
THE GHOST I LOVE and other short stories

The ghost I loved and other short stories

Hiddle · Realistic
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

"You are always not interested even when a hot blooded female is in front of you, you are still not interested. Are you possibly gay?" Nicholas asked Pierce who threw him an angry look.

"Oops! That fell out wrongly, am sorry" Nicholas said as he continued with his snack.

"Am not gay,am just not interested in dating or fking any one as you three put it" Pierce said before leaving the lounge.

"I doubt if he is straight!" Nicholas said.

"He might probably be scared of girls" Theo chipped in.

"Let's just leave Pierce alone, he's probably going through some thing we can't fathom. Help me bring his gifts" Francis said...


"You are just so cute, I love you Pierce and tomorrow you will be mine" Joanna said as she stare at a picture of Pierce on her phone while rolling with so much enthusiasm on her bed.

"Prepared for the D-day tomorrow" her mother ask as she came into her room.

"Of course. Am gonna clock twenty tomorrow and I will get to have my soul mate, isn't that amazing?" Joanna ask as she sat up starring at her mom.

Stories And Novels To Read, [4/7/23 05:12]

"It is and I want you to choose a right guy. Just like I found your father I want you to pick a perfect guy who will cherish and love you for eternity" Jennifer Mills said to her daughter.

"That is no problem cause am sure you will like the guy have set my eyes on but  tell me more about what will happen after have had the first kiss" Joanna said.

"Well after the first kiss comes the attraction and then attraction blossom into love" Jennifer

"Was that how it was for you and dad?" Joanna ask and she nodded.

"Just as it was right for me, it will for you" Jennifer said while she cuddled close to give her mom a hug.

"Happy twentieth birthday in advance my sweet" Jennifer said.

"Thanks, mom" 

"And remember that your super power is in your fist, make sure you don't use it on anyone or they will notice" her mother warned.

"I know and that's why I don't get into fights with anyone,why can't I just see the future like you?" She muttered.

"That's because we that are blessed with this power are given different kind of it, so let's just be grateful about the powers we have" Jennifer said while Joanna nodded wondering how Pierce will feel if he some day finds out about her super natural abilities.


With a gift wrap in her hand, Joanna made way to the Terrific four lounge.

She stood by the door way and put her ear on the door trying to hear Pierce voice from inside which she did.

Nervously she turn to stare at her gift while practicing what she will say to him.

"Have been in love with you for a while now and I know this confession of mine must be sudden but then I love you…will that be good?" She muttered scratching her hair while thinking of another way to approach him.

"That's the most terrible confession have heard in all my life" Some one said startling her and she turn only to see Francis there.

"Are you planning on giving that to Pierce?" He ask starring at her gift.

"Mind your darn business!" She said wanting to leave but he pulled her back.

"A piece of advise. Girls like you aren't Pierce type and even if you are, he wouldn't give you a glance cause you are damn ugly, your hair, your face, your clothes are all a failure" he said which almost brought tears in Joanna eyes since she know that he is right.

"So just leave before you end up disgracing your self. Take it from me that Pierce would definitely say no to you" Francis added.

"Jerk!" She muttered and turn to leave only for him to pull her back again.

"What do you want?" Joanna yelled at him.

"I know this must sound a bit crazy to you but can you hug me?" Francis ask suddenly.

"What! Are you crazy?" Joanna ask.

"It's only gonna be for a while" he said wrapping his arms around her while Joanna eyes widen in shock.

Joanna was about to push him away when she heard a girl say.

"So is she the reason why you decided to dump me?" 

"Oh! Evelyn it's good to see you again" Francis said still having his arms around Joanna.

"What's good about seeing me when you broke up with me on the phone?" Evelyn asked.

"Do I really have to tell you face to face that am sick of you already? Well it's a good thing you are here now cause am with my babe. Love, say hi to her" Francis said turning to stare at Joanna who was starring at him like he is the most craziest person on earth.

"You must be crazy to think that I will...Arrgh!" She let out a scream when the door was suddenly push open,It push at her back making her collide into Francis who still had his arm around her.

Francis slip which got him falling flat on the floor while Joanna fell on him and due to the impact of the fall,

She ended up kissing


        With à

     BAD  BOY 🖤

{£nchanted by her…}🔞

        ༒︎♔︎ (My soul mate )♔︎༒︎


Starring down at him with her lips still on his, Joanna felt a weird feeling in her.

Never had she felt this way before could no it be because it's her first kiss, she thought pulling away from him.

She sat up only to see Pierce starring at her, he is meant to be the one sharing this kiss with her but instead, she has to have it  with this jerk and what's worse Pierce saw the whole thing, she thought hating herself for letting this happen.

"What's this?" the jerk ask having a grin on his face as he sat up.