
Cyber Battle

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was only moments before the challenge got underway in the cavernous hall of Computing and IT Department, and more than a hundred grim faces were positioned in front of their computer stations. Some of the engineers were running through algorithms in their heads, while others had their eyes on Xiao Luo—who was calmly standing in front of his station without a care in the world. It was a battle for honor, no less, and success would redeem the engineers' reputation and proved that Xiao Luo was not the hacker, Mie, as claimed. The atmosphere was getting intense… even the directors and Ji Siying felt suffocated.

"You may begin!"

With that, Gu Zhanguo got the challenge underway.

The ambiance was immediately transformed as the hurried sound of hundreds of personnel scrambling into their seats resounded across the hall, quickly followed by the incessant clatter of keyboards.