
Chapter 2

Once the cleaning was done and stuff was neatly put away the house looked amazing, almost too perfect but overall it looked like a house again but she silently hoped by the end of the week she would actually make a friend. She was sitting in her room on her bed organizing her clothes and drawers but before she knew it the sunlight was fading she glaces out the window and watches the sun go down along with the rest of the leaves on the trees, her room has a great view of a lake not far from the house and the swing in the back yard. Just as she's viewing the scenery more vividly a motion of movement caught her attention she looks down to the swing and see's a girl in a black floral dress wavy blone hair and that's all the features she can make out, she goes down stairs and through the kichen out the back door then comes out to find the girl gone.

"Who was that?" She asks genuinely puzzled, she looks around a bit longer and decides to give up and go inside. Once inside she enters the dining room through the kitchen and sit's down to eat pizza with her family.

"So which one of you was running around upstairs this morning?" she asks Elizabeth and John and in return they both looked back at her completely puzzled and lost.

"I wasn't upstairs at all!" they both said simultaniously, then looked at each other and when they looked at each other they went from accusitory squints at each other to wide eyed then they both look at her and say.

"She's telling the truth!"

"He's telling the truth!"

At the same time, they tend to do that alot given they are twins so they also know when the other is lying and usually they are always very honest.

The twins are like her with the redish brown hair and hazel green eyes, they all take after their father with that much though Amanda takes after their mother having darker skin tone which is fine because her tan skin reflects her beauty with anything she wears. Amanda is 17 where as the twins are 15 their mom and dad worked hard to give them a good happy life and when they bought this house they hoped it would continue to get better but you never know what fate has in store for you.

After dinner Amanda went back to her room to shower she felt disgusting after the long hard day of cleaning, she walks into the bathroom plays some free fall and without you by illenium then quickly undresses and steps into the hot running water the steam wasting no time fogging up the bathroom as she finishes her shower her music suddenly cuts off. She opens her eyes ready to peak out the curtain to figure out why it cut off and that's when she saw a figure standing outside the shower curtain.

"Okay you know you can't be in my room, which one of you is it?" She says with an irritated tone, but was only answered with silence. She tries again.

"John? is that you? " Again only silence.

"Elizabeth? is that you?" Once again only silence sounds back, growing more irritated she grabs the towel wraps herself in it then pulls the shower curtain back only to reveal no one is there. She looks around bewildered then quickly dries off and dresses in her pair of baby blue fuzzy pj's and her black slippers then pulls her hair back into a wet messy bun then heads out of her room, once she reaches the twins rooms she knocks on both doors and both answered almost immediately with a,

"What's up?" she pulls them to stand side by side both of them the exact same height just shy of 5'2, looking at them both she can see they just got out of the shower as well so rationally they couldn't have been in her bathroom and get back to their rooms further down the hallway, with that though she shakes her head and bids them goodnight.