
Queen Gohma

The first step he took inside the chamber sounded as if the very ground was wet and moist. And as Navi's light illuminated the area around him, Link saw that the section fit that description. The space within the very depths of the Great Deku Tree was covered in thick, silky webs that lined the walls and ceiling, and several columns of wood lined the chamber, keeping the foundation stable. No light shone here, save for Navi herself, so Link was letting her lead the way through the darkness while looking around and getting a good view of his environment. Of which was not one he cared for much.

Ew, it was disgusting here, Link thought, not daring to lay his hand on one of the web-covered walls or columns. His nose wrinkled. And it smells all moldy too! "Bleugh!"

"Shh!" Navi hissed. "Quiet!" She urged the boy, her eyes peering around for any sign of danger.

From above the two, a creature concealed in the deep shadows of the chamber hung from the ceiling. It sat there quietly, observing the two tiny beings that had intruded into their quarters.

"Somewhere here is the source of the curse," Navi explained. "So be prepared to face whatever may come your way."

Link drew out his sword, holding his shield as well. "I-I'm not scared." He declared (or at least tried to).

"Well, you should still be cautious," Navi told him. "Something that caused a curse like this must be a foul beast."

Upon hearing the fairy refer to it as such, the multi-legged figure in the shadows crawled from the ceiling. Then it went down the walls while keeping its form concealed from sight. It wasn't insulted, but the tiny winged creature reminded it that there were intruders to devour. Especially the boy. The beast wasn't entirely sure why, yet it felt strange energy emanating from him. Unbridled, untapped, ready to be released with the proper nurturing and care. Such events couldn't be allowed; this child would have to be exterminated. Lest that force within him be set free in the future, let alone against it!

"I don't even know what sort of creature you'll face here, so you have to be ready for whatever you come across, no matter how big it is," Navi instructed Link, trying to keep his disgust of the ever-present webs at bay. "But rest assured, everything has a weakness," the winged being assured the boy. "I can detect those, no problem."

All right, Link thought. He would hold her to it. While she was still a little too chatty for his liking, not to mention quite a nag, Link couldn't deny that Navi had gotten him out of trouble so far. Sometimes her intervention was a little later than he would've liked, but she still eventually contributed. And, despite those traits he disliked, the boy still ranked his fairy above Mido's. But then came the question of what life would be like for him after this was over. He had to make amends for causing all of it in the first place.

The creature concealed in darkness had silently made its way to the ground, navigating behind the columns to keep hidden.

"But still, even with my help, you're the one with the sword," Navi continued, she and Link utterly unaware of the other life form approaching them. "So you must heed my advice and keep your skills in mind," she explained. "Then again, you just started, so I guess you don't have any."

Link huffed in protest. Didn't she see how he took out all those Deku Babas? Let alone those three Scrubs a short time ago? He had excellent skills, as far as he was concerned!

"Hey, I have to be honest with you," the fairy told Link. "You might know how to use a slingshot, but you know nothing about being a swordsman. Thus, it's something you have to learn and learn quickly. After all, you never know when the enemy can strike," she continued. "After all, in a place like this, they can come from anywhere...!?"

Suddenly, Navi and Link were engulfed in a bright, yellow glow that outshone the fairy's light. Neither wished to look; neither wanted to face the massive creature that had just revealed itself to them, not yet. Only when they had time to prepare. But now, fate seemed to have taken that choice from them. Thus, both fairy and boy slowly turned their heads to find themselves met with a giant eyeball of gold, the source of the glow that enveloped them both.

In the center of the golden eye was a bright green iris with a pupil of red that split horizontally, the iris rolling to the back of the eyeball before it reemerged from the lower half of the moist optic. Link's own blue eyes traveled from the eye to the creature's massive legs that ended in thickened, sharpened claws, a smaller set situated higher up above the eyeball. The monster's body was a reddish-brown color, presented in the glow of the eye, and there were green, hardened sections that rested underneath the joints that attached the claws to the rest of the beast. A pair of tiny, red feelers was in place of a mouth, and a strange, tube-like appendage was at the back of the creature. Upon seeing that it had the intruders in its sights were aware of its presence, the multi-legged beast reared up its hind legs, claws hanging downward and pinching against each other, and released a guttural roar that Link didn't think could belong to any living creature.

When she had seen the massive specimen of arachnid and crustacean, it all clicked together for Navi: the webs, the Skulltulas, the larva, all of it was because of this Gohma! Then, the creature slammed its hind legs down, knocking Link off his feet and to the ground, the glow of its golden eye still shining down on the more petite boy. "Link!" she shouted. "This isn't just any ordinary Gohma! This one is a Queen!" she explained. Link didn't respond. "If she isn't taken out now, the entire Kokiri Forest will be crawling with her spawn! Link!"

Link still didn't answer, his blue eyes wide in terror as he stared at the far more enormous arachnid, sweat trailing down his brow as he began to crawl back from the approaching Gohma. Upon being knocked to the ground, Link lost his sword and shield, which he realized too late when he raised his hand to try and stab at the giant spider-like monster, even if he knew it wouldn't be enough.

"Get your sword!" Navi hollered, the Gohma drawing closer and closer to the boy and her. "Link! Watch out!" her voice, despite Link's current panic and anxiety, registered in his mind, allowing him to act at that moment. The sudden movement was enough to avoid an incoming claw aimed at his more petite body, and the boy ran to hide behind one of the columns. "Y-Yeah, it's a little bigger than the last one, I know," the fairy told Link. "But once we come up with a strategy, we can bring this thing down!" Link didn't answer, continuing to breathe rapidly as his body trembled. Despite the task at hand, the sight of the boy's frightened expression reminded her of his young age. "Look, it's ok to be scared," she told him, trying to ease the boy's anxiety, even if she was unlikely to be successful. "But it's nothing more than a spider!"

Link looked up at her, clearly unamused. Nothing more than a spider?! How about a spider the size of his house!?

"Ok, it might be a pretty BIG spider," Navi admitted. "But it's just a giant bug! It can be squashed! Or, in your case, slashed up."

He would be able to do that if he hadn't lost his sword! But, then again, it was his fault. Link sighed, mentally kicking himself for his stupidity and cowardice. He had a chance to undo all this damage, and the first thing he does is run away?! Some hero, he thought.

"Watch out!"

Suddenly, Link was bathed in the golden glow of the Gohma Queen's eye; the massive beast had caught up to him. How could something that enormous move so silently?! Unfortunately, the boy got little time to ponder this as the arachnid lashed out, missing him by mere inches as he was forced to flee. The wooden column Link had hidden behind was split at the capital, and the rest of the standing foundation fell. The resulting crash sent a shockwave throughout the chamber, jostling Link and making him lose balance. He fell to the ground but quickly recovered and ran to another column for shelter. Although, given what had just happened, he knew he couldn't resort to hiding forever. But just what could he do to fend off this monster?!

"Hey," Navi whispered, a rarity when using that word so far. "You have that slingshot, remember?" she told him. "Maybe you can try making use of that?"

Hm, that could work, Link thought. Still, how would he know when to shoot? The Queen Gohma was covered in armor, and while her eye was gigantic, he noticed that there appeared to be some reflective sheen to it as if it were protected by something. It was thin, but it was probably enough not to be affected by a simple Deku Seed launched at it.

"Wait for when her eye turns red," Navi instructed Link. "That's when she can see you most precisely, but it's also when she's vulnerable," it appeared that her words were sinking in for the boy. "When the time is right, wait for her eye to chance, then shoot!"

Link didn't entirely understand, but he took Navi's advice and prepared to fire. The question was, where exactly would the Queen turn up next? His question was quickly answered when he was enveloped by the golden glow, noticing that it came from above this time. Link stepped back, hand grasping his slingshot while backing up towards his sword and shield. The Gohma Queen reared its hind legs upward, and then the yellow eye appeared to "split" horizontally, revealing a red eyeball with a green iris and yellow split pupil. Was this its actual eye? Instead of a golden glow, Link found his more diminutive form enveloped by a red light, the massive arachnid prepared to pounce, mere moments from launching itself forward at the unfortunate boy.


With Navi's words serving as the signal, Link unleashed a shot from his slingshot, the Deku Seed hitting the Queen's red optic. She roared in agony when the seed made contact with her acute but sensitive eye, the resulting flash from the impact momentarily blinding her vision, the sight of Link disappearing from view.

"Now's your chance! Get your sword and shield!"

Well, yeah, obviously, Link thought. Nevertheless, he did just that, the enormous arachnid still stunned by the Deku Seed's flash. Link turned back to face the behemoth creature when he recollected his weapon and means of defense, running up to slash at the spider's vulnerable eyeball. Unfortunately, the period between the boy's shot and the retrieval of his gear was too much, the Gohma Queen putting up her protective lense just before Link's blade could meet the vulnerable tissue. The Kokiri Sword scratched the thicker lid, but it didn't penetrate.

The Queen backed up, her vision returning as she made her way to the wall behind her. He had little experience, but he was a quick learner, she observed, climbing up the wall and watching Link as she ascended. The two who housed her egg were correct: it wouldn't be long until he would become trouble for them. Still, was there really that much danger? He was still just a child that could be caught, spun up, and later eaten.

Having reached the ceiling, the gigantic spider hung from above in the center, the long, tube-like appendage on her backside beginning to pulsate and swell. Freshly laid eggs exited from the tube, falling to the floor with a wet yet solid plop. The pinkish shells soon broke open, revealing three newly emerged larvae, the spawn's hivemind with their parent alerting them that the boy in front of them was their enemy. And the three children would defend their mother at all costs.

The Queen hung from the ceiling, watching as her spawn combated with the blonde child, her eye taking in the boy's every movement as he was on the defensive. Not just the one who held her egg, but the one who gave him the directions to the forest was right about this child. Whether he was the "one" was debated, but the Queen was unsure who the "one" was. But there was also something that her holder said that caught her attention.

"There is a girl in the castle," her holder's "guide," said, voice low and barely a rumble. She was still growing in her egg then, so she couldn't see much of anything outside her shell. "Hyrule has themselves a Royal Daughter. So, even if that boy is not the one, he's out there, somewhere."

None of this made sense to the massive arachnid, but she would visit that castle next if it meant more food. Queen Gohma had started small, but this tree's bountiful energy gave her an excellent source of nutrients, allowing her to grow and quickly undergo metamorphosis into her adult stage. So, while this tree wouldn't last her forever, she would make him give her every amount of vitality he had left in his roots before she thought of letting him go. And, whether this boy was the "one" or not, he was still a threat to her. Thus, he would be dealt with as such.

Down on the ground, Link held up his shield as a freshly produced Gohma leaped forward, hitting his wooden shield and sending him back. Despite the force of the bipedal larvae, Link kept his footing, aware of the ground beneath him. "Take these guys out first," Navi advised. "Then make another try for the Queen!"

"Right!" Link nodded in agreement, readying himself as another young Gohma charged at him.

Unlike before, however, Link jumped to the side instead of raising his shield, the larvae missing him entirely. This mistake allowed the boy to stab the creature in the back of the head, green fluid spilling out from the wound. It saw its sibling fall, so the following larvae charged forward and leaped, intending to land atop the boy and bring him to the ground. Unfortunately, it only put the Gohma in a position to be stabbed from underneath. Instead of attacking from the sides, Link thrust his sword upward, piercing the arachnid's underside.

The boy threw the larvae to the side when some green fluid dripped onto his face; he grimaced in disgust, hoping none of the brightly colored blood got in his mouth. The last larvae stared Link down, knowing it was the last of the triplets just laid. Neither moved, save for the slight readjustment of position, trying to gauge just what the other's next move would be. Link hoped it would make the first move; otherwise, he would have to, as the larvae were just a distraction. Link soon found he could wait no longer and went in for the kill, but the Gohma jumped out of the way, landing atop the boy's back and kicking off.

Link was sent to the ground, his attacker landing on its feet not too far behind him. "Hurry! Your shield!" Navi alerted him as the remaining spawn of the Queen came jumping towards the boy.

Doing just that, The Gohma was held back by the thick, carved piece of wood, but Link knew he would have to get this thing off him to get to the Queen. Thus, when he saw an opening, he shot his leg out and kicked the larvae right in its eye. The force sent the bipedal arachnid back against one of the wooden columns, its form sliding down a short distance until it hit the floor. It then went limp and motionless. Link wasn't entirely sure if it was dead, but it wasn't moving, so he wasn't going to risk the chance of getting a shot at the Queen!

From above, Queen Gohma was furious at the accursed child for daring to harm her children, gazing upon him with great hatred. Finally, she fell to the ground, her weight causing a significant tremor that rocked the entire area, perhaps even that of the whole Great Deku Tree. The arachnid stared down at Link, her protective lid allowing her to see him, but her vision was slightly obstructed by the density of her optic's means of defense. Thus, she opened her eye, allowing herself to see her prey clearly with her unshielded red eye. But she would have to be quick, as the boy knew of her weakness.

The Queen stepped forward, yet Link rolled out of the way of the incoming claw. Then, to Navi's surprise, he put his sword and shield away. "What are you doing?!" the fairy shouted, baffled that the boy had just put away his only means of protecting himself. "You're going to need that!"

"Not just yet." Link told her.

Navi was initially unsure of what he meant, but she didn't get a chance when Queen Gohma came at them again. "Watch out!"

Link leaped to the side and drew out his slingshot, waiting for the moment when the Queen would take a glance at him. When she turned to see where he had gone, the blonde released a Deku Seed right in her optic. A familiar, stinging pain assaulted her sole means of seeing. The agony was so great that she was rendered motionless, falling into a heap as her eye tried to regain its vision amid the bright, white spots that clouded nearly everything in sight.

"Hurry! Do it now!" Navi told Link, seeing that their time had come! "Do-AHH!"

Link was about to strike, but then he heard Navi let out a loud cry, directing his attention to whatever was going on behind him. Navi was in the clutches of the last remaining Gohma larvae, having survived Link's blow from before. The fairy was beneath it, being covered in strands of freshly spun silk to keep her in place. The boy ran to her and struck at the Gohma, slicing it down the eye and cutting it in two. The creature quickly died and burned away, blood and all, and Link got to work untangling Navi from the thick silk.

"What are you doing?!" she cried out, all the while struggling to get out of her sticky bindings. "You have a monster to slay...?!" she gasped. "WATCH OUT!"

Suddenly, the yellow glow came upon him again, and Link turned to face Queen Gohma. But, instead of stabbing her eye, the boy found himself pinned to the ground by the enormous arachnid, only able to bring up his shield at the last second to keep the creature's red mandibles from seizing his tiny body in its mouth. Navi still lay on the ground, Link's handiwork allowing her to get somewhat free, but silk still immobilized her wings. She couldn't fly to the boy, even if she flapped as hard as she could. Her tiny hands ripped and tore at the silk while Link struggled against the Gohma Queen. Strong as the Kokiri Shield was, it wouldn't hold forever, especially against a beast such as this parasitic invertebrae!

She had to do something, or the boy would surely be a goner!

Finally, Navi could free herself from the larvae's webbing, but she still had difficulty flying. But if she didn't at least try to make the distance, she would never forgive herself. After all, what sort of guide would she be if she didn't take care of her charge?

"Hey!" she yelled, flapping her wings and unsteadily flying over to Link and the Queen. Her voice thankfully attracted the attention of the giant spider, but once she saw the fairy, she deemed Navi not worth her time. So she went back to trying to bite through Link's shield. "Hey! I'm talking to you, bug!" the fairy shouted. But still, the fully-grown Gohma continued to bite and tear at the wood with its mandibles. "Ok, fine! If you're not going to listen to me," she stated before standing atop Link's shield, giving the Queen pause. So just what was this foolish little thing doing? "Then how about I get your attention another way?!"

The fairy then glowed a bright, blinding light, and both the Queen and Link were taken aback by the suddenness of the wave of light. Then, realizing what Navi had done for him, and with her silent urging, Link stabbed his Kokiri Sword forward, the blade piercing the red optic that had revealed itself at the last second to show Link his impending doom before Navi's light was shown. The giant arachnid roared in agony as the boy rose to his feet, his sword coming out from the damaged optic. But the boy didn't stop there, for, in its painful paralysis, Link slashed and hacked at the eyeball, slicing in various places until, finally, the entire optic was little more than a slashed-up orb bleeding green.

"NOW!" Navi shouted, hoping the boy heard her. But, unfortunately, the display of light she had presented had taken up some of her energy.

With a thrust forward, Link ran his Kokiri Sword into the eye of Queen Gohma, the giant spider freezing up. It didn't roar or make any noise, nor any movement. Instead, clear liquid poured out from the eye, and, to Link's shock, the spider's body began to burn away in green flames. True, he had seen the other monsters do the same, yet with a creature so large, Link could genuinely see that the fire was destroying every part of the Gohma until, at last, there was nothing left. Seeing that the threat was no more, the boy ran over to Navi, scooping her up.

"Are...you ok?" he asked, his words primarily coherent.

"Y-Yes," Navi assured him. "I think so," she then stood up, Link picking off the last silk from her wings. "Thank you."

Link shook his head. "N-No," he said. Navi looked at him curiously. "Th-Thank...you."

The fairy was surprised to hear that from the boy. So far, he seemed to regard her as little more than a sometimes helpful but mostly nagging tag-along. "Hm," she thought aloud. "You may still need some work and guidance," she said. "But...this is a good start."

Link smiled. He would take that. "So..." he began, sounding out his question correctly. "Is the curse...gone?"

"The source of it is," Navi confirmed, flying by his shoulder without issue now. "But it seems that the damage is still here," indeed, there were still webs lining the inner chamber. "But we can ask about that later," Navi said, changing the subject. "First thing is, how do we get out of here?"

Link was wondering that as well. True, they could go back the way they came, but that would take some time. And, even if they broke the curse, the boy wasn't keen on seeing more spiders for a long time. But then, he became aware of a soft, blue glow behind him. It didn't belong to Navi, and upon turning around, both boy and fairy saw what it was: a ring of soft, blue light situated in the center of the floor. He looked to Navi for answers, but the fairy appeared clueless as to what it was. Was it dangerous?

"I don't sense anything evil from it," Navi told Link, fluttering ahead while he followed behind. Finally, they both came to the edge of the blue ring. Then, against Navi's urging, Link took a small step inside. Immediately, he felt a pull drawing him in. But it wasn't overly powerful or threatening. Instead, it felt utterly natural, as if he could trust that this ring, whatever it was, would take him where he needed to go. Seeing that he suffered no ill effect, Navi hesitantly followed Link, the boy soon finding himself rising off the ground. The sensation of nothing underneath startled him for a short while, but Navi soon flew close to him. "It's all right," she said. "I think this is some of the Great Deku Tree's magic."

Then, the two rose into the air, the ring soon evolving into a pillar of light that carried them from the darkened chamber and outside the Great Deku Tree.

When the light around him died, Link found his boots meeting the earth and saw that he was again in the Great Deku Tree's meadow, and before him stood the Great Deku Tree himself. A small yet genuine smile came to the mighty tree. "Well done, Link," the tree congratulated the small boy. "I felt great relief the very moment you had put a stop to the foul creature resting within me. Indeed, you are a true hero."

Link was a little embarrassed, his cheeks growing hot and a shy smile coming to his face. "Hey, take the compliment!" Navi urged him, grinning. "You slew the monster plaguing the Great Deku Tree! That more than counts as a hero!"

"Yes," the Great Deku Tree said. "But...you cannot be just mine," he whispered the latter part. "Now comes the time you must be one for everyone else."

Both Link and Navi needed clarification. "G-Great Deku Tree...?" Link asked, wondering what was happening. Despite slaying the Gohma Queen, the boy sensed something was still amiss.

Suddenly, the mighty tree began to groan as if he were in pain. "Great Deku Tree?" Now it was Navi's turn to speak. "What's wrong?"

The Great Deku Tree was silent for a few moments, his smile fading. Yet he didn't appear angry or strained. He looked pretty bleak. "Link," he said. "Even if we don't share the same appearance, and even if you are...unique compared to the other children, you are no less my child than any of them. Do you understand?" Link nodded. "I...must apologize, Link," he said. "I have tried to raise you as any other of my children...but I'm afraid I haven't fully prepared you for what you are about to face."

Link's puzzlement was rising, along with his concern. What was the Great Deku Tree talking about? He had completed his task, didn't he? He beat the monster! He won! He saved the Great Deku Tree! Right?

"Link, please, listen to me," the mighty tree said, voice unusually weak. "What you have accomplished here is but a small taste of what you shall have to face," he told the boy. "And the impact of your actions shall be even more significant than that here. But, for you to understand this, you must know what to do," he then paused, heavy breathing emitting from the tree. "You must know to meet her."

Meet her? Meet who? "Great Deku Tree...?" Link began but found himself struggling to speak. "But...but I..."

"Link, please," the towering tree sighed, the lack of energy in his voice disconcerting Link and Navi significantly. "Listen to my words...perhaps, the last words of the Great Deku Tree."

The last? Link stood there, unable to process what was being said to him. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't be!

"Link!" Navi said, gaining Link's attention. "Calm down," she urged him. "Calm down, and just listen," she instructed the boy, gesturing to the Great Deku Tree. "I think what he needs to tell you is very important."

"But...but I..." Link stammered. "I didn't mean to..."

"You can tell him later," Navi answered. "But for now, just listen."

Link bit his lip but ultimately obeyed. He sighed and looked up at the Great Deku Tree, alerting him that he was attentive to the Guardian of Forest's words.

"Thank you, Link," The Great Deku Tree sighed. "Now, this curse was the work of an outsider of the forest," The image of the tall figure dressed in black came to Link's mind, along with the egg the boy had believed to be a seed. "A man that comes from the harsh deserts of the west," Link was baffled to hear this. So there were deserts in the outside world, just like in the tree's many stories? It appeared the darkly-clad figure was telling the truth about something. "He has just recently emerged, but already, he has amassed a great many forces behind him, an entire portion of the country at his command, as well as many foul, unsavory things," the Great Deku Tree continued. "He intends to unleash terrible evil all over the land, all to seize the power of the Triforce."

Link froze upon hearing the tree speak that word, the image of three triangular crests flashing in his mind. But still, even if he recognized the name, he didn't know just what a "Triforce" was. The Great Deku Tree was about to speak again but hissed in pain, briefly unable to form words. Link rushed closer toward him. This wasn't good, Link thought; his condition was getting worse!

"Link, do not waste your energy," the Great Deku Tree said. "There was...much more that...I wished to tell you," he stammered; even speaking took great effort. "But...it seems my time is shorter than I initially thought."

Link froze. Wait...what?! "No..." the boy said, shaking his head in denial. "N-No...no!"

The tree sighed, another pang of agony assaulting him. The Queen had burrowed into him deep and taken much from him. He needed to make sure the boy heard what he needed to hear. "Link, listen to me," the Great Deku Tree told the boy, redirecting his focus. It pained him to see the developing tears in the child's eyes. "You must never let this man from the desert lay his hand on the Power of Gold," he said, his voice growing weaker. "And, despite your success, I believe I was to die before I even summoned you." He could see that this reveal was another blow to the poor child—a great one, given how tears freely fell down the boy's cheeks.

"Then...then why...?" Link stammered out, falling to his knees. This wasn't happening, he told himself. This couldn't be happening.

"You saved the Kokiri Forest, as well as the entire Lost Woods, from certain doom at the claws of that creature," the Great Deku Tree told Link. "And perhaps the world outside as well. Of which, you must go," he continued. There was little time left. "You have seen the castle, yes?" Link nodded. "Go there," the tree instructed. "Go, and you shall meet her."

"Hey, what's going on?" Link was suddenly aware of a voice from behind him. He turned to see Mido had come into the meadow, Saria following him.

"Mido! Come back...?" Saria called out but stopped when she saw the condition of the Great Deku Tree. She gasped in horror. "Great Deku Tree!"

Her cry rang out throughout the entire settlement of children, everyone soon migrating to the meadow to see what was happening. They saw the Great Deku Tree dying to everyone's shock and terror. The once powerful Spirit looked down at Link, a slight, green glow manifesting from the tree tops. Then, the light flew down, floating before Link. "Go," he told the boy. "Show her this, and she will understand."

The light died, and a gemstone, the size of Link's palm, floated before him. It was a brilliant stone of deep green wrapped in a band of gold, the jewel very much resembling the symbol carved onto his shield. He reached out, and it fell into his hands; the metal and stone felt lukewarm against his skin.

"This is the Kokiri Emerald," the Great Deku Tree explained. "It is what that man coveted and what you much show her to stop him."

"Who?" Link asked.

"The Princess of Destiny," the tree said. All of the Kokiri had little idea what was going on, yet what they were hearing were things that they only believed to exist far away from them. They never imagined that such things would come to the forest. "The Cycle has begun again," The Great Deku Tree wheezed. "And you both must take your part in it."

"What's happening?" Mido asked, demeanor far from his usually cocky persona. "What's going on? What's wrong with the Great Deku Tree?" he went up to Link. "You, what happened? What do you know?"

"Link," the Great Deku Tree suddenly spoke up. "And Mido, all of you," he said. "I did not anticipate such a thing to occur so suddenly, and I am grieved that I did not find a chance to tell you all," all the children were confused, but he continued. "But, I must tell you now. My children...I am dying."

The entire meadow went silent. No one said a word, the tree's words echoing in their minds. Dying, The Great Deku Tree was dying?

"It is not the fault of anyone here," the mighty tree said, looking down at Link. "The foul creature that ravaged me would've found me either way. But, even so, I'd rather it be me than any of you," he said, gazing at each of his children.

"Great Deku Tree..." Saria said, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"Link, go," the tree told the boy. "Go, and find her. Find the Princess," to everyone's shock, the tree's once healthy brown bark began to blacken and grow dark. "Take the Emerald to her," he said. "And remember, no matter where you go...you are my child," his leaves began to lose color and fall off his branches. "All of you...are my children..." he croaked out, the life slowly seeping out from his once tall, proud form. "Good...bye..." he sighed, feeling his time drawing near. "I...love...you...all..."

Then, the Great Deku Tree went silent. He stood before all of his children: grey, still, and dead.