
The Ghost In My Attic

I grew up in the Caribbean,and the place where I'm from is filled with with black magic and sorts of evil.i lived with my parents, siblings and grandma at that time,the house we lived in was a 5 bedroom house and there was a small space in the roof top which we used for the attic.

My room was right under the attic,and every night at exactly at 12:00am I hear walking and noises coming from the attic and it ends exactly at 3:00am.Once I decided to see what's happening and damn I regretted it,whiles I walk through the attic searching for what was walking and making sounds.i just slipped in my tracks,the door suddenly slammed shut and I started to hear loud breathing behind me and all the hairs on my body stood up.I slowly turned around but there was no one there.i hurriedly run out of the attic and never went back in for 2 months,I even switch bedrooms with my sister