
The Ghost of Arcana

Dropped. Oh well.

_Zennn · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Shadows of The Vander Library

The following morning started fresh and bright, with the sun casting a golden hue on the mountain tops. Eldred, with a solemn expression on his face that contrasted with the sunny morning, guided them along a winding trail that led deep into the mountain. The atmosphere became colder, moist, and filled with the smells of moss and rotting rock.

"Welcome to the Vander Library," announced Eldred, his voice reverberating in the vast expanse.

They came into a large room that had been carved out of the natural rock. Enormous, intricately designed columns extended up to the invisible ceiling, emitting a dim light that created spooky, elongated shadows on the bumpy floor. The walls were filled with rows of old bookshelves, overflowing with numerous ancient books covered in leather or faded cloth. The atmosphere was heavy with the smell of old paper and ancient knowledge that had been left behind.

They were filled with a feeling of reverence. This was a location rich in history, a storehouse of lost knowledge ready to be uncovered again.

Eldred, not affected by the magnificence around him, coughed quietly.

"The Vander Library houses the collected magical knowledge of generations past," he explained. "This is where you'll begin to learn the art of Cero magic, the foundation of spellcasting."

He walked with determination towards a main stage, his footsteps reverberating on the chilly stone surface. Reaching a tall bookshelf, he moved his hand along a line of leather-bound books, while his eyes searched the worn-out titles.

"Okay," he stated, eventually removing a bulky, old-fashioned book. "Let's find out what we have to work with. Every one of you has a particular inclination towards specific kinds of magic. Can you share which elements attract you?"

Res advanced. "Sir, it's water and wind," she declared.

Marcus, exuding a nervous energy, moved nervously from one foot to the other. "I believe it's only Jade," he muttered.

Anya added with a touch of anticipation in her eyes. "Nature magic, meant for me."

Andre hesitated, overcome with a surge of self-awareness. At one point, he could effortlessly control fire, light, and even ice, but his memory of it was dim. However, the memories seemed far away, covered in a haze of perplexity.

"Um... in the past," he started, speaking softly, "I had abilities in Flame, Light, and Ice magic." However, I am unsure if I am still capable."

Eldred lifted one eyebrow, his face showing a hint of curiosity. "Fascinating, you were a triple mage. Rare but very unheard off. Why not give it a shot?"

Andre felt a lump in his throat as he reached out his hand, imagining a flickering flame bursting from his palm. He concentrated, directing a burst of determination, but no results occurred. He was consumed by frustration. Was he diminishing in his skill set?

Then, a shift occurred. A sudden burst of darkness appeared in his hand, transforming rapidly into a swirling shadow that twirled in his palm. It didn't emit any light, but gave off a slight warmth. It wasn't the intense magic he recalled, but it was a variation.

Eldred chuckled, a surprising sound in the hushed chamber.

"Curious indeed," he said. "Shadow Flame. Not exactly something you'll find in a beginner's Cero magic textbook, but intriguing nonetheless."

He returned the book to the shelf and started taking out more books, giving one to each person. "These," he clarified, "are your main texts. They will teach the basics of Cero magic - hand movements, spells, and the best way to use your Mana. This chamber has a practice room connected to it. Go make yourselves familiar with the fundamentals. I have other things to take care of, but I will return soon to check on progress.

With that, Eldred turned and disappeared into a shadowy passage leading deeper into the library. Anya, Marcus, and Res exchanged nervous glances, then, with a mix of apprehension and excitement, headed towards a doorway at the back of the chamber.

Andre experienced a sense of excitement as he entered the practice room, holding the heavy book tightly in his hand. The chamber was bare, just a basic stone room with curved walls that dampened the noise from the library's main hall. Anya, Marcus, and Res were already present, bent over their individual books, quietly talking to themselves as they tried to understand the mysterious symbols and odd writing.

After inhaling deeply, Andre positioned himself on the chilly stone surface and began reading the book. The old parchment paper was fragile and the ink had faded, appearing spidery. He started to interpret the text while squinting in the faint light coming through a small opening in the ceiling.

It was slow going. The language seemed like a jumble of pictograms and abstract symbols, far removed from the familiar alphabet he was used to. But slowly, painstakingly, he began to understand the basic principles. There were diagrams illustrating hand positions, specific gestures, and even strange sounds that seemed to be the verbal components of spells.

His heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Could he actually do this? Could he manipulate the raw power within him, transform it into something tangible?

Taking another deep breath, Andre closed his eyes, picturing the sequence of movements. He felt a bead of sweat roll down his temple as his concentration intensified. Raising his hands, he mimicked the prayer position, feeling somewhat foolish but determined. The triangle with his thumbs and curled fingers felt awkward, but he persisted. The pulling motion with spread fingers felt more natural, as if he were coaxing a flame into existence.

Hesitantly, he crossed his wrists, picturing his Black Mana Arc pulsing within his chest. It felt like trying to contain a wild beast, a surge of raw energy straining against its confines. He focused, channeling the power into his hands, drawing it inwards until his palms tingled with an unfamiliar heat.

Then, with a final burst of will, he uncrossed his wrists and thrust his hands forward, his fingers spread wide. The word "Umblex Pyrex" tumbled from his lips, a guttural sound that echoed oddly in the chamber.

A moment of tense silence. Then, a flicker of darkness bloomed in the space between his hands, followed by a sudden eruption of black flame. It wasn't the vibrant orange he remembered, but a cold, inky black that burned with a strange intensity. It lanced outwards, hitting the wall with a sharp hiss, leaving a charred mark on the smooth stone.

Andre stared at the black flame, his heart hammering in his chest. A wide grin stretched across his face. He'd done it! He'd actually cast a spell, a tangible manifestation of his power. It wasn't perfect, far from it. The spell seemed tinged with darkness, a reflection perhaps of his Black Mana Arc. But it was a start, a spark of magic that ignited a fire of hope within him.

He glanced towards the others, eager to see their progress. Anya was struggling with a conjuration spell, her brow furrowed in concentration. Marcus was muttering under his breath, his face flushed red as he attempted a simple jade spell. Res, ever the stoic warrior, seemed to have mastered a basic wind manipulation spell, a gentle breeze swirling around her hand.

He wasn't alone in this. They were all learning, fumbling their way through the intricacies of Cero magic. But together, with practice and perseverance, they would unlock their potential and become the magic wielders they needed to be. With a renewed sense of purpose, Andre closed his book and began to practice the "Umblex Pyrex" spell again, determined to refine his control over this strange, dark flame.