

Son of a bitch! I just finished this godawful fantasy novel, and now I'm knee-deep in it – as David, the disgraced son of the Solarian Empire's top general! Talk about some twisted cosmic joke. But hold on a damn minute... maybe this isn't all bad. Armed with the knowledge of that trashy plot, I can become the ultimate shadow player, an overlord perhaps. Screw the damsel-in-distress harem too – it's time to pull the strings and become the real power behind the throne. This isekai might be a steaming pile, but I'm rewriting the ending with a little more... Debauchery (wink wink).

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


A strangled sob escaped Shay's lips as she pleaded. "Please, Young Master, don't take my life! I have a little sister, waiting for me back home. Don't let me be another ghost in these halls." Her voice, raw with terror, resonated in the sun-drenched room, a stark contrast to the rhythmic thump of David's recent workout.David watched her, the confusion knotting his brow tightening. This wasn't the reaction he'd expected. He needed to quell the storm brewing in this petite maid. With a gentle firmness that surprised even him, he broke the rhythm of her sobs. "Can you stand up, please?" His voice lacked the usual venom, replaced with an unexpected concern.Fear, cold and heavy, pulsed through Shay's veins. The Master's command, whispered though it was, reverberated like a thunderclap. Yet, a sliver of something else flickered within it – a flicker that wasn't malice. Slowly, she rose to her trembling feet, keeping her eyes fixed on the plush red carpet, unable to meet his gaze.David reached out, his touch surprisingly light as he brushed his fingers against her shoulder, guiding her towards the cool stone wall. A shiver ran down Shay's spine at the unexpected contact, her senses hypersensitive. He leaned closer, the warmth of his breath dancing across her earlobe as he spoke in a low, husky voice."You know," he murmured, "I'm willing to let yesterday's whispers fade with the morning mist." His words, laced with a hint of amusement, sent a jolt through her. But then, a further surprise – a barely-there thread of energy, a silver tendril that brushed against her aura. What in the world…?David continued, unaware of the internal explosion of confusion he'd caused. "Only," he added, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper, the warmth of his breath now a teasing caress against her neck, "if you do a small favour for me in return."Shay's mind reeled. This wasn't the drunken lout of her nightmares. This man, with his focused blue eyes and a hint of something dangerous lurking beneath the surface, was an enigma. And here she was, a mere maid, caught in the web of his intrigue. His touch, though unintentional, sent a spark through her, a sensation both terrifying and strangely… exciting.The previous David, who resented women, recoiling from female contact like a vampire from sunlight – had changed completely. He,(Mark), couldn't explain the pull he felt towards this trembling maid, a stark contrast to the jaded cynicism he usually projected. This was uncharted territory, a game of unspoken desires and a misunderstanding that could unravel in a heartbeat."Okay," David murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down Shay's spine. The helplessness in her trembling form was impossible to ignore. Trapped, she could only nod slowly, a silent promise devoid of choice. Was she to be a spy, an unwitting pawn sacrificed in some De Gor family game? A storm of paranoid questions brewed in her mind, threatening to drown her in their dark current.But before the anxieties could fully take root, a strangled moan escaped her lips. A wet sensation, impossibly pleasurable, bloomed on her earlobe. David's arms, strong and unexpectedly warm, encircled her small waist, pulling her flush against his bare chest. The sensation sent a jolt through Shay, her senses sharpening to a dangerous peak. Was this the same young master, the one rumoured to be perpetually drunk and dismissive? Confusion swirled within her, a dizzying vortex.He used her disarray to his advantage. David's mouth trailed down her neck, his lips leaving a trail of heat that sparked a shiver down her spine. His touch was deliberate, almost predatory as his fingers grazed the sensitive skin of her back. Shay's breath hitched, a hot, unfamiliar pressure building in her chest. This was something new, something she couldn't explain.David, one arm now possessively around her waist, lifted her chin with a single finger. Their eyes met, his blue gaze holding a depth she hadn't noticed before. "You have gorgeous eyes," he murmured, his voice husky and seductive. Shay's breath caught in her throat. "Shay, wasn't it?" he continued, his voice dropping to a tantalizing whisper as he leaned in, his nose a mere breath away from hers. "You smell incredible."The compliment, delivered with such magnetic intensity, sent a wave of heat rushing through Shay. A blush, vivid crimson, bloomed across her cheeks. Just as David was about to close the distance, a jarring knock on the double doors shattered the charged atmosphere. "Great," David muttered under his breath, his frustration evident as he reluctantly released Shay. "Yes, come in," he called out to the unknown visitor, his voice tinged with annoyance.The interruption, abrupt and unwelcome, left a void where the growing tension had been. Shay, still reeling from the unexpected intimacy, struggled to compose herself. Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribs, and the memory of David's touch lingered on her skin beneath her uniform, a ghost of a caress. This wasn't the way things were supposed to be. The notorious David De Gor, supposedly averse to female contact, had awakened something within her – a confusing mix of fear and a strange, exhilarating thrill. As the intruder entered the room, a storm of emotions brewed within Shay, and the future, as uncertain as ever, held the promise of both danger and something undeniably exciting.The heavy oak doors creaked open, revealing a stark contrast to the trembling Shay. In their place stood a vision of composure – Katrina, the head maid. Her blonde hair, meticulously braided in an intricate design, framed a face seasoned by experience. Unlike the youthful exuberance of the other maids, Katrina exuded an aura of quiet authority.She dipped into a graceful curtsy, a hint of a knowing smile playing on her lips. Rumours, like dust motes in a sunbeam, had reached her ears – whispers from Vivian about the young master's discovery and Shay teetering on the edge of abuse. Katrina wouldn't lose a good staff member under her watch, not without a fight."Good morning, Young Master," she greeted, her voice a soothing melody that resonated with hidden strength. David, intrigued by this unexpected visitor, raised an eyebrow. This maid was a goddam bonafide milf. "Good morning to you as well," he replied, a flicker of amusement dancing in his blue eyes. "And you are...?"Katrina couldn't help but wonder if the near-death experience had scrambled the young master's mind. "I am Katrina, the head maid, at your service, young master," she clarified, her voice firm yet respectful.Sensing Shay's frozen state, Katrina's eyes darted towards the girl, a silent understanding passing between them. "Shay," she stated, her words firm but gentle, "I'll take it from here. Go help the others with their duties."Shay, jolted from her stupor, nodded numbly and shuffled towards the door, stealing one last glance at the young master. An invisible thread seemed to connect them, a secret shared through the unexpected encounter.David watched her go, a mischievous glint in his eye. "It's alright," he reassured, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Just go. And remember our agreement," wink.Katrina's brow furrowed. Agreement? Had she stepped in too late? Was Shay a pawn in some game she was unaware of? As she exited the room, a storm of questions brewed within her. One thing was certain: the once-drunken lout of a young master was shrouded in a veil of intrigue, and the future, fraught with the whispers of danger and possibility, had just begun to unfold.