
She is in Brule

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Every rebel there saw Death himself reaping their lives in the smoke-filled hall. Xiao Luo's unbelievable speed and irregular movements were like those of a specter, and fear crept into the souls of every Libyan rebel on the third floor.


Most of the rebels were in a panic, and hysterically started to shoot without aiming. But it resulted in countless casualties from friendly fire as stray bullets scythed through the ranks of the Libyan rebels. Blood splattered as bullets ripped through the bodies of the men, screaming in agony and horror, unable to escape the hail of lead fired from close range. It was a ghastly sight, as men tried to escape the line of fire, but there was nowhere to go as bullets came from every direction. Bodies slumped to the floor, writhing and soaked in blood.

"Stay calm! Everyone, calm the hell down!" Hamis roared, desperately trying to regain some control over his men.