
The General's Wife Wants to Leave

Experiencing a suffocating marriage with the man whom she was arranged to marry made Joanna want to leave him. But it was a failure as she died as the wife of the man who abandoned her and her son before they divorced. On the verge of her death, she made a wish to not encounter him again if there was a next life. She wished for the end of their fate only in this lifetime. She wanted to forget everything about him. However, when she opened her eyes again, she found herself in the room of the mansion of the man she just married. She was awakened by a dream that seemed to be a nightmare of her past life. She didn’t remember completely everything that had occurred in her past life and the dream was fragmented. But deep inside her heart, she only felt one thing. She was adamant about leaving him, to be far away from him. Therefore, she left his mansion just before she met him in person in the present lifetime. However, what she didn’t expect was that the so-called husband pursued her, not allowing her to leave him. Would Joanna be successful in leaving the man in this lifetime? Would fate play the same tragedy as her past life? --- As he pulled his finger away from her soft, warm lips, he said, “It is good you stopped winding up, Joanna. Otherwise, I would have used the other method to make you stop blabbering over the same, boring topic endlessly.” When he noticed the stubborn woman was about to prove herself to be stubborn, the man leaned forward in a swift movement, facing the woman’s stupefied face which was an inch away from his. “Continue to blabbering, don’t blame me if I apply my other method right now,” the man murmured above her breath, trailing his gaze from her quivering eyes to her lips before moving it back to her now widened eyes. --- *Cover doesn’t belong to the author. Credit to the artist/owner.

g_ara · History
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187 Chs

Stepping down the marriage

The next day, after having lunch as she skipped breakfast due to prolonged sleep after a long, exhausting journey, Joanna and her father strolled around the herbal garden in the backyard of the de Lara mansion.

A bright smile appeared on her face when she noticed a new species of herb that was planted on an herbal bed under the shade of a willow tree in one corner of the garden.

Joanna dashed toward where the new herb was planted, making the Duke chuckle while following behind her with his hands clasping behind his back. 

Leaning forward, Joanna tried to figure out what kind of herbal plant stood out before her, growing up to about two feet tall. Its vibrant blue-purple hue flowers were simply stunning, shimmering under the sunlight that streamed through the gap of leaves above.

After taking a few seconds to dig the repository of herbal plants she had stored in her head, Joanna was able to identify the herbal plant that could be cultivated as a substitute for coffee due to its bitter taste. Besides, medicinally, it could be used for digestive issues and treating skin injuries.

"It was brought from Lasse by your brother last month. He said that it is the type of plant that must be protected from direct sunlight so there will be no reduction in the size of the roots. That's why your brother set it there," explained the Duke when he noticed the seriousness on the face of his daughter.

Upon the words stated by her father, Joanna straightened her back and turned around to see him who was standing two steps away from her. "Brother Phillip came back? Where is he now, Father?" asked Joanna enthusiastically with her eyes lit up.

"He already returned to Lasse, Ann. He only stayed here for a week and it was only to collect some samples for his research," answered the Duke, which made the smile on Joanna's lips fade away.

She hadn't seen his brother for almost half a year now. He didn't even see her off to Archess as he couldn't ask for leave from his study in Lasse. However, Joanna knew that it was the excuse that was made up by her older brother, Phillip de Lara.

Her brother had stated his strong disagreement when their father informed him about the marriage that was arranged by the King of Terra for his sister and a general of Archess. He even pleaded for their father to decline the royal decree to marry off his younger sister to the General. However, her brother was aware that his pleading was useless as they couldn't disobey the official order of the King. Therefore, he chose to not see his sister be sent off to another kingdom for marriage alliance.

"Don't be sad, Ann. Phillip will definitely rush back once he hears the news of you coming back here," assured the Duke with a smile. "You just need to send your brother a letter as soon as possible so that you can meet him before you return to Archess."

Right after hearing the suggestion uttered by her father, Joanna's face turned rigid. She shook her head and moved closer toward him. "I will not go back to Archess, Father, and please don't force me to go back there," Joanna pleaded, grasping the hand of the Duke who looked at her with surprise before turning it into a quizzical look. The perplexity was clearly drawn on his face.

"But why, Ann? Why do you not want to go back to Archess?" asked the Duke with a deep frown, wondering if his daughter made a joke or was serious with her words.

As his daughter was silent with her head lowered, the Duke said, "Please don't make such a joke, Ann."

It was then Joanna lifted her head to look up at her father. "I am serious and want a divorce, Father," Joanna stated with a firm voice. She looked calm yet determined, and it made the Duke frown even deeper. The hazel eyes that belonged to his daughter which were similar to his were not quivered even a bit.

As he realized the seriousness of the young woman who stood before him, the Duke blinked a couple of times, trying to find words to respond to the unexpected, shocking affirmation brought up by her.

"Did something bad happen in Archess? Did your husband do something that you disliked?" the Duke managed to respond, questioning his daughter. His eyes didn't leave hers as he studied her demeanor.

A heavy sigh escaped Joanna's lips. Looking up at the bright, blue sky that was different from the cloudy sky in Archess, she took some time to prepare herself for how she should explain to her father without telling him that it was caused by the dream that she had. It would for sure only end up making her father laugh at her and tell her to not make such a joke again. 

On the way back to Terra, she had thought about how to tell her father regarding her request to separate from the General. However, at a moment like this when her father was looking at her with a worried and perplexed expression, it was difficult for her to voice what she had arranged in her mind. Nevertheless, she didn't have any other choice but to open it up, without revealing the dream while attempting to avoid lies.

Landing her gaze back on his father who still frowned in worry and confusion, she said, "If I say that I want a divorce because I felt suffocated and not respected, what you will say, Father? I am married but the husband that I have married hasn't shown up even until I left Archess. And what makes it pathetic is that, up to now, I still don't know about him at all. If we cross paths somewhere now, it is highly likely that we will just walk past each other without knowing that we are a married couple." Joanna formed a sad, small smile across her face. Turning around, she took a slow pace through the paved pathway with beds of various herbal plants lining up on the sides.

"No one welcomed me when I set foot in my so-called husband's mansion for the first time," Joanna continued to speak. Emotion was clearly expressed in her voice. Every word that came out of her lips evoked her feelings, and it was not positive ones. The Duke walked along beside her, focusing on her words and trying to digest them in silence. 

"I had filled my days with worry, feeling insecure as it was the first time I had been away from father, brother… away from my home." She halted and turned to face her father, who followed suit.

"I felt lonely and scared, Father. Archess was a foreign place for me. Everything in there is still foreign to me. Even my mother-in-law didn't welcome me," Joanna spoke with a low voice. "Should I have this kind of marriage life, Father? Is it fine even though I am not happy with this marriage?" asked Joanna, her brows knitted.

Joanna had told her father what she had felt about her life in Archess so far even though she actually could bear such a sorrowful married life. But the dream had given an exception, and she chose to step down.