
The General’s Secret

It’s a time of war in the state of Jewlen in Rabe. Martha Grey is the owner of the largest estate in Rabe and helps aid in the war efforts for the imperial side. She houses and tends to wounded soldiers. Her brave heart going in and out of the war zone has brought attention to General Albasten’s eyes. For months he tries to win over the young heart of Martha Grey until the unthinkable happens...

squarejelly · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Difference Between Scratches and Gashes

"Gen-," I was silenced before I could finish by General Albasten. He then starts to beckon me to follow him outside.

The nerve of this guy! First he silenced me and then he's - I look up in bewilderment and notice I had just ran into him. Embarrassed, I look up at him and just when I'm about to speak he opens his mouth.

"I need you to go get your medical supplies and meet me in my tent." He spoke in a low voice, almost to a whisper. I was already so uncomfortable with being so close to him so I quickly gathered my supplies and followed him.

As we were walking, I noticed there was not a single soldier in sight. Usually there are about five left behind to look over camp. Maybe they are taking a nap? Out hunting? It seemed so quite and desolate, well except for the sound of bombs and war off in the distance.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They went into town for a few hours to recruit some more men," he said to me as we made it to his tent. Almost immediately he drops to the ground as the tent closed behind us hiding us from the outside world.

I rush down to him to try and soften his fall but fail instead. I hear a little chuckle as he says, " It's just a wee little scratch that happens to be more of a knife and bullet wound. Easy fix." He gives me a grin and then directs me down to his arm and stomach. "Bullet made it about an inch in but is in a bit of a tricky spot, almost going into my intestines. The knife was coated with some drug to make my skin melt but hasn't taken affect yet because I washed most of it off. If you act quickly I'll have a quicker healing process. You need to cut out th-"

I smacked him in the face and shoved a stick in his mouth. "Shut up and let me be the doctor here. Just sit there and be a good injured soldier."

Thomas wasn't with me so I had no hot water to quickly sterilize everything. Luckily, there was a fire right outside so I quickly gathered the tools I was going to be using and placed them in the fire. I couldn't leave them in there too long or they'd be too hot for the general to handle but too little time in there could led to infection and then death. I had to time this just right.

One - Two —— Thirty seconds! Good enough. I quickly go back inside and get to work on the bullet first. I wiped the blood off to see the bullet. I couldn't see it but I hit it quickly. One inch deep, just as he had said. I grabbed it and pulled it out. I shoved cloth into the whole to patch up later and went right on to the knife wound. I looked at the wound on his arm and said, "You know General, for a smart man like yourself I figured you would've known the difference between scratches and gashes but I guess not." He gives off a little chuckle again. Gathering on what the general had told me I started by cutting off the skin that had direct contact with the blade and threw it into the fire outside. What a horrid smell, unfortunately I have gotten use to it having to burn any infected bodies and amputated limbs. I cleaned the wound and stitched it up, as did I with the other.

"You're done," I told General Albasten. Taking one good look over the rest of his body to ensure nothing else was cut or broken. When I looked up the stick was still in his mouth and he was starring at me with amusement. "What?"

Albasten took the stick out of his mouth. "I don't think I've seen you work before. I know my men have lots of great things to say about you. I'd like to thank you." He looks and points to the far back of the tent to a small pouch. "In that pouch is a hundred and three gold pieces and twenty-three silver. It's for you and anything else you want."

I look at him in bewilderment. What is this guy thinking? Now he wants to thank me after this long? I went over and grabbed the pouch and looked in it. Sure enough everything was in there. I sat it down saying, "I don't need it. I'm my own woman and can fend for myself. Thank you very much. Have a good day General." I grabbed my things and walked out, General Albasten watched me as I went not saying a word.

Once I was outside and could finally breath I thought back on what General Albasten had just tried to give me. Who in the hell would give someone that much gold?! How did he even get all of it?! I had so many question but my thoughts where interrupted by a loud explosion.

"MADAM GREY! RUN! THEY ARE BOMBING THE PLACE!" Thomas yelled at me from near the house. I quickly looked over and saw as an enemy soldier shot Thomas in the head and then slit his throat like shooting him wasn't enough. I dropped my medical bag and gasped. Frozen, not knowing what to do. Out of nowhere I am picked up and hear a man saying, "God damnit woman the boy said run!"

The man was running for his life and mine as he tried to get us away from enemy fire. He puts me down and that when I see it is General Albasten who had grabbed me. "Follow me and do not stop. You must keep running. If I go down do not stop you keep going," he yelled at me as he starts to take off again this time holding my hand dragging me with him.

My mind is unable to function as I try to process what is happening. We never heard the enemy come up until they were on us. I turn around and my whole body almost stops in disbelievement as I see my only home I had ever know up in flames. I couldn't stop though. I had to keep running.

My bad for not updating. I thought this was a horrible story so I didn’t continue but then I decided someone might like it.

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