

Kanzaki Aoi, a junior of mine and almost the same as me. A victim of mistreatment, a person who suffers through social and other kinds of pain all together. I met her when I found her inside the bathroom, drenched and hurt.

"So, do you wanna walk home together? Senpai" she looked at me and stood beside me.

"I don't mind" I replied to her.

As we got out of the school grounds, the gate closed and we head home as the sun was about to set. I looked at her as she was walking with such negative vibe. I could feel it right away.

"So...wanna talk about why you're being harassed?" I asked.

She remained silent.

I think I asked a sensitive question...

"Because of the rumors....because of one person who hated me most" she said.

"What happened? What rumors?"

"About me being...being a total slut"

What? This girl? I don't feel like she is one though. Now come to think of it, I think I have heard this rumor before. A girl was flirting around with someone's boyfriend then suddenly making a move on him to the point of having sexual intercourse. They got busted by the girlfriend of that guy in the P.E storage. The rumor continues on with the girl who flirted with the guy, that she slept with another guy.

"I see.... but I don't think it's true though" I said.

We stopped walking or rather, she did and I followed. She looked at me with a surprised look as I was confused.

"....you think so?..."

"I mean it is a rumor, we can't say for sure" I told her so.

Her eyes formed tears as I panicked, did I say something that would make her cry?!

"Thank you Senpai.." she smiled.

I was internally confused. Though I just patted her head and made a mess out of it until she pouted then I chuckled.

The next morning, I was having a great day which was still unusual for me. Kanao was walking by my side and as usual, Aiko-san was also by my side. I met up with Kanzaki at the school gate.

"Good morning!" She seemed cheerful.

I was honestly surprised, for her to cheer up like that, something must have happened.

"Who knew you look cute when you smile" I said as we walked.

Kanao flinched and Kanzaki's face was turning red. Does she have a fever or is it because of the heat?

Kanao was just looking at me with a cute glare as Kanzaki couldn't even face me.

I have a feeling that I did something wrong.

"You don't think so" a reply from Aiko-san who was staring at me.

"Well I don't really know what happened" I replied.

During lunch break, I was sitting by the rooftop while talking to Aiko-san. I explained to her what happened with Kanao and Kanzaki since after that incident, they have been ignoring me. When I was about to greet Kanao, she just looked away and walked farther from my direction. When I waved my hand to Kanzaki, she just ran away as if a monster just showed up. (In his perspective, Kanzaki was flustered and ran away)

"Maybe I look like a monster now?" I thought.

"You really don't understand anything about girls huh?"

"Obviously, I'm a guy"

Nice answer me.

Aiko-san sighed as she looked at me with such eyes as if Im sort of an idiot. (He is)

"Try talking with them and see what's wrong" she suggested.

"If only it was that easy" I sighed.

As class ended, I tried to talk to Kanao but she still ignored me but I couldn't let this slide any longer so I held her hand as she stopped.

"I said wait!"

She remained silent.

Luckily everybody went home as it was the two of us that stayed in the classroom.

"Tell me why you were avoiding me....I won't understand if you don't tell me"

"Idiot....idiot..." That was the only thing she said as she looked at me with teary eyes.

Eh?! I made her cry!? Crap!

I let her go and just backed off a bit. I don't know what to do but stay silent.

"I'm sorry" I apologized.

"Why are you even apologizing when you don't know what you did" she sniffed and chuckled as she wiped her tears.

She has a point.

"Er..." I couldn't really reply to her.

"Just forget it" She smiled and held my hand as we both went out of the room.

I was dumbfounded but I followed her. I am actually glad to know that she isn't mad anymore. We left the school grounds and went home. Aiko-san was cooking dinner like usual while I was busy studying at the living room.

"Rumors huh?..."

Aiko was serving the food as she looked at me and sighed.

"Are you thinking about Kanzaki-chan?" She asked as she went to me.

"Yes.... it's just...that it's awfully cruel how people could treat her like that but..... something just bothers me with the rumor...I wonder who made that up" he asked himself.

"Wouldn't it be the bully?" Aiko-san suggested.

"Could be......or maybe not...maybe it was real but the story was wrong..." He said.

"What do you mean?" Aiko-san tilted her head.

"What if.....she was actually being used by those guys?"

Aiko-san was disturbed by the thought but I could not be any wrong about this. Kanzaki Aoi's rumor could have a slight truth to it. The only question about it, is if she has a part of it or she was forced to do it.

As I began unraveling out Kanzaki's rumor, which could lead to fixing her own suffering. I began to illuminate my theories to Aiko-san as she did find it really troublesome and disturbing.

"Though this is only a theory, we don't really know the actual truth. Tomorrow, I will be asking Kanzaki about it and if you can try, please find some sort of clue regarding to the boys that was in the rumor. Their behavior and such can lead us to the truth"

"Alright then"

I smiled a bit to her, I do feel bad for her doing this but if it could lead us to helping someone. We have no choice but to comply about it. I never liked these kinds of things too and we both hoped that this could end already.