
Chapter 23

Amara's POV

I watched as Ivan walked away angrily. His behavior was strange and new to me.

"Is he really in love with me?" I thought and the thought of it made my heart skip a beat . I won't lie to you guys any further. I've had this huge crush on Ivan and I was actually falling in love with him but I never wanted to accept it and never would I accept it. Ivan reminds me of Mike and how he betrayed me . He is a playboy who is only interested in having sex and as a matter of fact he has this crazy girlfriend whom I think he is so in love with if not why would any guy tolerate a girl like her. I wanted to protect myself around him and also stop my heart from liking him that's why I always tried to be rude and avoided his company most of the time. When he wanted to tutor me , my heart was dying to say yes but I knew where that could lead me . He is so charming and maybe I might not be able to stop myself from loving him if we become that close . I decided to disrupt myself from him and Eric was an answer. Eric is a fun person to be with and even though he is friends with Ivan , he wasn't a player like him, at least that's what I thought. He is sincere and a nice gentleman any girl will be pleased to have. I know accepting to be his girlfriend won't be hard since he is cute and we actually get along. "Maybe that will help me take my mind off Ivan" I thought when he confessed his love but I just couldn't say yes on the spot. Deep down I knew the one I want is Ivan but I also know he just wants to play with me.

"What are you doing all alone here Amara?" Beatrice came out and asked.

"Sorry Beatrice, I was entering " I replied politely

"Oh dear , you look stressed… did Ivan annoy you or something "

"No he wasn't a bother !" I replied, feigning a smile.

"Come in then dinner is served " she said and led me to the dining table. I sat down knowing perfectly well there was no way I can finish the food. The food was appetizing but I couldn't find the appetite to eat. Ivan didn't have dinner with us and Beatrice kept on stretching her neck, looking for him. She looked so worried and stressed out.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I could tell she was in pain.

"I'm fine dear" she forced a smile as she gently rubbed her hands along her chest.

"Can you pass me the water Lilith?" She said weakly and Daniella shot her a worried look.

"Are you okay mom?" She asked as it was obvious she was in pain. Lilith gave her the water but it just fell from her hands onto the floor.

" Beatrice! Mom!" Auntie!" Daniella, Lilith and I chorused at the same time when she fell off her chair. I got up and rushed to her immediately. She was unconscious.

"Daniella call Ivan we have to rush her to the hospital immediately!" I said to her. She was just sobbing and staring at her mom in fear.

"Ivan!!!" Lilith and I exclaimed and I heard his door bang . He rushed down immediately and froze at the spot when he saw his mom on the floor, it was as if all the life in him disappeared.

"Mom!!!" He screamed and rushed towards her.

"She's still breathing Ivan let's get her to the hospital please " I said and before I realized he had swapped her in his arms . I grabbed the car keys and after she was placed in the back seat drove speedily to a nearby hospital . The doctors and nurses attended to us immediately when we got there and she was carried on a stretcher to the emergency room. I was still shocked and couldn't process what was going. "At one point in time, she had a message on her phone and after checking the message, all I saw was her lying unconscious on the floor. " I explained to Ivan.

I sat next to Daniella and hugged her tightly as she sobbed. I was assuring her everything would be fine but she was too scared to believe me. Ivan was pacing around in the hospital hoping for a doctor to say something to him. He was really losing it and soon after a stout man , who looked like Ivan appeared. He hugged him tightly and he broke down in tears. My heart crushed into pieces when Ivan cried and I also broke down in tears. The man who I came to realize was his dad consoled him and after everyone was calm for like ten minutes the doctor came out. He pulled Ivan's dad aside and talked to him. Ivan sat down next to me, not saying a word. I wanted to say something to cheer him up but I found myself unable to say a word.

"Are you okay?" I gathered the courage to ask and he looked at me weirdly.

"I'm fine " he snapped, checking his mom's phone.

His dad came out and told us she was better now. Ivan sighed and rushed in to see her. I followed with Daniella and Lilith to see her.

"Mom!" He exclaimed and hugged her tightly on the bed.

"I'm not fully recovered son" she smiled

"What was that about?" Daniella said arrogantly as if she wasn't the one who was literally crying half an hour ago.

"I'm really sorry babe"

"Don't do that again " she smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

"Have you seen my phone Ivan?" She asked and he handed it to her.

"That was a fake text mom , next time please don't take these stuffs to heart" he said and she nodded. Damn I was so confused!

"Oh Amara dear ! I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble " she said

"It's no trouble Beatrice I'm glad I'm here " I smiled

"Thanks dear" she held my hand and rubbed her thumb around the back of my palm. We talked for a while and the doctor came to call us out saying she needed rest . I was so worn out and Daniella had already fallen asleep. Lilith decided to stay by her side and Ivan suggested to take us home.

"You look tired , why don't you also take a nap" he said as he drove and I looked at Daniella who was fast asleep at the back.

"Don't worry about me I'm okay " I replied

"Are you sure ?" He asked and I nodded.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said

"Anything "

"I know it's none of my business but what really happened with your mom?" I asked and his facial expression changed . He was silent and I actually regretted asking

"I'm sorry for being nosy " I said feeling embarrassed.

"Heart attack " he said and I went pale

"Oh my God I'm really sorry!" I said

"Don't be … she actually has this condition that does not require her to be so stressed or overthink . "

"I see but what was in the message that caused her to be so stressed out ?" I asked

"It's nothing important…" he replied but I knew he was lying. We arrived at his place and I helped Daniella to her room. I helped her to lie down and covered her with some blankets.

"Thanks Amara!" She smiled and I nodded . I stepped out of the room and was startled to see Ivan leaning against the wall.

"Is she asleep?" He asked and I nodded . He was looking at me and his hazel eyes were piercing right into my soul , making me nervous.

"Ermmm I better get going " I said

"Stay " he held my hand and my heart did her thing again.

"Let's have some drinks… you can sleepover tonight " he said and I nodded foolishly. He led me to his room and OMG the place was huge . I always thought I've seen all of his room from my window but that was the least part. He had this huge flat screen television and a nicely decorated interior design. I was expecting a lot of stickers and a whole lot of bad boy stuffs but I found none. I looked through his window to make sure I was in the right room .

"You can sit on the bed , I will go and get us some wine " he said and I nodded.

"Pull yourself together Amara ! This is risky!" I thought. I was about to drink in his bedroom yet I didn't care. I know something can happen between us but I was ready to take that risk.

"Here!" He said handing me a glass.

"Thanks " I smiled and watched as he poured me a glass then poured some for himself .

"I hope you don't intend to poison me !" I laughed.

"What if I did put poison " he said and I glared at him

"I don't know but I kinda believe you won't " I said and drunk it .

"Don't trust me so much!" He said and pulled closer to me. Initially, I would have pulled away from him but I was still, waiting for him to draw more closer.

"Did you mean it when you said you liked Eric?"He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes !" I said.

"Then why are you here in my room and drinking with me?" He said along my ears.

"I'm asking myself the same question Ivan " I replied trying to suppress my moan. He looked at me and slowly brought his lips closer to mine.

"Pull away if you don't want to " he said but I remained still. He looked at me one more time for confirmation before pressing his lips against mine. I opened my lips and allowed his tongue entry. I held his hair firmly and pulled him closer . The kiss was getting intense and I was feeling wet down there. He pulled my dress up to my waist and rubbed his hands along my thigh and hips. I care less about what was happening as I was really enjoying how he was making me feel. He held my pantie, trying to pull it down but stopped to ask for confirmation

"Be fast before I change my mind " I said

"Are you sure Amara " he said and I kissed him to show that I really meant it . He pulled off my pantie and threw it on the bed, not pulling away from the kiss. He rubbed his finger on my clitoris and I moaned slightly. He moved downwards and inserted a finger into me. He went to and fro in me and increased the pace when I moaned .

"You are fucking beautiful " he said taking off my dress . He took off my bra and I felt shy for the first time. I was completely naked in front of a man for the first time and that person is no one else but Ivan but I wasn't regretting it . He stripped himself naked and I couldn't take in the sight before me. His cock was throbbing hard and it was really big.

"Do you want to do this?" He asked and I nodded. He carried me in his arms and gently placed me on the bed . He pulled his drawer and rolled on a condom . I shut my eyes tightly when he climbed onto me.

"I will be gentle I promise " he whispered into my ears and I felt the butterflies in my stomach. He kissed me down there till I was freaking wet then placed his lips on mine. I didn't realize when he placed his cock on my vagina but I felt a hard thing making it way inside me. It was very unpleasant as he was making his way inside me. He pushed again being as gentle as possible and finally his whole thing was inside me.

"Holy shit!" He moaned as he thrust in and out of me. I moaned as I enjoyed the pace and clung onto him. I reached an orgasm and soon after I felt his dick soften in me. He kissed me and laid on the bed , trying to catch his breath.