
The Ghost of Arcana

Dropped. Oh well.

_Zennn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Raw recruit

He opened a map, a rough drawing on a piece of old paper, wrinkled as Andre followed the dusty road from the run-down edges of his town. The increasing sun created lengthy silhouettes, coloring the empty scenery in hues of yellow-orange and dark brown. The continuous chirping of crickets filled the air, the only noise disrupting the quiet aside from the steady thumping of his boots on the firm ground.

He obeyed the directions on the map, veering from the main road onto a faint trail winding through the undulating hills. The landscape was dull, with scrubland and short trees scattered around old, rundown farmhouses. He was plagued by hunger in this poor area, always feeling it in his stomach.

He carefully controlled his limited food, eating small amounts of stale bread and sipping water from the waterskin cautiously every few hours.

The harsh afternoon sun relentlessly shone, causing the air to appear as a hazy shimmer. Andre's limbs were being eaten away by exhaustion, as his previous boldness gave way to increasing doubt. He looked at the map once more, narrowing his eyes against the bright light. Based on the worn-out signs, the camp should be just beyond the next hill. Taking a deep breath, he called upon his last bit of energy and continued walking.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of orange and red, Andre finally reached the top of the last hill. Below, nestled in a valley, a vast settlement stretched out in front of him. A long line of tents extended into the distance, a vast expanse of white canvas decorated with glowing torches. The smoke ascended from the cooking fires in the center, blending with the distant sounds of yells and bugle calls. Andre felt a rush of anxious thrill run through him. That was the end. He left behind the life he had once known. At this military camp, his career as a soldier was about to start.

After taking one last look at the setting sun, Andre walked down the hill, feeling the sack becoming unexpectedly lighter. He sped up, feeling both eager and tired at the same time. The effects of the day's journey were evident, yet the busy camp ahead sparked a fresh sense of resolve in him. As the evening approached and darkness spread, Andre entered the encampment, greeted by the barks of guard dogs and the curious looks of two soldiers on duty. In this world filled with conflict and strict rules, Andre would face challenging trials. In this place, his red stare could be seen as a sign of bravery instead of a punishment.

The guard dogs reacted to Andre's approach with a chorus of barked commands and guttural growls. A soldier, a young man with a recent scar on his cheek, examined him closely with narrowed eyes. "Is this a new member?" he inquired with a harsh tone, sounding distrustful.

Prior to Andre being able to stutter a response, a mysterious figure appeared from a tent close by. This soldier was anything but ordinary. She was a woman with black hair tightly braided, emphasizing the determined expression on her jaw. Dressed in shining armor adorned with the kingdom's emblem, she carried herself with a sense of calm control. Her eyes, as green as deep emeralds, observed Andre with an intense look.

"Tell me what you want, young man," she ordered, her voice having a surprisingly melodious quality despite its authoritative nature.

Andre felt his throat tighten. His previous confidence weakened as she scrutinized him. "He-He-He-Here to sign up for the army," he stuttered, pushing the words out.

Her emerald eyes held a subtle spark of interest. "Are you suggesting you want to enlist in the military? Why do you believe you are suitable for this lifestyle"?

Andre straightened his shoulders and expanded his chest, trying to display confidence. "I am powerful, madam. "I'm ready to battle," he said. After pausing for a moment, he whispered quietly, "I require a reason."

The woman observed him for an extended period, her face showing no emotion. In the end, she gave a quick, firm nod. "Alright then." Do you notice that tall man over there, drinking ale as if he hasn't been to a pub in weeks? "He's Sergeant Bruiser," she said, a touch of amusement shining in her eyes. "He will take care of your registration." Be cautious, as he has a tendency to criticize and discard new recruits.

Andre looked in the direction she was looking and saw a person sitting by a roaring fire. The man, a massive man with a bald head and a bushy mustache, appeared capable of chopping down a tree using only his hands. As the woman had stated, he was truly drowning his sorrows with a tankard of ale. Andre gulped nervously as a feeling of worry started to grow in his stomach. This wasn't simply a change in surroundings; it was a jump into uncharted territory. He had offered to go to war, but was he really ready for what was coming?

Andre's heart raced with excitement as he neared Sergeant Bruiser. The large man appeared unaware of his surroundings, his huge head hunched over the mug as he continuously drank ale. Andre coughed quietly, the noise almost drowned out by the crackling fire in the vicinity. "Sergeant Bruiser?" he timidly asked, speaking in a hushed tone.

The Sergeant suddenly sat up straight at the sound of the name. He banged the tankard onto the coarse wooden table, causing Andre to flinch from the impact. "That's me, new soldier," he shouted loudly, his voice hoarse from years of giving commands. "Why have you, a skinny dog, come to this magnificent camp?"

Andre inhaled deeply, attempting to display a confidence he wasn't fully experiencing. "I would like to enlist in the military, sir," he declared, his voice surprisingly composed.

Sergeant Bruiser's loud laughter reverberated throughout the campsite. It was a serious sound, resembling a challenge rather than a joke. He stood up to his maximum height, surpassing Andre by a solid six inches. "Want to enlist in the military, huh?" Are you certain that you haven't lost your way, young man? This is not a game of tag. It involves blood, sweat, and steel. Are you prepared for that?"

Andre maintained his stance, staring back at the Sergeant with unwavering determination reflected in his intense red eyes. "Yes, I am, sir."

Bruiser's eyes briefly showed surprise before he gave a nod in a gruff manner. He motioned for Andre to come closer with a sudden gesture, much like his laughter. "Okay, let's find out what you're capable of."

Bruiser positioned Andre by the rugged wall of a tent close by and then used his rough hand to size him up. So you're six feet three inches tall, right? Not too shabby, young man. "You have a pretty good range."

Next, he grabbed a training sword from behind him, making Andre's arm automatically tense up from the weight.

However, much to his astonishment, he found that the sword had a surprisingly even weight in his grip. He extended it before him, feeling a wave of strength flowing within him.

Sergeant Bruiser made a grunting noise, showing his surprise clearly. "Be careful with that, rookie." You might split yourself in half if you're not cautious. He observed Andre for a while, detecting a trace of respect in his gaze.

"Okay, pay attention, young man." You possess a unique quality that is evident. Maybe it's those eyes, but you have potential, I just can't quite put my finger on it. "Do not squander it."

He made a quick nod and pointed to the fire. Feel comfortable, recruit. We will discover your true nature in the morning. Now", he said, taking out some bread and cheese from his bag, go ahead and start eating. "Could possibly be your final good meal for some time."

Andre took the bread and cheese, the simple food tasting delicious after his long journey. He glanced around the bustling camp, the flickering fires and the sound of laughter painting a picture of a strange, yet strangely comforting, community. His crimson eyes reflected a flicker of hope. This was his new beginning.