
The General’s Delicious Wife

Transmigrated to a rural village. There is no food, there is no warm clothing. On top of that she is gifted with a crippled husband and a whole bunch of exceptional relatives. Xia Yue Chu counted with her fingers and did her maths. No matter how she calculates, she is on severe deficit. However, as a talented chef, she can come up with a thousand different delicacies with her skilful hands. She can make a fortune within minutes and raise up to become a winner in life! Just that, although the days are becoming better, her husband seems to be becoming more mysterious. Xia Yue Chu, with a chopping knife in her hand: “Who are you exactly?” Someone dignifiedly declared: “I’m your man!” Disclaimer: This is a translated work.

YellowBean · History
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72 Chs

TGDW – Chapter 61 MIL and DIL War

The General's Delicious Wife Chapter 061: Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-law War

Although Xue Zhuang didn't know what kind of treatment Xue Liang Ping had suffered this morning, he knew that it was not anything good.

If the Feng family insisted on divorcing their daughter-in-law, Da Ping would have cried and thrown a tantrum and found her way to create trouble. In the end, no matter what the result it was, he would end up not eating any lamb meat but catch it's foul smell (Meaning: Not gaining any advantage, yet had suffered a loss.).

But when he looked up and saw Xue Liang Ping standing at the door with a burdensome expression, he instantly softened his heart and nodded, "Okay, we will take Da Ping tomorrow."

Seeing that he agreed so readily, Madam Sheng hesitated a little, and looked at Xue Zhuang suspiciously, wondering if he could not possibly be plotting something else, right?

As soon as she wanted to spew her words, she was dragged out by Xue Liang Ping, "That's enough, Da Zhuang has already promised you, what more do you want, hurry and go to pack the things for Da Ping."

Seeing them leave, Qin Zheng commented desolately, "Big Brother, how could you agree? This is a hot potato, if anything were to go amiss, we would end up stuck as being neither an insider or an outsider (Meaning: Not making anybody happy)!"

Xia Yue Chu entered the house carrying a basket, only to hear the last sentence, and so she asked, "What's this about not being an insider or outsider?"

Qin Zheng hurriedly told her about what just happened and complained, "Sister-in-law, quickly tell Big Brother off, we cannot intervene in this matter, or we won't be able to get out of this."

Xue Zhuang saw that Xia Yue Chu had just returned from digging up wild vegetables, with sweat on her face, and he suddenly regretted it. He was solely thinking of sharing Xue Liang Ping's worries then, but he forgot that every time whenever something had happened, it was Xia Yue Chu who bore the brunt of Madam Sheng's anger.

Although Xia Yue Chu did not understand why Xue Zhuang would take on such an errand, she looked at his somewhat complicated expression, and thought that since he had already agreed anyway, so why bother dumping cold water by saying anything else.

She laughed it off while preparing the vegetables, "I thought it was some serious issue, what's the problem with this, we are all in the same family, isn't it appropriate to help each other. Don't worry, it will be fine."

"Sister-in-law, you, you guys... ... Ai, forget it, anyway, if the sky comes crumbling down, you guys will be there holding it, I won't bother!" Qin Zheng was so depressed that he could not do anything, but he had no way to change their minds.

Early the next morning, Madam Sheng wrapped Xue Ping up tightly, and stuffed large and small baggage onto the cart, taking up most of the space.

After Xue Zhuang sat in, there was only one small spot left to fit in half of a backside.

Qin Zheng was a thin person so he could get on and drive the cart, but there was no place for Xia Yue Chu.

Upon seeing this, Madam Sheng piled up the big and small baggage together, and moved out a small area and telling her, "You can just squeeze a little to the front, it's warmer to be closer anyways!"

Xia Yue Chu looked at that spot in the cart and was worrying over it. If she sat there, she would have to stick most of her body against Xue Zhuang.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was normal for the couple have such an arrangement, but only she knew what the true relationship between the both of them.

While she was hesitating, Madam Sheng was already getting impatient with waiting, so she pushed Xia Yue Chu straight into the cart and commanded, "Okay, stop lingering, go early and come back early!"

Xia Yue Chu was pushed right into Xue Zhuang's arms and only managed to struggle out when the ox cart exited their family gates.

She fidgeted to the left and to the right, trying to find a more suitable posture, but the place was really limited, no matter how she moved, she was sticking to Xue Zhuang closely.

When the ox cart was about to leave the village, Xue Zhuang suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed onto Xia Yue Chu's wrist.

His hands were very wide, and Xia Yue Chu couldn't move her wrist at all in them. His palms were warm against her skin, along with a certain indescribable burning sensation.

"Stop moving about!" The blue veins on Xue Zhuang's forehead jumped uncontrollably, he gritted his teeth and squeezed out these words.

"Oh..." Xia Yue Chu was taken aback, stopped moving obediently, asking in a quiet voice, "Am I taking up too much of your space like this?"

"It's okay!" Xue Zhuang released his hand and discreetly lean in towards Xia Yue Chu's side, "It's warm like this."

There was a suspicious blush on Xue Zhuang's face, but his expression was cold and no trace of emotions could be seen in the slightest.

"That's true, it's a bit windy today." Xia Yue Chu seeing Xue Zhuang's face redden by the gushing winds, she quickly took out the scarf and wrapped up his neck and face tightly.

Xue Ping was considerably well behaved on the road, only sobbing and crying by herself, but as soon as entering the town, she started to freak out, insisting that she had to go home first.

Qin Zheng was so angry that he said, "We are here to bring my Big Brother for his medication follow-up session today. It's just a stopover to send you over. Why should we send you first?"

"Do you want me, a person who is still recovering, to accompany you to the clinic and spend a day waiting before I can go home?" Xue Ping was also self-justified, and eventually burst into tears wailing loudly.

Xia Yue Chu decided, "Ah Zheng, stop arguing, let us send Da Ping back first!"

Qin Zheng fumed as he turned the direction of the cart, and drove to the Feng's house in Shihe Hutong (Rock River Alley), South of the city.

The main doors of the Feng family was tightly closed, and no trace of activities could be seen in the slightest.

Xia Yue Chu got out of the cart and knocked on the door. After a while, a man in his forties came out to open the door. He looked like the Head of the Feng family.

"Uncle Feng, good morning to you!" Xia Yue Chu greeted him warmly with a smile.

Mister Feng looked at the little madam at the door, recalled for a long time without any impression, and asked perplexedly, "Girl, who are you looking for? I don't know you ah!"

A woman's inquiry came from the yard: "Old man, who is here?"

Xia Yue Chu was afraid that she would be sent away before she could even get in. So she hurriedly took two steps forward into the yard then she smiled and said politely, "Uncle Feng, I am Da Ping's sister-in-law. I heard that both of you elders have returned with the child. We are here to visit."

When Mister Feng heard these two words Da Ping, his face suddenly darkened, and he said in a solemn voice, "Hurry up and leave here. The Xue family is not welcome in our house!"

Xia Yue Chu hurriedly replied, "Uncle, you see, we have come all the way from afar, and we have two patients on the ox cart. Isn't it not good to be blocking the entrance and showing everything to the neighborhood and those passing along this street? Whatever there is to say, even if it is to discuss the divorce, shouldn't both the families sit down and talk it out, don't you think so?"

These words were poking at Mister Feng's fatal point. He was a person who had the biggest fear in losing face, after the racket yesterday, he didn't dare to go out today.

At this moment, it was indeed not decent to see the ox cart blocking the door. Mister Feng had to get out of the way and let Qin Zheng drive the cart into the yard.

When Madam Feng heard the voices, she came out and saw that the old man had already let people into the courtyard, she was so angry that she yelled, "Who let you in, get out, get out of here. Isn't it miserable enough for my son to be sabotaged by your family? You still have the face to come!"

Xue Ping became anxious when she heard this, she quickly climbed up and raised her voice to ask, "What happened to Yong Yuan? How did he do in the exam?"

Madam Feng's eyes turned red when she saw Xue Ping, so she rushed up, grabbed her hair and slapped her a few times instantly.

"You are a broom star (Meaning: the ominous one, bringing bad luck to others), you still dare to ask me how my son is. If it weren't for you, would my son fail the exam! Could he drink until he lose conscious everyday! How could I be so blind to have agreed to this marriage with a broom star like you! You pay me back for my son, and pay me back for my grandson!"




Translator Notes:

Translated by YellowBean.