
The Gift (a/o/b)

Suteppu_Kotenok · Fantasy
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19 Chs

chapter 14: Nox

I spend far too much time with the medic. She presses her fingers into me, running them over my hymen and measures my hole, trying to decide if anything had changed from my last examination. After what feels like ages, she deems me pure and sends me on my way. The servant takes me to the hall and points me to Ryan's rut room.

"Careful, they had to knock him out earlier, so he's probably really agitated,"

"You're just going to put me in there with him? What if he kills me?" the servant unlocks the door and shrugs at me. I can hear Ryan through the door, panting and growling. The door throws itself open and I am being yanked inside before I can even yelp. The door slams and I am pushed against it with a little too much force. I whine as my head hits the wood, but I don't have time to voice my pain further as my lips are suddenly captured in a bruising kiss. Ryan's lips are chapped and feel nasty against my own, but I didn't care. Not when he was kissing me as if he owned me. Like I was actually his omega. I wind my arms around his neck and he lifts me, both hands on my ass possessively. They are big and encompass the globs easily. His fingers work into the fat of them, groping them as you might fruit. I groan into the kiss and he tosses me onto the bed. I watch him with eyes blown wide. He looked amazing like this. Hair mussed, clothes gone, sweat slipping delicately down his large frame. Absolutely gorgeous, like some sort of God.

"Strip," he growls out. I nod and quickly rip my clothes away. They are thrown onto the ground haplessly and Ryan is on me again. His teeth are on my scent gland, nipping harshly. I whimper.

"Alpha! Mark me," I beg. He growls louder and pushes me to the sheets. He straddles me and sinks his teeth deep into my flesh. I howl in pain and pleasure. My eyes slide shut and he holds tight, hands pinning my own and legs holding my hips to keep me from thrashing. I could feel my own sticky cum on my stomach and warm blood oozing down my shoulder to the bed. I whined softly and tried to push him away, my mind was getting fuzzy and dark. Too much blood loss. He growls again and his teeth are removed, replaced quickly with his tongue lapping up the blood and forcing the wound to clot. I open my eyes and watch him with blurry eyes.

" Mine, " he snarls when he notices me looking. I smile to myself. Finally. I parted my lips to tell the alpha how pleased I was. He captures my lips again and suddenly I can't breathe. I blink slowly as darkness takes me.