
The Gift (a/o/b)

Suteppu_Kotenok · Fantasy
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19 Chs

chapter 1: Ryan

As a warrior I find myself traveling fairly often. This simple fact makes coming home such a sweet victory. Probably more so than the feel of killing my enemy. I am also rather used to the gifts that are sent to my home as thanks for 'protecting my kingdom,' or 'saving a family member.' However, I was not used to the gifts being living. Or letting themselves into my home. This is why, when I arrived home to find my door unlocked, I was instantly put on the defense. I draw my sword silently and creep into the modest cabin. I set my travel bag on the floor beside the door and ease it shut before allowing my feet to take me through the cabin. I slip into each room as a shadow, searching for the intruder. I finally spot them in the bedroom. They were looking outside silently. The boy looked to be searching for something outside, his head making minute movements every few seconds. I slide behind him without drawing his attention and pull him back, my sword going to their throat. They let out a surprised gasp and attempt to struggle, his puny arms pushing at my own and his legs kicking back against me. I press my blade in against his supple flesh and he freezes instantly. I could feel small tremors racking up and down his petite frame and his adam's apple bobbing against my sword, moving it just slighting from its original position.

"Why are you in my home?" I question, my voice gruff.

"I-I was sent..." he chokes out. He takes a deep breath and peers at me from the corner of his eye before continuing. "A-as a gift," he finishes with obvious difficulty. His words give me pause. A human being as a gift? What an interesting idea. It wasn't completely insane, I'd heard rumors of my fellow warriors being sent beautiful omega's to fill their beds as a way of thanks. I let out an unhappy grunt and release the stranger. I drop my sword to my side and he spins around. My heart stutters, he is stunning. He has large, cloudy eyes, as if a storm were brewing in their depths. His skin is pale and mostly unflawed, save for a single scar on his left cheek, just below his eye. His lips are parted slightly and are plump and bright red. He has messy black hair that falls in his face. It is knotted and has sticks, leaves, and dirt caking it. This dirt also fell onto his white shirt, staining it in numerous places. I narrow my eyes at him and he takes a step back.

"Go home, you're not needed here," I resheathe my sword and turn to leave the bedroom.

"W-wait! Please don't send me back!" he calls. I can hear clumsy footsteps following me out of the room and down the narrow hall.

"And why not?" I question unhappily.

"It would be a sign of disrespect to reject a gift from the king himself," I groan softly. Of course the king was the one who sent me this little man.

"He says you need to mate soon so you can have children," His words give me pause and I turn.

"And how do you come into play in this?" He flushes and looks to the ground, fiddling with his fingers.

"I, um, I am a male omega, capable of bearing children," he whispers shyly. I scoff and continue to the kitchen. After a moment I hear his footsteps following me again.

"So the king wants me to mate you and let you care for my children? And what if I'm not interested?" I could actually hear him flinch at my words.

"I-I'm not sure, sir," he says softly, his voice meek. I take a seat at the table and watch him. He was standing awkwardly, clearly not sure if he was welcome to sit as well.

"I suppose I will have to take you back to the king and explain that I'm not interested," he nods slowly and bites his lip.

"Sir, are you sure? I promise to do my best to satisfy you and be a good mate," he looks up, those storm cloud eyes searching mine.

I could just keep him. It would be nice to have someone caring for my home while I was away. Plus, he could care for my horse when I can not bring her to battle with me.

I shake my head. It was absurd. I was not mate material and I couldn't just force thisomega to stay here and be a live-in maid, that was cruel.

"I'm sure you will. But I'm not looking for a mate. the king can give you to someone who is. I just want to fight in peace,"

"the king won't gift me again," he grumbles.

My brow raises, this omega had such a bad attitude."Why not?"

"No warrior wants an omega who has already been offered to another," he explains and I roll my eyes.

"You'll be fine," I snap and he flinches again. He nods and bows his head.

"My apologies," he bites his plump bottom lip and keeps his head bowed. I study him a moment, my eyes raking down his body to take in the rest of his appearance. He had slender hips and thick thighs. He was short in stature and held himself like a weakling, crumpled in on himself. He was wearing a skimpy outfit. A pair of shorts that didn't quite fit him and that stupid stained shirt that was ripped in certain spots. There is a part of me that is curious as to why, my tongue itches to question the boy. I grind the tip of my tongue against my teeth to cease the itching, it wasn't worth knowing. I stand and stretch unhappily walking towards the omega. .

"You should try to get some sleep, we have a long way ahead of us tomorrow," I say unhappily. I pass the man, he doesn't move. I walk silently to my small bathroom and prepare to shower. As the warm spray hits my cool flesh and tired muscles my mind travels back to the strange omega. I understood why the king had sent him, but I really wish he hadn't. I wasn't looking for a mate or to have pups. I was a lone alpha and that was how I liked it. No one to bother my peace. No one to look after. It was perfect. Besides, I didn't know the things most alpha's did. I wasn't cut out to care for an omega let alone their spawn. He needed to go to an alpha that could give him everything he could ever need. He needed someone better than me. I was sure any alpha would take one look at the gorgeous omega and forget that they were the second choice. Hell, even I was smitten by the omega's looks.

I sigh and begin to wash myself. From the shower, I redress and enter my room. The omega is there, sitting on the bed.

"Get off of that, you're filthy!" I snap, making him stand instantly.

"I wasn't sure where to go," he explains. "I've been sleeping in here the last few nights, but I understand if you would prefer me to sleep elsewhere," his eyes meet mine for a fraction of a second before dropping to the bed. I shake my head slightly, of course he would want to sleep in here. There was really nowhere else in the cabin to sleep. I could send him to the living room and make him sleep on the furs by the fire, but that seemed cruel.

"You can sleep here," I respond gruffly. "But you need to bathe. Take a shower and change out of those disgusting clothes,"

He bites his lip and looks at the bed. "Thank you," he breathes. "Um, I don't have any clothes with me though," I pause and glance up at the other.

"Then take some of mine," he nods and grabs some clothes from my closet before disappearing from the room. I sneer at my dirtied blankets and sheets and quickly strip them from the bed. I would need to wash them when I returned. I pressed a few fingers to my temples, this was such a nuisance.

Why couldn't the king just leave me be? I did his bidding, didn't that warrant peace when I was away from the battlefield?

I groan softly and throw the bedding to the furthest corner in the room. I'd take care of it later. I move to the hall closet and pull out clean bedding and add it to the bed before sliding atop the mattress. I pull the blankets over myself and lay down. I don't know how much time passes before the omega returns to the room. There is a bit of shuffling next to me as the other man gets comfortable. He lets out a soft sigh and goes still. I sigh as well and close my eyes, instantly falling into a light sleep.