
Chapter 38 Miriam and Ben

Now tell me, did something happen

 to you in that forest where I

picked you from?.

Well, I can’t remember everything

but something keeps flashing in

 my head.

Ok, so you are going to do me a

 favor and take it easy on yourself, understand? take it little by little ok.

“Ok, thank you boss” ken said.

“Yea, let’s go home.”

Ben set out to look for Miriam

because is obvious he can’t sleep

peacefully this days without a

day passing by, he always thinks

of Miriam, he has never had such

a feeling before, not even with Gina.

He thought he loved Gina but this!

This is something he cannot explain.

He now feels the need to always

 be with Miriam because she

made him feel relax any time

 they are together, and not to

talk of the craziness that goes

with her every actions.

 Should I go and ask Mrs. Tina

 where Miriam is likely to be? No;

that will be somehow disrespectful

I will find out by myself.

Oh.. I don’t even have her number,


Ben walk around ken’s quarters,

hoping to find someone among

 the maids who know or have

 Miriam’s phone number.

“Hey Ben…”

“Good morning ma, ben greeted

 Mrs. Tina, bowing his head a little.”

“How are you today?

“Am fine ma.”

“Do you have any news about ken?”

“Not yet ma. That is why am here,

I want to see Miriam so we can go

for another search, she was very

good at helping sometimes, I had

an idea where we can go and

search for ken ma.” He lied.”

 “Oh.. Miriam! She left, but I don’t

know if she is coming back, she

said she will but I doubt if she will

 want to come back, her explanation

 to me didn’t seem like she will

come back.”

“Ok, do you have her phone

 number so I can track her down..

he pause to see the reaction,

but then added, so we can go

 and look for ken, I really want to

find him.”

“Upon hearing “find Ken” she

 quickly gave Ben the number

and ask him to start the search

 almost immediately.

Please do this for me am dying

of worrying about Ken.

“Don’t worry I will see what I can


“Ok thank you dear,” she said

 regretting all the days they have

being living like cat and dog, now

who would have been helping

her find her only son.

Ben waste no time in finding


“Why are you calling me?” And

who gave you my number?

Miriam queried ben.

 “I think that is not important

now, but if you must know is kens.

Mom that gave me your number,

because I promise her that you

and I are going to find ken together.”

 “And you expect me to believe you?”

 “Well, believe whatever you want

to believe but nice place you have

here, I heard you quit your job.”

 “That’s not job, that’s slavery and

am done been a maid.”

“Hey.., hey.. Chill am not asking

you to go back.”

“Then why are you here?”

“I just told you.”

“If I remember correctly I was just

 a maid in your house why come

to me when you and your father

have all the resources to look for

your brother?.”

“I don’t know, maybe I just want

 to see you;” he said not knowing

 when the word came out of his


“Did I hear you well? Come to

see me for what?”

Miriam please just drop this, you

know what am saying why keep

pretending you don’t understand me?

“I am not pretending, I just don’t

get you. If you come here to get

your money back; Then you must

 be a joker of the year.”

And what money are you talking

 about? Ben ask,  I said I love you and

 you are here talking about money;

“Hold on, love? What love? Listen

to me Ben; the rich don’t love, they

 only do transactions so if you are

here to do transaction with me,

then you are welcome, am done

 with loving people.

Your money or you leave and for

 your information I don’t love you.

Ben was like someone beating by

 the rain without a word he sat

on the chair.

What do you mean? He ask Miriam

I mean you should go, because

 I don’t love you, well, I use to

 but not anymore.


Now I need money, lots of it, and

 I have come to realize that been

soft will not get me the kind of

money am looking for, nether

will love give me that kind of money.

In other words you are asking me to

 leave. Ben ask Miriam.

 "Well, not really but you are free

to go if you want.

Ben stood up to leave when a

guy drive by and stop at Miriam’s


   "Hi Miriam., what’s up."

   "Hey James nothing much.

where are you heading to?"

   "Just driving by, is that our prince

charming? He ask Miriam

 pointing at ben.

Miriam turned and looked at

ben and said “nope rolling her

eyes" he’s not.

   "Ohh… sorry just asking."

  "Hey.. he wave at ben who did

not respond to his greeting, ben

got up from the chair and pull

 Miriam to the side of the shop

away from James view.

Heyy.. why are you playing with

 my feeling? I have never felt this

 way before, I don’t know what

has come over me, I can’t sleep,

I can't seem to keep you away

 from my mind, please am begging

you, he said and make to kneel

before Miriam but she stop him.

Ben please…please… please.. get

up what are you doing?

   "I don’t know how to make you

understand how I feel about you."

   "Ok..ok.. I’ve heard you, but you

need to give me sometimes to

 think about it.

What else do you want to think

about? Ben ask.

   "About you! And your behavior,"

   "But why?"

   "Because I don’t truth you. Rich

people don’t trust easily you see."

   "And who says you are rich?

Ben ask Miriam wanting to laugh

but hold his peace less Miriam

change her mind and drive

him out of the shop.

“Well you see Ben, I am not the

 girl you use to know, I have

 money now.”

   "Hmmm, really? And how much

did you think you have?"

   "The two million I took from you

is that not money?

   "Two million is no money Miriam,

if you need money I will give you

 money, but I don’t want my love

 with you to base on money."

   "I have more than two million

naira, I have more than you can

imagine, Miriam said.

Ben look around the shop and

realize that two million naira

can’t buy half of the things in the

shop, maybe she is right, where

the hell did she get all this money,

only the shop rent could be

running into millions not to

talk of the furnitures and the

décor, plus the products and

the workers.

Fine, I believe that you have

more than two million but where

 did you get the money from?

Is not only the Jackson family

 that knows how to make money.

I know how to look for money too.

   "Right you are right, with this

pointing at the shop, I believe

 you can be somebody of

great value.

Really? Did you believe that?

Miriam said all light up, smiling

that at least someone has

 commending on her hard work.

Ben was so surprise seeing how

 happy Miriam was, so he press

on that button.

You see I have known that you

will be a great woman one day he

 said and pause to see her reaction.

She smile at ben.

Is working ben said to himself.

And seeing this, this shop; it has

 confirm to me that you will be a

 multimillionaire one day, and am

going to help you achieve that

 if you let me.

Really? Oh.. thank you ben, I will

love to. She hug ben so tightly

 making ben praise himself for

discovering the right button to press.

 Now come, sit, ben make Miriam

sat on his laps, will you let me

teach you how to make money?

He ask not even knowing how to

 make his own money apart from

his father’s money he doesn’t

know how to make money, but

here he is promising Miriam to

 teach her how to make money.

If you promise to treat me like a

human being, then I will let you

teach me, she was referring to

the way ben use to treat people

when he was the arrogant son

of a billionaire.

 I promise you that I will change

 for the better.

Then fine with me, I will let you

 teach me and also be my boyfriend.

Really? Ben ask and hug Miriam.

He gave Miriam a hard and long

kiss that makes Miriam run at

of breath

 Ben I can’t breathe.

Oh.. sorry my sweet heart, Ben said.

she smile and kiss him back.

   "Now back to business ben said.

   "What business?"

   "The business of looking for my

brother, remember I promise ken’s

mom that you and I are going to

look for ken.