

Son of a bitch! I just finished this godawful fantasy novel, and now I'm knee-deep in it – as David, the disgraced son of the Solarian Empire's top general! Talk about some twisted cosmic joke. But hold on a damn minute... maybe this isn't all bad. Armed with the knowledge of that trashy plot, I can become the ultimate shadow player, an overlord perhaps. Screw the damsel-in-distress harem too – it's time to pull the strings and become the real power behind the throne. This isekai might be a steaming pile, but I'm rewriting the ending with a little more... Debauchery (wink wink). [Warning: Mature content R-18 ] My tags: Smart Mc - Harem - Milff Hunter- Op Mc - Cold and cunning Mc - edgy-Op-Mc, NO YURI, smut- romance-massacre. Gifts: Massage Chair: unlocks 1 bonus chapter. Luxury Car: Unlocks 2 bonus chapters. Dragon: Unlocks 3 bonus chapter. Magic Castle: Unlocks 5 bonus chapters within a week! Space Craft: Unlocks 10 bonus chapters within a week! Golden Gachapon: Unlocks 15 bonus chapters within a week! Reviews: let's get to 30 reviews soon: unlocks 3 bonus chapters! (7/30) The number within the brackets at the end represents the number of reviews and how many left to unlock bonus chapters! Show some love and happy reading ლ(◉‿◉ ლ)

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Chapter 22: FIRST KILL

A final, mocking chime echoed through the clearing: "[You have defeated a lesser Fenrir]." David slumped onto the carcass of the fallen wolf, a ragged cough escaping his lips. Every muscle screamed in protest, his body a vessel of pure exhaustion. He couldn't even muster the strength to twitch a finger.Just when darkness threatened to consume him, a flicker of light pierced through the haze of pain. A new window bloomed in his vision: "[You have leveled up]." A wave of warmth washed over him, a gentle tide slowly pushing back the tide of fatigue. A relieved sigh escaped his lips, a sound almost comical considering his predicament."Let's see what I got," he rasped, a hint of his old defiance flickering in his eyes. After all, it was these strange new abilities that kept him standing, a hair's breadth from the grave. With a mental command, he muttered, "Status."A cascade of windows materialized before him, each one brimming with information. One caught his eye: "[Bonus rewards: First Kill]." Intrigue replaced exhaustion in his gaze. "Hmm, interesting," he mused, leaning in as the window expanded to reveal his hard-earned prizes.The first bonus reward, emblazoned in bold lettering, was "[Rejuvenating Surge]." Below it, a detailed description unfolded: "[Passive Description: Whenever you level up, a powerful wave of restorative energy surges through your body, instantly healing all injuries and restoring your health to its maximum. This surge revitalizes your spirit and fortifies your resilience, ensuring you are always at your peak strength when facing new challenges.]"David read the description twice, a slow grin spreading across his bloodied face. Disbelief, then amusement, finally erupted into full-blown laughter. "So, that's how I survived that first fight," he chuckled, the memory of his near-death experience replaying in his mind. He vividly recalled the first wolf, the pain, and the feeling of being on the precipice of oblivion. This "Rejuvenating Surge" explained everything.The initial hesitation morphed into a different kind of thrill. He was still battered, still vulnerable, but these notifications, these powers, hinted at a potential he hadn't even begun to explore. A second chance, a good start, all thanks to a bit of beginner's luck and these strange new abilities surging within him. The fight was far from over, but for the first time, David wasn't just facing the darkness – he had a fighting chance."Next is..." he mumbled, his voice sandpaper dry. His eyes drifted downwards, and a gasp caught in his throat.Within the window lay a description that sent a jolt through him. "[Weapon type: dagger Name: Frostfang Rank: SSR]."His blood ran cold. SSR. That designation whispered in hushed tones amongst online gamers, signified the pinnacle of rarity, the holy grail of digital weaponry. His heart hammered against his ribs – a real-life weapon with the power of legend."[Passive Buff: Lifedrain: A portion of the damage dealt is returned to the wielder as health, healing for 50% of the total damage inflicted.]"He had tasted its effectiveness firsthand, the stolen life force fueling his unlikely comeback. A grim smile stretched across his battered face. Not bad. Not bad at all.But the description continued, a new line sending shivers down his spine. "[Active Spell: Death Reversal – conditions must be met to use spell.]"Death Reversal. The very words whispered of forbidden power, a potential lifeline shrouded in mystery. David furrowed his brow, the implications heavy in the air. He'd seen the wolves succumb to a single, brutal blow, the crimson sigil a mark of Frostfang's deadly embrace.But Death Reversal? Was it the key to unlocking the true power of these blades, a cheat code written in blood? A defeated sigh escaped his lips, his mind a tangled mess of possibilities. The mysteries of these weapons deepened.He slumped back against the carcass of a fallen wolf, the silence thick with unspoken questions. For now, he could only ponder, the promise of Death Reversal a tantalizing enigma waiting to be unraveled.Thrilled by the prospect of a power boost, David opened his main status window. New numbers gleamed back at him, sparking excitement like a gamer witnessing their character level up.

Name: David De Gror

Race: Human

class: Ascendant

(NEW!) LV: 5 [50/1000] 

Skills: Eternal Gluttoney, Celestial Wheel, Wolf's grace

HP: 30/30 >> 500/500

MP: 5/5 >> 95/100

Stamina: 5/5 >> 200/250

 Strength: 2 >> 100/100

Agility: 4 >> 150

Intelligence: 10 >> 70 

charm: 70

A new section blazed in David's main window: Level. A bold "5" stared back, a stark confirmation of his recent near-death experience. No wonder those notifications kept popping up – they weren't glitches, they were real-time level-ups, gamification thrust into the harsh reality of his predicament.A satisfied grunt rumbled in his chest. Levelling up meant better stats, a crucial edge in the fights to come. But the real prize sat nestled in the "Skills" section: Wolf's Grace. Had he devoured it from his fallen foe? The memory of a notification claiming to have "devoured a skill" clicked into place.He squinted, focusing on the shimmering description of Wolf's Grace. It unfolded like a digital scroll, revealing its secrets:"[Description: Upon activation, Wolf's Grace envelops the user in a primal aura, transforming them into the embodiment of a predatory wolf. Senses sharpen to a razor's edge, eyes glowing with an eerie luminescence that pierces through darkness.Abilities:Predator's Instinct: Heightened awareness allows the user to anticipate enemy movements and exploit their weaknesses with lethal precision.Enhanced Agility: The user's agility surges by 60%, enabling lightning-fast reflexes and unparalleled manoeuvrability.Razor Claws and Fangs: Every strike becomes a primal extension of the user, channelling the raw power of the wolf.]"David finished reading, a surge of primal understanding coursing through him. It wasn't just knowledge; these abilities felt ingrained, an extension of his body like breathing. He instinctively grasped how 'Razor Claws and Fangs' made him use his skills efficiently.A predatory grin split his bloodied face. He was a wolf in human skin, a monster reborn with a new set of deadly tools at his disposal. David scanned the clearing, searching for the digital chime that usually heralded a victory, a "Level Cleared" or a "Boss Defeated" message. But there was nothing. An unsettling silence hung heavy in the air.Something felt off. There were no progress bars or congratulatory pop-ups. The wolves, those vicious nightmares, were just the first hurdle, a twisted welcome to this bizarre new world. The true enemy, David realized with a chilling certainty, lurked somewhere beyond the shadows."That has to be it," he muttered, his voice hoarse but laced with a steely resolve. His gaze drifted upwards, drawn to the highest point he could see – a distant peak. It was a long shot, a gamble, but it was the only option he had. Wandering aimlessly would only lead him deeper into the unknown.He straightened his battered form, the ache in his muscles a dull throb compared to the burning curiosity gnawing at him. This wasn't a walk in the park anymore, but an ascent. An ascent towards answers, towards the unseen enemy pulling the strings.With a newfound purpose fueling his steps, David began his trek. The peak, a jagged silhouette against the emerging light, became his beacon, his guiding star in this strange, hostile tower. He would reach the top, not for a fleeting moment of rest, but to gain a foothold, a vantage point from which to survey the twisted landscape and face whatever awaited him. His trial had just began.