."

   "Even though there are shortage

of jobs doesn’t  mean you should

treat people any how you like."

   "You can join them if you want"

 ben said and walk away to his


   "I don’t blame you, am just trying

 to respect the work place if not

you would have gotten it real

hot this morning" ken said after

ben has left.

    "Walking to his office he ask his

 PA to tell him what next is on

the line.

   "Sir there is a letter here, you need

to meet up with our business

 partners from France , they are

going to arrive by 12am. Sir.

   "And what is the agenda of this


   "I don’t know sir, you will get to

know as soon as you get there."

   "Is ok, get things ready for that."

   "Ok sir. His PA said and walk out

of the office."

   "Damn, who is doing this? I hope

my father is not setting me up for

failure, what do I know that I will

 tell these people? Ken’s heart start

 beating fast, he pick up the phone

 to call Gina but put it down again.

No, I don’t have to be doing this all

the time, is so embarrassing to be

calling her every now and then, I

will handle this myself, if I fail,

then I fail.

He pray endlessly that they should

 not make it and that the meeting

 should be cancel but he receive

a call by 11:38 that they have arrive.

Getting to the meeting he finds

 out that he did have to say much,

all he was require to do is shake

hands with the business partners

and say thank you sir, or ma.

Because someone was there

introducing him to all their partners represented there. 

After the meeting ken ask the man

why they want him to be there,

he thought he was having a

meeting with the partners.

   "Ohh. Chief did explain to you?"

   "No, he didn’t tell me anything like


   "Ok, they received a little from

 chief that he was stepping down

 for his sons, and  they ask to see

you face to face, so that is why you

 are here, they want to know who

they are doing business with."

  "So why me? My elders brother

 ben was supposed to be the one

to come and  represent the

 company and not me.

   "Yes, you see my son, your father

is a very wealthy man, he owns  

lot of  wealth that you or your

 brother can not even begin to

 imagine. Your brother don’t need

to be here, because he was not

 assign to handle this part of

the company but you.

So don’t worry about him, he is

somewhere else as we speak

 right now."



   "Wow, I didn’t know how wealthy

my father is, so how did he manage

all of this?

   'Well that is why he is wealthy,

not everyone can manage a

 company, one your father can

answer that question, because

am not as wealthy as he is."

   "Ken looked at the man and

 realize he was just an employee

of his father, he is right, my father

must have work really hard to

get all this wealth."

   "Now I know why he feels bad

 anything I misbehaved. I promise

never to make my father sad again."

   "Boy are you ready to go now, your

 rid is ready."

   "Ok, thank you sir for your time."

   You are always welcome my boy."

 Ken was so exhausted for doing

nothing, the anxiety he felt earlier

has drain the straight out of him.

I need to hangout somewhere for

a drink, I don’t want to go straight

to the house I need to un-wine.

Peter, yes let me call peter.

   "Heyy… man. How the hell did

 you ignore me for so long, I thought

 you will never remember me again,

after you left my house with that

look on your face.

   "Forget that mannn.., I was busy

with work."

  "Work? You now work?"

   "When I say work, I don’t mean I

 really work, but the work is so tiring.

   "I don’t understand you,  you don’t

work but the work is so tiring.  

   "I hope you are not drunk before

 coming here? Peter ask.

   "Do I look drunk?" Ken wants to


   "No, you don’t but your speech

sound like drunk to me."

   "I am now the new president of

my father’s company and that

 is tiring."

   "What!!.... Peter shouted and

jumped at ken and hug him.

   "Please get off me, what are you

 doing? Ken ask him.

   "Menn.. did you know that you are

the most stupid person I have

 ever known in my whole life? and

worst of it you are my friend,

peter said.

   "Is that supposed to be an

 insult? Ken ask.

   "No is a complement my friend,

I now have a president of a

multimillion dollar company as a

 friend what can one ever ask for

in this life? He starch fort his hands

towards haven.

   "Ken was just looking at him,

wondering if he did a mistake of

having peter as a friend, damn

this guy is a joke. I wonder how

 we manage to meet on this earth.

  "Now tell me, how many bags of

 money did you have in the back of

your car? We need to paint this


   "How did I know you in the first

 place? ken ask peter