
The Ghost Queen

She was the child of destiny . But, maybe even god has different plans for her. Follow her in her journey from god's arms , to satan's hands, to ghost kingdom and finally to earth.

Lover3 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Krystal kept glancing around nervously and her hand kept twitching around the handle of the cup every time she heard a sound. "Nervous?" Krystal just rolled her eyes at Amira. " Fine. Storytelling time sister. Your personal favorite. Do you by any chance remember how we celebrated your last birthday together happily?" Krystal nodded. " I heard something that kind of tipped over my left over sanity. I was going to prank one of dad's guards when I overheard the courtiers talking with dad. More like arguing than talking. I would have went away silently but the words late empress caught my attention. I continued eavesdropping and found out that they were arguing over the fact that the empress' death date must be reverted back to it's original date so that mother could rest in peace. Dad just replied emotionlessly she would suspect something was wrong so, thank you for your suggestions. And a few of the courtiers even said that the little princess would only mourn over the fact that the empress' death was caused by her... dad got them to leave but I couldn't believe my ears. You were the reason my mother died. I thought it would be baseless if I go all out without any evidence. I decided to look for my evidence. And I did find it but the truth really wasn't worth the hassle"