
The General’s Delicious Wife

Transmigrated to a rural village. There is no food, there is no warm clothing. On top of that she is gifted with a crippled husband and a whole bunch of exceptional relatives. Xia Yue Chu counted with her fingers and did her maths. No matter how she calculates, she is on severe deficit. However, as a talented chef, she can come up with a thousand different delicacies with her skilful hands. She can make a fortune within minutes and raise up to become a winner in life! Just that, although the days are becoming better, her husband seems to be becoming more mysterious. Xia Yue Chu, with a chopping knife in her hand: “Who are you exactly?” Someone dignifiedly declared: “I’m your man!” Disclaimer: This is a translated work.

YellowBean · History
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72 Chs

TGDW – Chapter 63 Madam Shan Chang

The General's Delicious Wife Chapter 063: Madam Shan Chang

Those people in the yard could not believe their eyes and ears.

They did not know what Xia Yue Chu had said to Madam Feng when she entered the house. Why was she an fire-breathing beast when she went in just now, and turned into a docile sheep when she came out?

Xue Ping was pleasantly surprised. Looking at Madam Feng with two trails of tears running down her cheeks again, while she choked to say, "Mother, thank you mother for forgiving me."

"You don't need to thank me, just thank your Sister-in-law if you want to thank anyone! It's rare for your old Xue family to have someone who is so understanding!"

"Big, Sister-in-law." Xue Ping looked at Xia Yue Chu and opened her mouth, but she did not know what to say.

Xia Yue Chu helped Da Ping sit up, patted her on the shoulder and said, "We are all a family, isn't this what we should do! You don't have to thank me, as long as you and your brother-in-law are doing well."

Madam Feng stepped forward to give Xia Yue Chu a hand and supported Da Ping into the house together.

As soon as the curtain of the outer house was lifted, a choking sour stench of alcohol hit them in their faces.

There were several empty wine jars staggered on the ground, and the door of the inner room was ajar, and Feng Yong Yuan's loud snore could be heard.

Madam Feng sighed and said, "Can you see? Since the magistrate released the list of exam results, Yong Yuan has been drinking every day till he lose his conscious. I don't know what evil I had caused to have given birth to such a worrisome thing, I am not going to care anymore, since you are back, you can figure it out yourself!"

Da Ping could not care about her own rest, she hurriedly went inside to see Feng Yong Yuan's situation.

Xia Yue Chu politely declined Madam Feng's invitation to stay longer, replying that they had made an appointment to go to the clinic this morning. They unloaded all the things in the cart, said their goodbyes and left.

After coming out of the Feng's house, Qin Zheng could not help but inquire, "Sister-in-law, what did you say to Madam Feng just now, how is it after what you say that it is as if she changed to a different person?"

"As a matter of fact, Aunt Feng is a pretty nice person, and also reasonable too. I guessed that there are only two main reasons why she is angry. One is Da Ping knowing that Brother-in-law is about to participate in the imperial exam, still taking him back to her mother's house. If it weren't for that trip, Da Ping would not stay in her mother's house to raise the fetus, and the rest would not have happened. The second reason for her anger is that several days had passed since the magistrate exam results were released, yet nobody from our family came to ask about the situation, even Da Ping, there was no sign of her. Watching her son degrade himself with drunkenness after the failure, any mother would become upset over this."

Xia Yue Chu continued: "What I did was even simpler. First, I coaxed her to calm down, then I justified with her, and in the end, everyone was naturally happy."

"Sister-in-law, you are so amazing, I thought we would definitely have to be beaten out when we came today!"" Qin Zheng was gleeful, he raised his hand and flicked a loud whip in the air, "This time the old lady Sheng must have nothing to say when we go home!"

"You can say this lightly while we are still outside, but be careful with what you say when we are home. If you are heard by others, there might be a serious ruckus over it." Xia Yue Chu was amused by Qin Zheng that she laughed through her pursed mouth.

The two of them talked and laughed about, only Xue Zhuang kept his face straight and kept his silent.

At this moment, the cart was spacious, and Xia Yue Chu naturally did not have to squeeze close to him.

Xue Zhuang saw her sitting at the corner leisurely, his heart felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably.

The three of them arrived at the clinic soon enough, it was almost noon, and there were only two patients waiting for their medicine.

Doctor Tang took Xue Zhuang into the inner hall for their follow-up session, and as their precedented schedule there would be an hour of acupuncture.

Qin Zheng took the opportunity to go errand shopping, leaving only Xia Yue Chu sitting outside, who basked in the afternoon sun and soon becoming a little drowsy.

"Hey, you, aren't you that one from Seng Head Village." A woman's voice sounded in front of her.

Xia Yue Chu was awakened abruptly and as she looked up, there was a well-dressed middle-aged madam standing in front of her.

The madam was followed by two little servant girls, she appeared to be a family member of someone with status.

"Hello Madam, do you know me?" Xia Yue Chu looked around. At that moment, she is alone in the hall with a medicinal helper behind the counter, she asked suspiciously.

The woman smiled and replied, "I passed by the entrance just now, and I took a look and thought you are. Now I can be sure when I am closer."

A little girl behind her said in a crisp voice: "This is Madam Shan Chang from our regional college."

"It turned out to be Madam Shan Chang, I am being disrespectful." Xia Yue Chu heard that it was Madam Shan Chang, her heart suddenly jumped, and she hurriedly got up to say hello.

"Don't be overly concerned with the etiquette, it's me who is being too abrupt." Madam Shan Chang explained with joy, "I attended Old Sire Cui's birthday banquet a few days ago. I was fortunate enough to eat your dishes and I was thinking of asking Madam Cui to be a middle man. To invite you to my house and help out as out once a main chef. Who knows that I would meet you on the street. This is really fate!"

When Xia Yue Chu heard this, her eyes lit up. At the birthday banquet of Old Sire Cui, the reason why she worked so hard was to be able to break into the market in the town and city, but she had not expect the opportunity to come so quickly and so suddenly.

Nonetheless she was still a little wary in her heart. She had been in the back kitchen during the birthday banquet. How could Madam Shan Chang recognize herself?

But if she was a liar, hearing how she treated the dishes on the birthday banquet as treasures, she doesn't look like it either.

Fortunately, at this moment, Doctor Tang came out from the end of the acupuncture therapy, and he met Madam Shan Chang and exchanged their greetings.

Xia Yue Chu's heart was put back into her stomach (Meaning: rest assured), and she made an appointment with Madam Shan Chang, to go over to their mansion a few days later to discuss the banquet in detail.

It was almost evening when the three of them returned home, when Madam Sheng heard a sound from inside the house, she hurriedly ran out to check.

Seeing that Da Ping did not follow them back, she was able to let rest half of her heart, then she questioned, "Did you send Da Ping home?"

Qin Zheng said, "Isn't that so, we were almost thrown out, but fortunately, my sister-in-law went out and persuaded Da Ping's Mother-in-law to calm down, until she agreed to let Da Ping go home."

Madam Sheng sighed with relief, but rolled her eyes, "It's just sending Da Ping home. What's the big deal? It's worth asking for credit as soon as you enter the door."

"It's not a big deal, why don't you go on your own!" Qin Zheng did not bother to pay attention to her after that, and went into the house with Xue Zhuang on his back.

Madam Sheng grabbed Xia Yue Chu who was left behind and asked, "What happened to the exam for Son-in-law?"

"Brother-in-law failed the exam, and he has been drown his sorrows with wine everyday. That's why Auntie Feng was so angry when Father-in-law went there and even smashed the wine jar."

"What?" Madam Sheng shrieked, "Didn't pass the exam?"

Xia Yue Chu ears buzzed from the shockwave, and while she was still stunned, she hurriedly ran back to the room.

Very soon, Madam Sheng wailed while hitting her own thighs could be heard outside.

"My bitter life daughter! Why is everything against you this year, the child is gone, the husband didn't pass the exam again. Aiyo, my daughter ah--"

In comparison, Qin Zheng was elated, when he entered the house, he asked, "Sister-in-law, what are we eating for dinner? I'm hungry!"

When Xia Yue Chu heard this, she was suddenly stunned.

After going into the town for an entire day, all her thoughts were focused on how to persuade Auntie Feng, so she did not pick any wild greens, and did not plan to buy any vegetables home at all. Now no vegetables can be found at home.




Translator Notes:

Translated by YellowBean.