


She was unsure whether or not he was calling for her specifically, but when she heard his voice speak again, there was no mistaking it.

"Where are you, Navi…?"

The palish-blue fairy arose from her resting place and flew off to the Great Deku Tree's Meadow, wherein she met the Great Deku Tree himself.

"Ah, dear Navi, there you are."

The fairy sensed that there was missing. The mighty tree's voice was labored and heavy, as if he was struggling to speak. Navi asked, her eyes scanning the Guardian of the Forest to see what could have been wrong.

"There is little time left," the tree told the far more diminutive fairy. "Hear my words…the words of the Deku Tree…."

"Great Deku Tree, what's the matter?" The fairy asked. "Something's wrong; it's pretty obvious, so tell me, please!"

"There is no time to explain," the tree replied. "But this forest is changing. No, the whole land is changing," the Great Deku Tree continued. "And soon, not even I can stand against the malevolent forces that wish to take all for themselves."

Navi didn't understand any of what the mighty tree was saying. "Great Deku Tree, what are you saying?"

The towering tree then grew silent as if he were lamenting on what was about to be done, whatever it was. And Navi doubted he would tell, given how characteristically secretive he was. "I believe it has come for the boy without a fairy to begin his journey," he said, tone quite melancholy and sad. "The cycle has begun once again," The winged being was left without any knowledge of what he was talking about, but before she could speak, the Great Deku Tree began to speak again. "Go, Navi! Bring him to me! It must be done now!"

Navi still didn't understand but knew that the Great Deku Tree considered this a serious matter. And ultimately, that was a good enough reason to obey his command. She was about to turn away and go, but then she heard the Guardian of the Forest speak again.

"Tell him to bring the sword!"

Navi didn't question the last portion of the Great Deku Tree's message as she flew out of the meadow and into the small neighborhood of Kokiri.

"Hello!" Navi greeted Phoebe, sitting atop the red awning above Flint's door. The Kokiri girl and Gui waved back. Navi then spotted Birch in Saria's garden, pulling weeds. Speaking of Kokiri children, she forgot where the boy without a fairy lived. "Hey!" Navi called out, trying to get the redhead's attention, along with his fairy, Explo, but neither noticed her. "Do either of you know where…oh, never mind. I can find his place. It's not like this part of the forest is overly large."

Still, perhaps she should've thought of asking the Great Deku Tree where the boy's house was. She hadn't gone to the Kokiri Forest much and knew her fellow fairies more than their respective Kokiri. She saw every one of the children and their fairies outside, hoping to spot perhaps someone among them that didn't have a winged companion. Or perhaps, Navi wondered, he wasn't outside at all. Maybe he was still indoors. She then surveyed the area, spotting a treehouse with drapes blocking the sun from entering.

Aha! So, that's where you are! Navi flew past the Know-It-All Brothers' house, navigating her way through the fences put throughout their fields, the three boys being the primary providers for the produce of the entire hamlet. Wait a minute; the Great Deku Tree said something about a sword…wait a second, a sword- "YAH!!" Navi yelped, running headfirst into the tall wooden guard railing that kept anyone from falling off the small cliff ahead.

Shaking off the bump to the head she received, and zoomed past an open space to fit through, free to fly through a small space left in the doorway past the covering. The room was dark from the curtains being drawn; Navi's palish-blue light served as the primary light source, the fairy intensifying her glow to see her current environment better. Then, she saw him beginning to stir in his sleep. Wait, THAT'S the boy the Great Deku Tree means? Navi wondered. The one that barely ever talks? Regardless of her thoughts on him, this child was the one the Guardian of the Forest wanted, so that was what he would get.

The only question was, how was she going to wake him up?

Link believed he heard someone speaking to him in the haze between the dreaming and waking world. Someone was saying hello, but they were no one he recognized.

"Hello?" The voice was female and somewhat older sounding, not to mention a little demanding. "Hello!?"

Link stirred, trying to decide whether or not to continue sleeping or answering whoever was talking to him. The dream that he was having was one where nothing bad happened. He couldn't tell whether it was a good dream, as he didn't know how to feel about it. Regardless, the voice was persistent in getting his attention.

"Hey!!!" Navi shouted. "Come on, get up!!!" Despite her shouting, the boy only seemed to go back to sleep. "The Deku Tree must've made a mistake," she murmured. "There's no way he could depend on such a lazy kid," she then noticed a small open space in the curtain, just large enough for her to fit. "Ok, that's it," she flew over and grabbed the curtain. "Here's your wake-up call!!!"

She pulled the hanging cloth to the side, allowing fresh sunlight to travel into the room. "Ah!" the boy said, rubbing his eyes.

"Finally, it's about time," Navi huffed, flying over to Link, who was still rubbing his eyes. "Well, now that you're up, I'm Navi-EEEK!!!" The more miniature fairy was caught off guard by the boy slapping her away, mistaking her for an annoying bug in his hazy vision.

He then looked up and saw the sun hanging in the skies above. "Morning already?" He said aloud, slowly getting out of bed.

He put on his cap, socks, and boots and then fastened his belt around his waist. Then, he heard the sounds of pained moaning coming from inside one of the painted pots in his home. Curious, Link walked over and peered inside the pot, his blue eyes widening at what he had discovered.

"You!" Navi shot an accusing finger at the boy, flying out to give him a piece of her mind. "How about you watch where you're swinging? Why don't you?!" She asked, flying right in his face. "I was sent here by the Great Deku Tree to come to get you specifically, and the first thing you do is slap me away as if I were some annoying little pest!!!"

Link just stared at her, saying nothing.

"Well? Aren't you going to apologize?" Navi questioned, feeling a little put off by the intensity of the boy's gaze. "W-What? What is it?"

"…are you real?" The boy finally spoke.


"Are you real?"

"Of course I'm real!" Navi answered. "I'm real enough for you to slap around," she groaned, still reeling from the force of the boy's accidental blow. "Of which is NEVER a way to treat a lady, young man!"

Link stood there, letting her talk. True, he was listening to her, but her reason for speaking was lost. All that he knew was that there was a fairy in his home. "It worked…" Link said quietly, overwhelmed with emotion.

"Worked?" Navi was puzzled. "What are you-"

"It worked!!!" Link shouted triumphantly, the fairy quite taken aback by the boy's sudden elation. "That tall guy was right!!! It worked!!!"

Navi fluttered in place, unsure what to make of what was happening. "Um, what worked?"

"I got a fairy!!! An actual fairy!!!" Link beamed, unable to contain himself. "Let's see you call me 'Mr. No-Fairy' now, Mido!!! Know why?!!"

"Hey, I asked you a question-" Navi stated, but Link cut her off, going on about finally receiving a fairy.

"Cause I've got a fairy now!!!" Link then grew a little calmer. "She might be a bit chatty and loud,"

"Chatty and loud?" Navi asked, offended. "Look who's talking," she murmured. "Look, it doesn't matter, what matters is-"

But Link didn't even register that she had even called him out on his hypocrisy. "But what matters is that she's mine! She's mine, and that's all I need to-"

"HEY!!! LISTEN!!!"

Upon hearing the fairy bellow the command to pay attention, Link ceased talking and turned his attention to her. "Are you done?" Navi asked, Link nodding in response. "Well then," she straightened herself out, though Link couldn't see anything past the bright light at the center of the minor being's figure. "Seeing as you're finally awake, allow me to introduce myself," she cleared her throat. "I'm Navi, and you're Link, right?"

Link nodded again.

That's odd. Navi thought. He was talking up quite a storm a moment ago; now, he's dead quiet. Well, whatever. It didn't matter. She was here because she had a job to do. "Nice to meet you, but I'm afraid there's no time to sit and chat. The Great Deku Tree has tasked me with bringing you to him."

Link was surprised upon hearing this. "Why?" He asked.

"He wasn't exactly clear," Navi confessed. "But the important thing is that you get to the meadow as soon as possible. Understand?"

"Ok?" Link still didn't entirely understand what was happening. But the Great Deku Tree wanted to see him, so why keep him waiting? Plus, he now had a fairy of his own to show off finally!

"Oh, and another thing!" Navi said. "He said to bring the sword." Link's face grew pale. He tried to make himself look inconspicuous as if he had no idea what she was talking about. "Don't bother denying it," the fairy told him. "He knows you have it."

Link was about to protest, but Navi flew underneath his bed, where the small blade was hidden. Seeing as his secret was revealed, he didn't try to devise any defense. But he'd have something to say if the fairy accused him of being a thief! It wasn't as if he stole it; he had just found it; how was he supposed to know it was necessary? Still, how did the Great Deku Tree know he had it? And better yet, why did he want Link to bring it?

"You can explain how you got it later," Navi told the boy. "For now, let's just get to the meadow!"

Stepping outside his treehouse, the blonde boy saw Saria standing by the ladder, waiting. "Hey, Link!" She said, waiting for the boy to come down. He did so, eager to introduce his fairy to Saria. "Hm? Who's this?"

But it seemed that Navi had beat him to it. "You're Saria, yes?" The winged pale-blue light questioned the green-haired girl. "Compa's told me about you. I'm Navi."

"Navi, it has a nice ring to it," Saria said. "Nice to meet you," She then saw Link, who was about to complain to Navi that she didn't wait for him to introduce her, but then Saria began speaking again. "Hey, Link! Is she your fairy?" She asked him excitedly. Upon seeing her face brighten, Link's annoyance subsided, and he answered with a confident smile and nod. "Congratulations!" She beamed, joyful for her best friend. "Mido won't be able to call you 'Mr. No-Fairy' anymore after today!"

Suddenly, Link became aware that there was a small gathering by Flint's house, right where he had planted that strange seed. "Yes, very nice to meet you," Navi told Saria. "But the Great Deku Tree is waiting, so we need to…?!" The fairy looked to the one she was sent to fetch but saw that he was gone. "Where did he go?"

Navi and Saria then saw Link making his way towards the collection of other children, curious as to what had captured their interest. Had the wish-granting flower begun to bloom already?

"What do you think?" He heard Fado ask, voice indicating puzzlement and confusion.

"Well, to me, it looks like some web," Karya answered, giving Link pause. A web? Like a spider's web?

"Hey, do you think what Elm said he saw was a spider?" Another one of the twins, Phoebe, asked.

"Maybe," Flint examined the area of interest, taking in all the details. "But still, if that's the case, then that means…" the brunette boy stopped, realizing that someone was behind him. "Oh, Link! There you are," he said, seemingly pleased that the normally quiet boy was here.

"Where'd you get that?" Phoebe then asked, gesturing to the blade Link had in his possession.

Shoot! He had forgotten about the sword! Link tried to hide the object from view, but it was too late. The blonde Kokiri girl, the twins, and Flint saw everything.

"You know the rules! Nothing dangerous is allowed in the Kokiri Forest!" Fado said. "I'm telling Mido!"

Link was about to reach out and try to convince Fado not to do that, but Flint spoke up before he could. "Wait a minute," the usually indifferent boy said, his fairy, Patha, fluttering close by. "Maybe we could benefit from having something like that around," he then looked at Link. "Hey, you, come take a look at this." He then gestured to the spot by his house. The spot where Link had planted the wish-giving flower.

Link walked over to where Flint pointed and was met with quite a startling sight: several lines of thick webbing clung to the sides of the house and the stone wall behind it, resembling a giant spider web. "I don't think that was there yesterday," Karya stated, disgusted yet fascinated by the webbing at the same time. "All creatures are allowed to live in the Kokiri Forest,"

"But I don't think this came from anything anyone would want here." Phoebe finished for her twin.

"I've seen webs bigger than this, most of which came from incredibly tiny spiders," Flint confessed. "But these webs seem thicker than any of those."

"Not to mention they're all sticky and gross," Fado added, wincing as she felt the thickness of one of the silky strands.

Link took the sword out from his belt and touched the silk with the blade. He then proceeded to slice downwards, cutting through the webbing. "Hm, we might have to call you for assistance, Link," Flint said. Link, however, was confused. "Well, it's obvious whatever spider made this is a bit too big," Flint grimaced when he saw the webs again. "So, if someone sees it, they'll have to get rid of it," he pointed at the sword in Link's possession."And it looks like that could be of use."

"Speaking of, where'd you get that sword, anyway?" Fado questioned.

Link was about to answer that he had "found it" because no one would have believed the story. But before speaking, he felt Saria's hand on his shoulder, along with Navi's wings lightly grazing his right ear.

"It's a little rude to go off without any word about where you're going, you know," Navi told Link. "Is he usually this easily distracted?"

Saria giggled. "Unfortunately, at times," she noticed the Kokiri Sword in Link's belt. "Uh, Link, I thought I told you to keep that inside for now."

"Oh, the Great Deku Tree told him to bring it," Navi told Saria. "He expressed that this boy here will need it."

Link was still confused about what Navi meant, but Saria seemed to understand. She bit her lip. "Then, if that's the case," she presented what she had brought. "You'll need something to carry it in," she then took Link by the hand and led him to her house. Once inside, she opened up a chest near her bed and retrieved some items from inside. "This should do it," Saria said, laying the items on the table in the center of her home.

Link saw that the Kokiri girl presented him with two pieces of equipment. One was a sheath of blue and brown with a golden end and a wrapping of white cloth around the meeting area of blue and brown. The other was a brown belt of some sort, but it didn't appear to be the kind he wore around his waist. The Great Deku Tree called that particular belt something in one of his stories once, Link thought. But what was it called?

"Before you ask, I didn't know what it was either," Saria told Link. "It's called a baldric." Baldric! Yeah! Now he remembered! "Now," she then held the sheath. "This is for your sword, hey!" She was about to instruct Link on correctly placing his sword in, only to have the boy begin before she could finish. It took Link a few moments, but he eventually managed to get it inside.

"Be careful with that! It's not a toy!" Navi lectured. "You could cut yourself if you're not careful!"

Well, no, duh, Link thought, but he had heard enough of the Great Deku Tree's stories to know how to use one. At least, this was the justification he had to use the sword. "And this," Saria spoke again, holding up the baldric. "Is for you to hang your sheath onto."

Saria proceeded to attach the sheath to the baldric, urging Link to try it on. Link did so, Saria and Navi looking him over. "Fits just right," the green-haired girl stated, smiling. "Like it was made for you."

Despite her smile, Link noticed she didn't appear happy about it. Seeing him as he was now appeared to be making her quite sad. But before he could even ask what was wrong, let alone why she was giving him all of this, Navi piped in.

"Yes, you look very nice," she said, then turned her attention to Saria. "Thank you for the gifts, but I need him to come with me."

"Y-Yeah, thanks." Link told the green-haired girl. A fairy, a place to put his sword; so far, planting that flower had done him quite well! What could come next? It was unlikely, but if Link ever saw that tall man again, he would have to thank him.

"Well, you should probably get going," Saria said. "You shouldn't keep the Great Deku Tree waiting." Again, she smiled, but Link didn't sense that his friend was happy.

"Exactly," but before he could ask any questions, he felt the fairy tugging on the collar of his tunic. "So, let's go to the meadow without further ado!"

Exciting Saria's home, Link was escorted by the newly introduced Navi while Saria watched them go. She didn't let it show when he was around, but her gut was twisting with worry, knowing that whatever would come next would be out of her control. Meanwhile, Link was being led by Navi to the Great Deku Tree's meadow, the boy still wondering just what he had been summoned for, let alone told to bring the sword he found.

"He can explain all that when you get there," Navi told the boy, mainly because she didn't know herself. "But we've dawdled enough as it is. We have to-"

"Hold up, Mr. No-Fairy!"

Link stopped, seeing, to his annoyance, Mido blocking the entrance to the meadow, his pink fairy, Recti, on his right shoulder. At first, Link was about to tell the redheaded jerk to get out of the way but then realized that he had something to say. Or rather, show.

"Just what are you in such a hurry for?" Mido questioned, then he noticed the baldric and sheathed sword. "Aha! Fado was right! You ARE carrying a dangerous weapon!"

Link was stunned by Mido discovering his secret so fast but realized the extra belt around his chest made it evident in hindsight. And who else would've told him but that tattle-tale, Fado? The blonde boy huffed, not willing to let Mido ruin this day for him. Just when everything was going so good too! True, his fairy was a little chatty, but she was still his.

And either way, she was way better than Mido's because she was his.

Speaking of Mido's fairy, Recti recognized the winged being that was with Link. "Navi? Is that you?" She then turned her attention from the pale-blue fairy to the blonde boy. "Oh my, isn't that ironic?" Recti giggled. Only Navi could see her true form hidden underneath the light, so the two youths didn't see the pink fairy cross her arms and raise her brow. "Well, you're going to have your work cut out for you," she said. "Link might be a bit difficult to interpret at times. He's not much of a talker."

"Hm?" Navi tilted her head. He couldn't stop talking when he saw me. What's changed? Aside from his question regarding why he was being summoned, Link hadn't spoken a word. Even if she didn't want to give Recti any credit, Navi couldn't deny that, compared to the other children, her child was a little…off. He looked the same as any other Kokiri, but she couldn't deny that some of what she had heard about him was true. Just what are you up to, Great Deku Tree?

"But anyway," Mido retook control over the conversation. "Just where'd you get that sword anyhow? If you thought you were in trouble before, just wait until-" the redhead then realized just what sort of sword Link had in his possession. "IS THAT THE KOKIRI SWORD?!" His exclamation was heard throughout the entire hamlet. "But…but how…?" He stammered as if he was unable to grasp what was happening. "How did you find…why did you…?" Mido then shook his head. "No way! I don't believe it!" He then pointed an accusing finger at Link. "You must've stolen it! Admit it! There's no way it would come to you!"

Link's anger rose upon hearing that, about to protest, but Navi stepped in. Or instead, flew in. "I don't know how he came to get it, but the Great Deku Tree said for him to bring it."

"Then what's that for?" Mido questioned, gesturing towards Link's baldric. "If you stole that sword, what's the point if you'll have to give it back?"

"Because he's going to need something to hang this on," Turning around, Link and Mido saw Saria holding an object made of wood. But upon seeing it, both boys recognized what it was. "After all, what good is a sword without a shield?"

The shield was a thick piece of wood carved in an angular shape, a symbol curved inwards with a slight section curling underneath carved into the surface. The crest of the Kokiri. "What the?!" Mido's jaw dropped. "Where'd you get that?!"

"I've had it in storage but forgot to give it to Link," she then handed the shield over to Link. "This is made from the wood of the Great Deku Tree himself," Saria explained to Link, although she made sure that Mido could hear as well. He asked me to hand you these things himself, so I guess that means he wants you to keep the sword," she then looked at the redhead blocking the way. "Wouldn't that make the most sense, Mido?"

The redhead boy was left speechless, unable to come up with any rebuttal. "Now, with that out of the way, I believe the Great Deku Tree has been waiting on us long enough," Navi told Mido. "So, if you please…?"

Mido's rosy cheeks puffed out in anger as he moved out of the way. "Well, whatever! I still say you stole it!" He told Link. "Shoot, how do you get to be the favorite of both Saria AND the Great Deku Tree?"

Feeling quite confident at that moment, Link shrugged. "Just lucky, I guess." He said, giving a coy grin when he saw Mido get even more flustered. He then went down the path to the meadow, pleased at finally getting ahead of Mido. Could this day get any better?

But as he made his way through the small area between the rocky walls that led to his destination, Link noticed something out of sorts. Situated in a small corner to the left was a large, blue bud of a plant he had never seen before. Approaching it, Link was about to touch it before Navi came in and grabbed his intrusive finger.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?! You can't just go and touch things you don't know!" Navi lectured.

Link's mood was still positive, but he had to admit that his fairy was a bit of a nag. "Then what is it?" The boy asked, genuinely curious but somewhat sarcastic, a trait that surprised Navi.

The fairy inspected the strange "flower," keeping her distance but taking in every detail. It's still in the bud stage, she thought. So it's not dangerous now, but how did it get here in the first place? Navi then noticed Link looking at her for an answer to his question. "It's not important; it's just a bud," she told the boy. "It can't hurt you."

Hurt him? What did that mean, Link wondered. Just what was it?

"Look, it's no harm to anyone right now, but it being here is all the more reason to hurry!" Navi told Link. The boy nodded and went with the fairy, almost forgetting about the reason he was going to the meadow in the first place. Finally, they reached the end of the pathway, entering the expansive field of green. "Great Deku Tree! I'm back!" Navi said to the giant tree. "I brought him as you asked!"

The Guardian of the Forest looked down to see the fairy and the boy he sought. "Ah, Navi, you have returned," he turned his attention to the child next. "And Link," the boy wasn't sure, but the Great Deku Tree's mustache shifted upwards as if to indicate a smile. "It is good to see you," he then went silent for a moment, taking in the blonde's appearance. "A sword and a shield…indeed, you resemble many of those heroes I've told tales of," he said.

Link rubbed the back of his head, feeling a little put on spot. True, it was remarkable that the Great Deku Tree himself thought the boy looked cool, but hearing it heated his cheeks somewhat.

"Indeed, it seems I am no longer in control," Link wasn't sure what the towering tree meant, but he sounded as if he were lamenting something he didn't wish to accept. But he was powerless to fight it. "The sword which you now possess cannot be stolen nor taken by force, so it is yours, but I must ask you, how did you come about it, Link?"

Link bit his lip, unsure of what to say. True, the Great Deku Tree said he KNEW that Link didn't steal the sword, but the boy still wasn't sure his tale would be believable.

"You do not have to speak if you cannot find the words," the Great Deku Tree told the boy. "For it is clear in your mind's eye."

Mind's eye? What did that mean? Link was about to express his confusion vocally, but the Great Deku Tree spoke again before he could say anything.

"Ah, I see," he said. "So that's how you came about it," his face altered again, appearing more solemn than before.

And while he couldn't have been sure, Link thought he had heard the great tree murmur about a "Farore" and her "tricks."

"Well, all the same, what matters is that it has come to you in this hour," the Great Deku Tree continued. "And it is good, for you will need it in this hour."

Link was growing tired of being confused and having no idea what was happening, and it seemed the Great Deku Tree sensed this as well. Thus, he got straight to the point.

"These past few nights have been full of nothing but terror for you, have they not?" The mighty tree asked. "Dreams of terrible darkness and foul creatures have plagued you in your sleep, creatures you have never seen nor heard of in my tales, correct?"

Link nodded.

"The forest, no, the land itself is changing," the Great Deku Tree stated, a few leaves falling from his branches. While neither said anything, Navi and Link found this unusual, seeing as the Guardian of the Forest was always in excellent health. "Link, listen to me, and listen well, for what I say is no mere tale, nor is it any fable," the tree told the young boy. "Dark things are stirring in the world outside these woods, and now they have begun to infiltrate my domain," he explained. "The fact the Kokiri Sword has come to you leaves no doubt in my mind that the time has come for you to take your place in history," the tree paused. "To take your place in the cycle." He said the last part underwater, hoping that Link didn't hear it.

Link pondered what the Great Deku Tree was saying, taking a place in history, speaking of darkness invading the forest…Link froze. Did this mean…?

"Link, I call upon you because I am in need of a hero."

The blonde boy couldn't believe what he was hearing. A hero? Him?! The Great Deku Tree needed him to be a hero?! The sword, the shield, receiving his own fairy, it was all connecting now! He was a hero! A hero chosen by the Great Deku Tree!

Yet, despite the boy's joy, no one else seemed to share it. "Hey, don't take this lightly! The Great Deku Tree needs you, so acknowledge that you're taking this seriously!"

"It is all right, Navi," the great tree assured her. "But yes, I need your help, Link," he said. "Last night, I was beset by a sudden blackness that cast a dark shadow over me," the tree then paused. "I have fallen under a terrible curse, Link," he confessed as if he were ashamed of it. "Not long after you obtained that sword."

Link's bursting joy turned icy and cold, terrible comprehension coming to him. The Great Deku Tree had been cursed?! By whom?! And it happened last night?! Why didn't he say anything?! Who could curse a being as powerful as the Deku Tree?! All this and more ran through Link's mind, but it was clear what the tree was asking of him at the moment. And that, ultimately, was what was most important.

"The possession of that sword means you are the only one who can break this terrible magic cast upon me," the Great Deku Tree told the child and fairy. "But I warn you; dangers are awaiting you that you have never seen before, should you have courage enough to undertake this task. What say you, Link?" The tree questioned the boy. "Will you go on this quest to free me, and the entire forest, from this terrible affliction?"

Link was silent and, frankly, unsure of what to think. True, the prospect of being a hero excited him greatly, but hearing of the Great Deku Tree's plight cemented the seriousness of the situation. Then, he began to wonder if he was truly up to this. Could he do it? Could he relieve the Guardian of the Forest of this curse?

The blonde boy said nothing but nodded his head to answer the mighty tree. He was naive and didn't know what he was getting into, but the boy's resolve caught Navi off guard.

"Then enter, young Link," then, in an act that Link didn't think possible, the Great Deku Tree opened his mouth, his lower lip sinking downward until it made contact with the grass-covered earth below. A dark, gaping maw was left, the blackness intimidating but beckoning all the same. "Enter, and fulfill this task."

Link stared with wide, blue eyes at the darkness ahead, not so eager to begin moving forward.

"You shan't be alone," the Great Deku Tree assured him, speaking without moving his mouth. "Navi, guide Link throughout the various passages that await him inside," he told the fairy. "Link, listen to her words, for they shall be as vital to you as is your sword."

Link continued to stare at the gaping mouth of the tree. "Well?" Navi asked. "Let's go."

Link looked at her with surprise, his situation now sinking in fully. True, it looked scary, and he didn't doubt that it'd probably be a little dangerous, but he had given his word to the Great Deku Tree and would serve as the hero he needed. With a deep breath, Link began to make his way toward the tree's open mouth, approaching it closer and closer until he finally reached the entrance to whatever lay inside the towering tree. The young boy stopped here for a moment, trying to see through the dense shadows, but it was then that Navi flew in front of him.

"Here," she said. "I'll serve as a guide if you need light."

With that assurance and a few more moments of waiting, Link stepped into the Great Deku Tree, disappearing into the shadows of the tree's open mouth.