
The Gepture Menace:Steven Universe

So this is based on the show Steven universe however during the crystal gems war stuff. Honestly the show has such a good setting and all that, but the actually show kinda sucks. So yeah uh, synopsis is that... An artificial gemstone code-named Charlie is created to avenge his creators. The Osmmo a species that fought and resist the gems for several thousand years. Though due to the immortal like bodies of the the Gemstones the Osmmos eventually lost this war. However not before creating their greatest machine. The Artificial Gepture Stone.

ZeOwl · TV
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Going around the island I scrapped the machines around while making repairs to the ship. I had made a lovely home to be honest a nice hammock by the sea. Cutting back the foliage I found it.

"A warp pad." They were installed everywhere. Some of the technology was stolen however. From the Osmmos FTL technology. Thankfully though from what I could tell this one was only a planetary warp pad. Unable to extend across the stars and thus had no FTL abilities.

I stepped onto it and opened the directory panel. I scoffed, They really tried to encrypt this thing. Though... The encryption isn't the standard one in fact it relates to Earthlings, well no humans. Apparently they were called humans, and awful name really. Not to mention this encryption I mean seriously all the data for the encryption is in the drive loader for the warp pad.

Wait... "Crystal Gems Hideout? That's not right."

Before going there I needed more information. One of the listed warp zones was a moon base. I would go there it would have some kind of record surely. Stepping on the pad I warped to the moon and arrived at a fucking mess. This place sucked seriously how much destruction is caused on this planet.

I mean seriously to the point even the moons were destroyed? Wait, there is only one moon, so I guess the destruction is as bad as the Osmmo world is. Still though I tapped the walls checking which one it was.

Eventually though I found the stupid panel. Opening up the wall I pulled out the a Silver Box. It was a recording device that basically tracked the Gems work on Earth. From my records of what the Osmmo's knew it was not a particularly useful in normal hands.

However due to my creation and my unorthodox existence.

//: Activating administrator access.

I stared at the the two holographic screens. It seemed the Gemstone systems had backwards \\ while mine had forward facing //s wait... Did I just think // without... Wtf, Shaking my thoughts I looked to the cubes screen.

\\: Admin privileges granted. Welcome P?h-Yel??-ue Diamond.

"Give me the records of Invasion history of earth." I paused for a second before adding "And Resistance history of Earth."

\\: On invasion 4 kindergarten's were established on earth under Pink diamond's rule. After the establishment of worker gems this moon base was constructed to oversee the Colony of Earth. Multiple Communication and Resource Processing Arrays are created during this time while new multi-functional Warp Pads are created.

I sighed Multi-functional my ass, I read on.

\\: Multiple Supply and war ships are sent to Earth to cull the lesser life that inhabited Earth. The Human zoo is created to preserve the life from earth to entertain Pink Diamond. Not Long after a Rose Quartz Soldier has Rebelled against the rule of Pink Diamond. Blue Diamond Soon arrives to help put a stop to the rebellion. Due to Unforeseen circumstances Blue Diamond's presence further progressed the Rebellion forces due to the chaos of Fusion.

I reread that line from my records fusion was common why was.... My eyes widened as I saw the data. It seemed a fusion between a sapphire and a ruby is the cause. Hmmm that means this fusion would have both the gems abilities. I read on.

\\: Pink diamond unable to handle the rebellion pleads to the higher diamonds to end the invasion. This request was denied and soon the worst case scenario occurs. A thousand year war is waged where the rebellion persists despite the odds. During this time The Rebellious Crystal Gems are captured and interrogate one of much importance being a Lapis Lazuli.

I raised an eyebrow a precious gem, how did a Lapis Lazuli get caught up? From my records they only show up to drain water from the planet during the 5th stage of a colony creation. I sighed there was no record of.... A mirror? They sealed the Lapis in a mirror, how interesting.

\\: After intergation many gems were shattered for research on Multi-Gem Fusion. The implantation of the Cluster was soon scheduled deep within Earth's core. Not Soon after, all Rose Quartz were gathered and bubbled due to the possibility of rebellion. This however did not include the leader of the Crystal Gems which not longer after shattered Pink Diamond.

My eyes widened. Thousands of years and never once a Osmmo got close to a diamond and yet one of there own was the ones to shatter a diamond. The fucking aggravation! I sighed, it seemed these crystal gems were the real rebels not humans. It was unfortunate, but not like I cared. They were all tools. I looked back at the logs and I nearly choked.

\\: The High Carbon Fusion of three diamonds activated the Shattering Ray. Sentencing all Gems on the surface of the planet to death.

The Yellow and Blue Diamonds had fused to kill the Osmmo Adjudicator. That was one of the many signs of the end of the war for Osmmos... To think three fused to kill the crystal gems. I guess my creators weren't considered a big enough threat.

A crunching sound surprised me and I had looked down to see I had shattered the data cube. Seemed I would get no more info, and I would need to calm down.

Stepping over to the globe seeker I scanned the planet. Soon the globe twisted to show me the world. The seeker was connected to a massive array system that could monitor any part of the planet. Thus I spun through images across the world looking for anything interesting.

I caught three things that caught my eye. One was Pink Diamond's ship that was buried deep within a desert, the planets communication array and finally a temple that depicted a lady. From my analysis the temple was a depiction of a gem fusion. I tapped my hands fusion was something I couldn't do. I would parasite the gems a fuse with and essentially destroy them inside out. So this depicted fusion interested me since it seemed to be the combined fusion of 5 gems.

I got up and stepped back to the warp pad. Cracking my neck I decided to... get to know the neighborhood.


Warping to the inside of a stone temple I stepped forward. A large hole was exposed to a wooden shack. I recognize the hole as damage done by the the Diamonds. Must've been where the Crystal gems stood maybe?

Too my surprise a large woman busted into the shack. I had thought some human had made its human here, but... "Would you look at that, the rats are still alive."

The Large woman pointed a sword at me. "Who are you and how did you warp here!"

I looked the woman over. Large Pink curly hair, somewhat buttery skin, and a large pink gem in her stomach. I looked her in the eyes and I felt my lips curl. "HA! COLOR ME IMPRESSED! You have gained a fan 'Rose Quartz'."

It wasn't hard me to scan the gem embedded into her. This was no fucking Rose Quartz, I was built to seek out the Diamonds and I knew one when i saw one.

The Woman Dashed forward and the sword slid against my neck. Her eyes flickered for a second, just as other Gems came through the door. "Not another word."

I smiled, "Or what? You poof me? That's the word you use right? I am far more resistant than you are." I peered past her, "An Obsessed Pearl, An Overcooked Amethyst and a Fusion between a Ruby and a Sapphire."

The sword began cutting into my neck and the Large woman was frowning. I just continued my smile.