
THE GHOST I LOVE and other short stories

The ghost I loved and other short stories

Hiddle · Realistic
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13 Chs

Chapter 5


"It's been a long day, why don't we go and play some games" Mirabel offered as they walk out of class.

"Am sorry, I can't. Mother and I are both going out and have got to be home on time" Joanna lied hating the fact that she keeps lying to Mirabel.

"Oh,okay. I will just play the games alone" Mirabel said waving her off.

Joanna ran all the way to the Terrific three lounge hoping Francis will still be there since it's way past three.

She knock and went in to see him seated on one of the sofa pressing his phone.

"Am deeply sorry but our last class took longer than I thought " she apologise as she took a seat.

"One thing I hate most is someone being  late to some thing. Are you really sure you want to win Pierce heart?" Francis asked.

"I am and I promise never to be late for any meeting we might have in the future" she vowed.

"I hope so. Now let's get down to business, What exactly do you know about Pierce?" Francis asked.

"He is handsome" Joanna said suddenly which got him starring at her.

"Is that the only thing you know about him? " Francis asked Incredulously.

"Yes. Is that wrong? I only know that he's the most handsome amongst you four" Joanna said making Francis feel a bit annoyed.

"I wonder why that statement makes me feel annoyed" he said sitting with his legs crossed.

"You should cause am only saying the truth" she said making him more angry.

"Then you must have dirt in your eyes or some thing" Francis muttered but Joanna heard.

"I certainly don't have dirt in my eyes and am saying the truth here, Pierce is more handsome" she replied waiting for him to say other wise but he only cleared his throat and continue talking.

"Since you know nothing about him like apart from him being handsome, we would start from there" Francis said.

"And also this get up of yours has got to change" he added starring at her baggy trouser and top.

"I like myself this way" she said hotly.

"And Pierce will never notice you in a thousand years to come" Francis added cruelly.

"Okay, what else am I suppose to change while we are at it?" She asked.

"Nothing but will you be going to the fresh men party? You are one of the students who enrolled this February right?" He asked and she nodded.

"Good then, Pierce will be there too and so you've got to be there so we can start making it work between you two" Francis said.

"But can't let me and Pierce meet some where else, I had no plan of going to the party and I….." 

"You really have a lot of complain for some one asking for help" Francis injected interrupting her.

"Sorry, I will be at the party then" she said grumbling.

"Let's get one thing straight, if we want our plan to work then you've got to listen to every thing I say" Francis said which got her raising her brows at him.

"Must I?" She said out her thought.

"You must! You should. Am the boss here and if you want it to work, you've got to follow my rules. So will you do everything I say and accept me as the leader or will you rather I leave and end our meeting here?" Francis asked and immediately cursed himself from within.

He needs her to say yes and let him help so he won't be able to get married to her  and not to give her a reason to say no and ruin his whole plan.

"Fine then, I accept" she said which got him looking at her.

Any normal girl would say no knowing the kind of guy he is but she said yes which actually benefits him.

"Love can certainly make someone do crazy things" he said starring at her.

"Am not doing something crazy, I just want to be a part of the guy I love, people like you who only mess around will never understand that" she said

"Since we are done talking for the day, I will take my leave but first a handshake to make our deal legal" she said stretching forth her hand.

"Must we really do it?" He asked.

"We must, we should" she said back the same word he said to her earlier.

"Fine then" Francis said putting his hand in hers with a nonchalant attitude only for her to squeeze his hand a bit which got him screaming out like a girl.

"What the hell! Is your hand made of iron or some thing?" He yelled at her which got her laughing.

"I don't know" she replied shrugging before heading to the door.

She was still smiling as she open the door only to see Mirabel there.

"Mi…Mirabel" she stuttered.

"I thought you said you were going home?" Mirabel ask.

"Well I did say that but…."

"But you lied to me again, am I really your friend?" Mirabel ask and when Joanna was about to speak, Mirabel turned to leave.

Joanna was about to follow suit when Francis held her back.

"She's angry, she wouldn't want to listen to anything, so just let her be" he said while she let out a sigh.

"You liar" Mirabel muttered angrily as she made her way out of school.

She stopped to look back only to see no one there which got her feeling more angry.

"So you aren't even going to come after me?" She muttered again.

"Fine then, let's end our friendship you liar" she said to no one in particular before moving towards a car.

She got in putting the seat belt on before saying.

"Take me to the nearest restaurant, I need to eat my anger away" she said to driver.

"Am sorry but you've got the wrong car" a voice said beside her and she turn expecting to see a middle age man since it's most of them who drives a taxi but she was surprise to see a young guy whose looks is certainly worth looking at.

"Isn't this a taxi?" She ask starring around the car only to see that she made a mistake.

"It certainly isn't" Theo replied wondering who this strange girl is.

"Am sorry, I thought it was a taxi…..I will take my leave" she said opening the door but his hand on her arm stop her.

"You see have got a lot of girls doing a lot of things to get my attention but you are the first to do some thing natural and I like it" he said while she crease her face in confusion.

"You've won my attention and am all yours, so what hotel would you like to go?" He asked making his intention clear to Mirabel who stare at him like he's the worst dirt ever.

"I would like to go to an hotel which logo clearly tells you how stupid and foolish you are" she said getting him to raise his brow.