
The General’s Wife

After the world is devastated by nuclear war, the surviving humans gather on the only remaining continent. They establish a new colony, a new nation called After Earth, with a centralized government in a city named Marakesh City. The government is controlled by the military forces led by an iron-fisted general. Rebellions in After Earth are still frequent, particularly by militant civilians who refuse to accept military dominance. All rebellions are ruthlessly crushed by the military forces, as the leader believes that any small differences must be eliminated to prevent another large-scale war. Thus, despite physical differences originating from different continents, all residents of After Earth live in unity with one word, one feeling, one language. The military constantly monitors any unrest without discrimination. As a result, the military is considered the most feared group by the civilian population. In After Earth, enforced peace and mandatory unity prevail... Upon opening her eyes, Asia is faced with an extraordinarily handsome man who claims to be her husband – a husband she doesn't remember at all. The man who identifies himself as her husband, appearing like a model with sharp hazel eyes and lips that are always thin, cynical, and slightly intimidating, introduces himself as Akira. He reveals that they have been married for a year, and to Asia's surprise, Akira informs her that she is currently pregnant with their child. How could all of this be happening? Asia's last memory is when she was in an orphanage, living with other orphaned children. The orphanage housed children left as war and turmoil victims, and she was sixteen years old at that time. Her life was ordinary, focused on being a student with all its activities and doing what she could to help the caretaker mothers in the orphanage. There is no memory at all of her marriage, no memory of her husband. However, the stranger provides undeniable evidence, including a slightly bulging belly carrying a two-month-old fetus growing inside. As if these surprises were not enough, Asia later discovers that her husband is one of the most feared figures in Marakesh City. He is a General, the leader of the most ruthless and powerful elite military force in After Earth. General Akira is a ruthless killer and a cold-blooded creature who doesn't hesitate to mercilessly eliminate his enemies. How could Asia be married to and carry the child of such a man?

BlackBox77 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Prologue I: Unknown Husband

The room was white, everything was all white...

Asia blinked her eyes, feeling a sting as the direct light pierced through them. She closed her eyes and then opened them again, rediscovering the white walls surrounding her entire field of vision.

Pale, intimidating sterile white...

Her vision was still hazy, but after blinking her eyes again, everything gradually became clear. She was lying on a bed once again with white sheets and a matching blanket. In her left hand, there was a bandage and an IV needle covered with a plaster, visibly piercing through.

Asia furrowed her brow.

Was she in a hospital? What was wrong with her?

"Finally, you're awake."

A deep voice with a dragged accent and a slightly threatening tone made Asia turn her head towards the source. Her eyes caught sight of a man with a stern and rigid face, dressed entirely in black, staring at her with piercing eyes of light brown. The man sat cross-legged on a large white sofa not far from her bed.

Who is this man? Why is he waiting for her in the hospital?

The man stood up from his seat and walked towards the bed. Asia observed him and realized that he was tall and robust with a slender yet muscular body.

And the man... Asia looked at his black attire, furrowing her brow. It wasn't ordinary clothing. The man wore a long, sharply tailored black coat with insignias on his shoulders and several star symbols on his chest...

Instantly, Asia's face turned pale, and she recoiled, trying to sit up from her position on the bed.

This man was someone from the military!

Asia's heart pounded with fear and anticipation. The military, especially those in black uniforms, were the most feared leaders throughout After Earth. Though praised as their leaders and guardians, civilians usually avoided any interaction with the military as they feared getting into trouble.

Anyone involved with the military usually ended up brutally killed, discarded as lifeless bodies without mercy...

Asia stared at herself in panic, then at the IV in her hand, and at the approaching man who seemed like a tiger deciding to play a bit before devouring its prey.

What trouble was she in? Why was she here? Why was a military person here?

The man in military attire squinted his eyes, observing Asia's frightened expression as he stood at the edge of the bed. His eyes saw Asia's terrified face and her body shifting as far away from him as possible.

There was a smile, an ironic and slightly sardonic smile when the man said,

"I don't want you to repeat this, Asia." His voice remained the same, with a cold, dragged accent and full of threat.

Asia furrowed her brow even deeper, more confused. Did this man know her name?

"Who are you? Where is this?" Asia finally managed to voice her questions.

The questions might be ordinary, but their impact seemed truly shocking for the man in front of her, who appeared startled and stared at her with widened pupils.

The man pursed his lips, then his eyes squinted slightly as if trying to read Asia to the depths of her soul.

"Are you joking?" His voice was low, threatening, and made the hair on Asia's neck stand on end.

Asia swallowed, a little scared.

"I'm not joking, truly... Who are you?"

Those brown eyes looked frightening, still staring at her sharply and unyielding.

"I will call the doctor to examine you." Suddenly, a thin smile appeared on his lips. "I am Akira, your husband." The man's fingers moved without permission, sweeping over Asia's unprotected stomach, making Asia startled by the unexpected information and touch.

"And you are my wife, carrying my child," he continued with a half-whispered voice.