
The Girl From His Yesteryear

Her....why was it her? He stared at the slender figure, that small back facing him. Her soft brown curls cascaded down her tiny shoulders in waves. He seemed to be frozen in time as he stood there silently, entranced by her presence. After a moment, she felt his intense stare, turning her head around to look at who was looking at and upon spotting him, she immediately froze. He knew that she had recognized him. Her mesmerising eyes that resembled pools of liquid chocolate were soul-sucking and rendering him of his speech even though they were surprised. Her cherry lips quivered slightly in shock and her dainty hands that was clutching upon a stylish Coach purse trembled ever so faintly. Both of there were stood there like statues, neither party moving as their brains worked furiously to process the new and information. She looked as good as the day we first met. That was the first thought that passed through his mind. That delicate features was now layered in light makeup, emphasising her enchanting look. What followed after was a bout of heart wrenching pain, as memories of the yesteryear started to rapidly resurface. A couple silhouetted by a setting sun, cuddling tightly together in the frigid winter wind. Slowly their faces moved closer together, driven by a different kind of heat. Their lips finally inter locked, they were unaware of their cold surroundings. Unaware of the soon to be man whose heart was slowly shattered that fateful evening.

sunsetraven · General
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2 Chs

When Hell Freezes Over


He calmly started, his long slender fingers toying with the plastic figurine of the Empire State Building. Interesting choice for a table decoration and he was not even sure why it was on his desk in the first place. Though, The Devil was certain that fake yellow daisies would have done more in brightening up his boring working environment. The concrete walls to his personal office was painted in dark ash, a dull and monotone colour for a 23 year old young man in the prime of his life. Human society exclusively reserved neutral colours for those in the twilight of their lives. Back to the main point, the infamous Devil of the shady business world preferring colourful pastel flowers to cold industrialised seriousness was something unheard off.

" Ye Qiu!"

Right that needy tone.

The Demon Lord who was equivalent to the final Big Boss of a game prided himself in his eidetic memory which almost never failed him forgot to mention one point. That friend of his was a idiot. A failure in all meanings of the word and it seems like he was going to beg him for help this time round. This successfully wiped all emotions previously on the Devil's distressingly handsome features off the face of earth, regaining it's usual emotionless look. His cerulean blue eyes stared off into blank space as he mentally prepared for a tough ordeal.

Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he withstood the loud bellow that came from the other end of the call. Ye Qiu a.k.a the Devil who we know of did not appreciate the being yelled at by his sensitive ears and he was absolutely certain no one sane would either. Maybe….only a someone with masochistic potential would have enjoyed the sweet torturous pain of having been blasted right in the front with their own name. Ye Qiu was sure he was definitely not one. The Devil was anything but a masochist.






Hell No.

" ….. what is it this time?"

Ye Qiu paused for a moment, to filter out his thoughts and carefully omitting the biting remarks he was itching to throw at Idiot Wei, before continuing. Judging from that anxious tone coupled with ten over years of friendship with a partially retarded playboy , the Devil could roughly discern that Idiot Wei was in desperate need. At least to the point where he would risk a call to the scary Demon Lord who would probably murder him happily, which Ye Qiu would honestly admit that it was tempting to. Idiot Wei clearly knew what the consequences of calling the Devil up for something minor and Ye Qiu made sure he emphasized that clearly the previous few rounds. Of course, he did it with much pleasure.

There was this one incident that happened about a year and a half ago when The Devil recieved a sudden call from Idiot Wei. It was ringing on the emergency tone and he was somewhat shocked since it was the first time it was used since he switched over to his own line of mobile devices a while back. SFuture devices all had a certain call feature, where one could register some saved in their contacts as an emergency contact, and when in times of crisis contacted the registered. Since Ye Qiu's family did not know of his job, they did not know of the dangers. Idiot Wei was put in charge of his family's safety which he volunteered to doing, and no the Devil did not threaten him into doing it. When the call went through during a board meeting, Ye Qiu was partially worried only to find out that Idiot Wei was begging him to lend him a mearger thousand after gambling away his pocket money. The Demon Lord almost succumbed to the notion of murdering Idiot Wei and lose self control.

Ye Qiu's brain was filled with countless of doubts but he cooled his head off in the blasted name of friendship. Just change the 'p' of it into 't' and one would get the deep shit Idiot Wei was constantly in. Naturally, as a fellow friend, the Demon Lord was also dragged into a whole lot of it all the time. Idiot Wei was really a death seeker who stirred shit up. Faith, have faith. He internally tried to comfort himself, trying to ease the deep frown that now creased his brows and quell the rising irritation in him. Idiot Wei might have really needed his help so he turned to Ye Qiu. Still, he could not help but wonder whose disgusting pot of shit Idiot Wei had stirred this time round, thereby leading to the Devil's inability to stop his baritone voice from frosting over.

As Ye Qiu addressed Idiot Wei in an icy manner, a errant memory welled up from the depths of his mind. As a child, the Devil was not always such an ice mountain, in actuality he was quite a gentle child. Yet, as the years went by, he found himself gradually becoming more expressionless to some things, not because he was becoming an emotionless monster. When he met Idiot Wei, Ye Qiu was already well on his path of becoming an iceberg, so he rarely allowed his true feelings to surface. That did not spare him from the relentless multitude of horrible jokes coming from Idiot Wei who was the class joker and often made fun of others. There was this one particular joke that spread amongst the class which up to this very day, whenever the subject was brought up, the Devil still felt like throttling Idiot Wei. The day when hell freezes over is when the scary Devil show his real feelings. Ironically, it was also this very joke that led to his current frozen personality as perceived by those around him.

" Help me Big Boss Ye ! "

" .... "

A long moment of silence ensued, where neither party said anything and an uncomfortable tension filled the air. Though Idiot Wei was not beside the Devil, he was minutes as time passed at an agonisingly slow pace. Finally, Ye Qiu once again spoke.

" I know that you have your troubles but I must know what it is before I'm able to help you."

Ye Qiu, the Demon Lord slowly answered in a patient manner as he tried to coax the panicked Idiot Wei. Idiot Wei might have a body of an healthy adult male of 23 but definitely had a mentality of a three year old child. Being as stubborn as a mule at times, Idiot Wei often refused to change his thinking even when Ye Qiu advised him for the better. When the Devil refused to give in to Idiot Wei's childish request, he would then throw a tantrum, pouting his lips like a kid he was and giving the Big Boss a pair of sappy puppy eyes. If Ye Qiu happened to belong to the farrier sex, his will of not giving in to stupid requests might have already crumbled. Idiot Wei might be a fool but he certainly knew how to work his charm on the starry eyed females. Still, Idiot Wei would continue bugging him to no end much to his irritation.

" I….was inviting some old friends out for dinner, and I forgot to bring my wallet and left it at home. I don't have any cash on me currently. Brother, could you please do me a favour and pay on my behalf? "

Bastard, you probably left it at some brothel.

The Devil usually had plenty of patience to spare, if he ignored the fact of Idiot Wei constantly getting on his nerves, but had little this time round. Curses filled his mind as the Devil swore at the generations of Idiot Wei's family for their horrible upbringing. As he listened to that guilty tone, Ye Qiu also felt a dire sense of responsibility, to look out for the naive Idiot Wei in a world full of hidden dangers. Once, he might have viewed Idiot Wei as a joker and nothing more, but an incident that happened a year ago made him view the childish friend of his in a new light. It did not escape the Devil that Idiot Wei was one of the few able to cause a ripple of emotion to the ever calm Demon Lord. He took in a deep breath before giving his answer.

" Never."

The devilish CEO once again ruthlessly rejected helping his best friend and it was truly when hell froze over that the Devil would reveal his true emotions

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