
Chapter 13 Love In The Air

And who is that guy with you?"

“Well, I will only answer your question because I'm in your house," She said because if she dares to ignore his question this time, she didn’t think she will be alive seeing the anger in him.

“But this will be the last question I will be answering from you." She continues.

“First, I'm coming from the other side of the mansion where I met Ken your half-brother, and his beautiful mom and that guy you see is my childhood friend Patrick he accompanies my father to come to see me, so I walk around the mansion with him to take a good look that is all, satisfy?"

Benjamin was losing it by this time because calling Ken’s mom beautiful and praising them in front of him was way too much for him to bear.

 “Listen to me carefully, I don’t want you visiting Ken and his mom ever again, do I make myself clear?"

 "Hahaha," Gina could only laugh in her heart at Benjamin because that will be the last thing she will ever do in her life.

 Not to visit Ken? Huh,… story for the gods. She grinned. 

“And why are you laughing? or didn’t you hear me?"

“Ben, please I'm tired, I need to go to bed," she says and walks past him.

 “If you walk out on me again, consider this marriage off."


“Yes, I will call off the marriage engagement if you walk out on me again." Ben threatened.

Before Gina could say something Ken appear from nowhere.

“Gina!, what are you doing here? And what are you doing with him?" Pointing at Benjamin who by seeing Ken rushed to hold Gina’s waist.

“Ken please, I will explain everything but just not here okay, And by the way Ken, you owe me a lot of explanations too.

Like what were you doing working in that hotel as a waiter, or were you guys stalking me?" But Gina did not finish her sentence when Ken grab her and pulled her away from Benjamin.

She landed on his chest and he held her hand pulling her toward the direction of his house. dragging her like a baby while Gina obediently follows Ken without resisting, leaving Benjamin dumbstruck.

Because Benjamin was taken by surprise he did not know what to say or do so he just watch them walk away, it was as if he was dreaming or maybe he was struck by lightning so he didn’t say a word, he only regain consciousness when his Mother calls his name.

 “Ben what is going on here?" she demands now. "I heard noises so I came to see."

 “Mom did.d..d, did you just see that?" Ben starts stammering without realizing it.

 “See what,"

  “Forget it," he said and storm past his mother and went into his room. “Now the battle line has been drawn as for Ken, no one  Will save Ken from me."

 Once in Ken’s room, Gina was about to lashes out at Ken but Ken didn’t have time for explanations, he has been missing her since the last time they met, and all he wants right now is to hold her and kiss her and tell her how much he loved her and how he has missed her.

 Before Gina could open her mouth to say a word, Ken placed a deep kiss on her lips which send her to the sky but by the time she could come back to earth they have already made love twice.

 “Oh, how I miss you, Ken, I thought I would never see you again, how did you come to work as a waiter in a landmark hotel? and how did you end up becoming one of the Jackson sons?

 “One question at a time my dear." Ken couldn’t believe that he can call a girl my dear, he was surprising himself ever since he met Gina and he has started doing things he was unable to do before. He has heard of love at first sight but now he is experiencing one.

 Like wanting to see her all the time which is very unlike him. Because he is used to one-night stands. He never thought he could be in love.

 “I was in a landmark hotel because I needed to leave home and do something for myself.

  So I decide to be a waiter instead of applying for a managerial position because I knew I wasn’t going to last long there. And I wasn’t stalking you. I was just seeing the world as my mother said.

Secondly, I'm the second son of the Jackson Family who happens to be the brother of Benjamin whom I saw holding your waist. So now your turn."

 “What! Me?"

 “Yes, you!" Ken took a deep breath before asking Gina his question. He knew that whatever answer Gina is going to give him might not be a good one because earlier his mother has talked about Benjamin bringing home his wife-to-be without inviting them and now he saw Gina with him, so he already knows what the answer would be. But still, he needed to hear it from her.

 “I have just two questions for you, why are you in our house? And why is my brother holding your waist?" Deep in his mind, he didn’t care less if Gina was there but he cares a lot that Ben was holding her waist at the time he saw them.

 “Is very complicated" Gina began "I'm still in the dark of what is going on, I have been marked out to marry your brother Benjamin."

 Upon hearing Benjamin, Ken’s blood starts hitting up. Is this a conspiracy or, is Benjamin trying to take everything he holds dear?

 He has been avoiding his trouble’s ever since but this time, hell No! when it comes to his woman and by the way not just any woman, all hell will break loose. He is going to dial a heavy blow on Benjamin this time.

 “Ken, are you listening to me?"

 “How did you come to know Benjamin?"

 “I don’t know him from Adams, he walked up to me arrogantly and told me that I'm his wife, that I should go and ask my father, that it was all arranged and that he has been waiting patiently for this day bla bla bla."

 Ken was finding it hard to believe this cock-and-bull story but he believe her anyways because he met Gina a virgin so he believe that Gina was telling the truth as she was still very much tight in there, the way he left the place last time.

 Gina could not help but notice the off-and-on behavior of Ken which made her start suspecting that Ken was becoming jealous and that made her kind of happy that Ken love her but the problem now is Benjamin because she knew that the trouble has just begun.

And her father would not take it lightly with her if he found out that she was sleeping with Ben’s brother.

Ben walks to and fro in his room, thinking of the best revenge to lash at Gina and Ken, he is not going to let this one slide, they both must pay, but wait a minute, how the hell did Gina get to know Ken? or was Ken trying to make him angry?.

No, something is off, this cannot be a coincidence it is well planned out by that witch of a woman. And by that, he was referring to Ken's mother.

“This is war, they want war, I give them war." With that, he storm out of the room and within a minute he is at Ken’s door with one blow on the door he sent the door frame flying in the middle of the room.

“Ken, where the hell are you keeping my wife, and what makes you think that you can get what belongs to me?"

 Before the last word came out of his mouth, his eyes fell on what looked like his Gina; locked in a kiss with Ken on top of her. Ken and Gina pulled away from each other.

Ken could not believe that Ben would go as far as pulling down his door because of a girl. He has indeed crossed the line.

 Seeing Gina kissing another man who happens to be his brother makes Ben wants to run mad.

This can’t be happening to him, this is the last thing he can take from Kenneth.

In a flash, he grabs Gina by the hand and starts dragging her out of Ken’s room.

Before anyone could say the word "JACK"  Ken landed Benjamin a blow that sends him flying through the Skye. And the fight between the brothers began.

 Before the show ended no one could recognize Ken’s room anymore because the war made sure to destroy anything in sight.

The news of the huge fight spread in a flash throughout the Jackson's Mansion and all the maids running around whispering