

Son of a bitch! I just finished this godawful fantasy novel, and now I'm knee-deep in it – as David, the disgraced son of the Solarian Empire's top general! Talk about some twisted cosmic joke. But hold on a damn minute... maybe this isn't all bad. Armed with the knowledge of that trashy plot, I can become the ultimate shadow player, an overlord perhaps. Screw the damsel-in-distress harem too – it's time to pull the strings and become the real power behind the throne. This isekai might be a steaming pile, but I'm rewriting the ending with a little more... Debauchery (wink wink).

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 16: FIRST TIME (18+)

The sharp scent of disinfectant filled the air, a stark contrast to the turmoil churning in Shay's mind. Her thoughts were a tangled mess, offering no clear direction. She felt the gentle squeezes from David's hand, raising her heartbeat and her face became flustered. David, however, wasn't satisfied. He leaned closer, his voice a husky whisper against her ear.

"Remember our conversation, Shay?"

A wave of memories crashed over her. The heated encounter, David's touch sending shivers down her spine, the way he'd cornered her and… the unspoken promise left hanging in the air. A flush crept up her neck, a stark contrast to the cool marble beneath her knees. She felt trapped, caught in a game she didn't fully understand.

David taking advantage of the situation slowly unbuttoned her maid's blouse down to her waist. He slipped his hands into her blouse and gently brushed his fingers against her breast skin, trailing his fingers to her round areolas. Shay's chest rose and fell rapidly, her breath heavy and dense while David circled his finger around her pink tits.

Her nipples were hard and David couldn't resist the temptation of pulling them. With one gentle tug, she felt her knees weak, "hngh," Shay silently moaned resisting the urge to increase her voice from the pleasure David inflicted on her. 

At this point, Shay did nothing, she resembled a living statue as an artist crafted his most precious collection. David closed the distance between them, his presence a tangible weight against her back. A warm puff of air danced on the exposed skin of her neck, sending shivers cascading down her spine. He cupped his hand on her compact little melon while realising the other and holding her waist to guide her on the ledge of the marble tub. 

"Mmmh, you smell amazing." David softly disclosed. He made sure she lay on the tub while her small butt was raised. He pressed his enlarging groin on her petite ass making sure to relish them as he used his free hand to give them a tight squeeze. Shay felt his hand cup her ass making her rapid heartbeat even faster.

With skilful precision, David scrunched her dress as he pulled them over her waist revealing cute white undies completely soaked in her juices." Young master," Shay hesitantly called out his name. "Yes my adorable cute maid," David teased with a smirk on his face slowly caressing her behind with his fingers.

Shay felt something strike her heart from David's response something that she did not understand," is..is this the agreement"Her voice barely a whisper. "Well yes and no," David replied but before Shay brought up another question he added."I simply meant that from henceforth you would become mine and mine alone."After David's bold declaration Shay's breath hitched as a blush crept up her cheeks,' did the young master see her in that way', "and I am not taking no for an answer" David concluded rendering her speechless. She had fallen in Daivd snare and there was no going back. 

Pushing aside Her white undies to the side, David carefully rubbed her labia as he felt the sliminess of her liquids covering his fingers.


Shay's moan became hard to control as David increased his pace. After determining there was enough lubrication, he slowly inserted a finger in her pussy and a small yelp escaped her lips. David pushed them in and out of her, threatening to make her fall to the ground.


Shay moaned out, her voice echoed in the four corners of the bathroom." shit, I'm so horny Shay "David confessed his fingers wet from her juices, "How can I help you, young master, "She managed to ask though she was unable to move she was willing to lend a hand, "oh, my cute maid wants to help "David teased as he pulled his pants down still cupping and playing with her tits." Just like this." David released his bulged cock from his pants and gently inserted the tip in her maiden.


Shay felt something poking her insides, she was losing herself by the minute. David tried to close the gap but felt a wall blocking his path, realising it was her hymen, David leaned into her ear and whispered, "it's going to be a little painful but you'll feel good as time passes, okay?"David reassured her, Shay slowly nodded in response, preparing herself for the master to take her purity. A sudden sharp pain assaulted her, "argh" she shrieked from the pain as a trail of blood flowed down her thigh. David placed his lips on her neck and sucked her will he grazed the tips of her nipple to make her feel relaxed.

After a while David whispered in her ear confirming if she was okay," am alright, you can start moving, "Shay assured him prompting him to take action. David started pushing his dick in and out slowly increasing the pace, assaulting her from behind, "this feels so tight "David marvelled at her tight carnal. The pleasure was too much for Shay and she could no longer hold it in, "young master I feel something, master.... "



David removed his cock from her wet insides and rammed back in opening the floodgates as a small stream of juices flowed out, "Did you just cum?" David asked her, it had only been a couple of minutes but Shay cummed without any restraint. Shay's silence stretched, thick and heavy in the air. David's playful demeanour vanished, replaced by a flicker of concern. "Shay?" he called out, his voice a low rumble. "Are you alright?" David removed his rod from her hole producing a satisfying 'plop'

David reached out, surprised as Shay went limp in his arms. He gently lifted her, concern etching lines on his face. As he held her close, he realized she'd fainted. he brushed his fingers across her doll-like face and smiled at the sleeping beauty in his hands.