
The girl blessed by the Sun

Angelgirl456 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: Chomin Village

Deep in the mountains far from the Empire of Raven lied a village called Chomin. In a small hut on the outskirts of the village was a beautiful woman laid glistening in sweat crying out for her husband. However, the poor woman cries would never reach him. For this man had already abandoned her and her child long ago.

The woman knew she might not survive having this child, but with all her heart she tried for her baby. Something deep inside of her gave her the strength to keep going for this child. For all the pain and suffering, and loneliness she felt was nothing, if she could just hold her child in her arms.

Luckily the village doctor heard the mothers cries while walking home and felt pity for the woman. The doctor rushed into assist the woman in giving birth. Amelia(the mother) was frightened at first, however with no time to spare and her losing strength by the minute. She knew she had to hurry or she might lose her baby. With some reluctance she agreed ,and let the doctor help her. After 23 hours of blood, sweat, and tears the baby was born. Amelia was shocked when she saw her baby girl for the first time for she had snow white hair, and almost glowing golden eyes. For a moment she was dazzled by the appearance of her child. The doctor urged her to take it easy for she had lost alot of blood.

Amelia knew she didn't have long left in this world. Then tears filled her eyes and she urged the doctor to let her hold her child for the first time. The doctor gently passed the child in Amelia's weak arms. She held her daughter tightly and said in a weak voice "Ava you are so loved. I am so sorry my child but I don't believe I will have much more time with you. You must stay strong and be wise. I have done all I can for you. My only regret in this life was not being able to watch you grow into the beautiful woman you will become. I love you to the Sun and back a thousand times my golden girl"

Then she closed her eyes for the last time. When the doctor turned back around she was gone. Only a bloody and sweat soaked bed and a beautiful blood covered baby left behind.

Author's Note: Hope you liked the first chapter.

P.S. feedback is encouraged. Enjoy your reading:)