
The_gifted_ one

Lydia is normal girl whose life turns upside down when she got unexpected visit on her birthday. Will she be ready to forget her life as she knew and start new journey.

Gabriela_V · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The morning of change

When I was younger, I loved spending time with my grandma. My mom did not quite like my grandma and she did not agree with her and she always told me how she was crazy and shouldn't believe everything I heard from her. Partly I listened to my mom, but I absolutely adored her. My grandma always told me how everything is happening for the reason and that every single person on this earth has purpose. She said how my purpose in life will come on the surface when they find me and that I should not be scared when they come for me. I did not take her seriously all the time, because sometimes she seemed like she was losing her mind and the things she said did not always make sense.

"Happy birthday, grandma. I love you." I hugged her and gave her the present. Framed photo of her and me.

Today my grandma has birthday and even though my mom did not want me to visit her, she didn't have choice. I think my mom does not like my grandma because of my father, but she has every right to see me. And I am old enough to know what is right and what is wrong.

My grandma brought my favourite tee and sat next to me and said" You need to know, Lydia, that the world is full of secrets and only the gifted one are able to see it's real beauty. And you are the one." Grandma looked at me seriously.

She always told me those stuff and as the time pass, I take her less seriously every time, but didn't want to tell her that I don't believe her, so I started asking questions. "How do you mean I am gifted? What kind of secrets?"

She giggled like something was funny and looked at me:" You are too young, my dear, to understand now. But remember you were born to make big things and to unite the gifted. And now, let us enjoy our tea."

Every birthday we had this practice. We would drink tea and listen to her favourite singer Paul Anka. We always had a lot fun. But sadly, this was our last birthday together. Few months after, she got very sick and died shortly after. I was with her in her last moments. Before she passed away, she gave me red necklace with emerald in the middle. She told me I should wear it every day because it will keep bad spirits away. I don't believe in that, but I wear it every day because no matter how crazy she was, she loved me truly.


My alarm went off. I don't want to wake up. I hate mornings, I really do. I don't understand those people who wake every morning happy and ready to start the day. I decided to ignore my alarm, but I feel like it is louder every second. Finally I decide to turn it off and to get out of bed. I would say that today is just another ordinary boring day, but today is my birthday. So happy 18th birthday to me. I could say that today is my happy day. But day just started. As I walk in bathroom, I look in mirror. I feel strange, as every time I look in the mirror. There are so many questions that I do not have answers for. Like why I am me or what am doing in my life. I remember grandmother's words that I am meant for more and that I should believe in magic in me. I miss that woman. Even though she was crazy, she made me feel better always and I need that now. As soon as I leave my bathroom, my mom knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" I already know that she has either cake or present in her hands, like every year before "Yes, yes of course" I shout baffling.

She enters my room singing "Happy birthday", with big cake and 18 candles on it. I started crying. I am emotionally person. I am so so glad I have her. She really is a good mother

" No, sweetie don't cry it is your special day" she said with tears in her eyes. She places the cake on my table and hugs me hard and almost immediately I feel her perfume that she wears every day and that for some reason calms me. Maybe because I associate that scent with her.

She whispers in my ear "My beautiful, beautiful girl, I love you so much always remember that. "I hugged her back harder and kissed her on the cheek. "C'mon. You must blow candles and make the wish. But remember if you say your wish out loud it won't come true." She took my hand and brought me in front of my cake. What to wish. I know, but I think my mom would not be happy. My wish is to find where my father is.

My mum is an independent and strong woman who raised me all alone because my dad left us before I was born. I do not know who he is, he just vanished. I always say that I do not care where he is and how he looks like or what his favourite food is. But honestly, I want to know much more, and most importantly why he left. He only left letter with money saying how sorry he was and that he was not ready. How heartless you must be to do that. I know how hard it was for my mom, so I never ask her anything about him. But deep down I want to know everything. I always thought my mom did not like my grandma because he is her son and that that is the reason why she was unhappy with me seeing her.

As I blow the candles, someone rings the bell. It must be Sarah, my best friend and the only one. I know Sarah my whole life and she is one of my favourite person in this town. " I will open the door and you go get ready." Says my mom as she leaves the room.

After she closed the door, I realised that is almost time to go to school and that I only brushed my teeth. I picked first pieces of clothes and put it on me. I look in the mirror. I didn't wear anything special. I know Sarah won't be happy with my causal style. She always says you have to wear something special on your day. Well, I have my lucky necklace. It has been 3 years since my grandma is gone and there isn't a day when I don't remember her. My day is going pretty well, I hope it won't be ruined in any way. I thought about that too early.

As I was going down the stairs to my living room I heard more then two voices. I immediately realized that that is not my mom and Sarah speaking. It seemed like there was more people. I was feeling strange like some energy fulfil my whole body. I was kinda scared, but that energy gave me relief in some I can't explain. As I enter the room I realized that here are around five unknow people who immediately stop talking and all their eyes are on me. The little anxiety kicks in.

"Mom, what is happening, who are these people?" my voice cracks. I look at my mom who looks at me very seriously and she answer with little anger "Lydia, we have to talk about something important. This is your father" She points with her eyes at the ginger man. His hair colour is the same as mine and his face lines are exact like my grandmas. When my eyes locks with his eyes I feel angry. I am angry but at the same time happy to see him. My birthday wish has come true. I want to say something to him, but I can't. He doesn't say anything either. He is just standing there and looking at me.

"and the others, well they are our family, yours exactly." She continuous talking as she realized that neither of us are going to say anything. What a start of morning. I wished to meet him, but I didn't expect that my wish will came true. I am full of mixed emotion, I can't think.

"Can I get a glass of water" I say as I sat down, because I feel like I will faint. We didn't heard from him for 18 years and here he is. Standing right in front of me with people who are my family. This is all too much for me.