
Enhanced Humans

"What do you guys think?" Finnia asked them both. She won't force them if they don't want to. After all, her nanites entering their body will be like an invasion of privacy and if she has malicious intentions, that will be the end of the story for them.

"It will be no problem. I'll go with it." Enryl confirmed. He has no issues with it as he trusts Finnia. He believes there's nothing much he can contribute to the farm so maybe with this, he can be of something more. Maybe if he's a bit stronger, nobody will bully him anymore and at the same time, he may be able to protect those he cares about.

"Young Finnia, thank you for this. But can a friend take the offer instead? This friend is very dear to my heart and I would prefer her to be revived instead of me living a little longer." Grandma said with a slightly hesitant voice. She quite hesitant because she's not sure if this is okay with Finnia.

"Grandma Anne, it's no problem even for the two of you but the issue is that I have no power to revive a person." Finnia sadly replied. Resurrecting a dead being is different from improving a living being. Even at her original time period, it wasn't possible. You can regenerate someone from a single strand of DNA via some special technique but the consciousness will be different. It will not be the same person anymore.

"Don't worry. I have a feeling that you are capable of." Grandma was relieved. She believed Finnia can do it and what's important is that it is okay with her. Her eyes shine with anticipation and excitement.

"Alright! I'll start with the two of you for now. Please put one of your hands forward. It will only take a moment as I'll only need to touch your pulse to get started." Finnia then stands up and moved towards Enryl.

As soon as her fingers touched Enryl's pulse, her nanites entered his body. She then commanded them to do the same thing from what they did with Chiena yesterday. They worked to dissolve the impurities on every cell, fix up any cellular tears, and so on. It's like being reborn into a new body. There's no pain as the nanites also make sure to dissolve any prostaglandins being released and block any special nerve endings that are sensitive to this chemical.

She then moved towards Grandma Anne. She delicately placed her two fingers on Grandma's pulse then sent her nanites. Grandma's situation is a bit special. She already had wrinkles so if she commands the nanites just like what it is doing on Enryl, that will make Grandma look like in her early twenties with no wrinkles at all.

So in her case, the nanites will focus more on the internal organs and bones. They will also work on the skin but they will do so while keeping the wrinkles as is. In other words, she will have a vitality of an early twenties woman but still looks like an old woman. There's a big difference with ordinary humans though. She will be a lot stronger or you could actually say, she's will be one of the most resilient humans in this time period.

The entire process for the both of them lasted for around three hours. Finnia then retrieved most of her nanites back while leaving twelve for each of them. These twelve will guard their body's twelve Principal Meridians and for normal humans are enough to last them a lifetime. These nanite guards can run when threatened especially when the body is being subjected to a medical or some other circumstances where a deep scan of the body is being conducted. In conclusion, with their reconfigured body plus the nanite guards, their body can last up to three hundred years as long as they don't abuse it and keep it healthy.

A question might pop to the mind if Enryl bears some children in the future, are they going to inherit this special fortune? Is it hereditary? Fortunately, no. The children will have greater vitality than most humans but that's just it. And this is because the change wasn't done on the DNA level. So, passing their chromosomes to their partner will not yield another enhanced human.

Enryl and Grandma Anne both examined their bodies. They looked at the front and back of their hands while feeling incredible vitality. They feel like their bodies are filled with boundless energy and they have the energy to do any physical work should they wanted to.

A great shock can be seen on Grandma Anne's face. It has been decades since she last felt such vitality. She feels like she went back into her early twenties but a bit stronger this time. With her excitement, she tested her strength by hitting the table with her clenched fist. Using her full power, the wooden table sadly didn't make it. It was reduced to dust in an instant.

"Ooops... That... that wasn't really intentional", Grandma Anne gulped down a mouthful of saliva as she hurriedly explained. Such power was unbelievable. Her mind was still reeling with shock.

Enryl was no better. His eyes were as wide as a saucer for what he just witnessed.

Hi guys, please enjoy and don't forget to vote! Thanks!

Robravecreators' thoughts