

Welf, Bell and I went to the Hostess of Fertility to have a beer and spend sometime male bonding, Ryuu and Syr 'who was actually Freya in disguise' attended us for the night and made sure we had plenty of drinks.

Ryuu happily tended to me and pretty much became my personal maid to the jealousy of many of the males in the Hostess of Fertility while Syr took care of Welf and Bell.

Though I had to glare at Syr when she was beginning to get to close and flirty with Bell which of course made her back off, I might have let her live but that didn't mean I wanted her anywhere close to my friend.

I simply didn't trust her and that meant that I didn't want her anywhere close to Bell and the Hestia Familia, luckly she understood my glare and just made sure to be a good bar maid for the rest of the

of our time drinking here.

After a few drinks me, Welf and Bell began to talk to about our love lives, it made Ryuu smiled when Welf cursed mine and Bell's luck with the ladies, poor bastard had no idea that me and Mr Bunny had no control over our harem.

Though Bell did tell us that Haruhime had officially join his harem via Hestia who just declared her a member quoting Serafall about how she must take charge otherwise Bell would just dance around the subject.

That made me laugh a bit "no wonder Haruhime has been in such a good mood lately, I've seen her dance around the house and humming a tune while she cleans".

Bell blushed while Welf slapped his back "hah! its good that Haruhime is happy! but who's next on the list Bell?".

Bell moaned out loud " I don't know! Hestia is the one who decides that!".

Welf, Ryuu and I shared a laugh, Ryuu then spoke up "perhaps is Eina, I know she has a crush on you Bell".

Bell tensed up and then shook his head in denial "miss Eina?! now way! I'm always worrying her, I'm surprised she hasn't told me off!".

I chuckled finding it funny how Bell seems to be ind to Eina's affection "Ryuu is right Bell, Eina is always looking at you with this sparkle in her eye though she might not be aware of her feelings yet".

Bell sighed "but it's already really hard to divide my time between Hestai, Lili, Ais and now Haruhime... I honestly don't know how you do it Rean!".

Welf nodded "that's right Rean! you have Serafall, Yunyun, Wiz, Asia, Sakuya, Yasaka, Ryuu here, Artemis and the twins! how do you do handle all of these girls Rean!?".

All the males in the Hostess of Fertility suddenly turned towards me and gave me all of their attention, I just tilted my head thinking about how to answer this question "I just try to spend time with all of them and we all honestly talk to each other, we make an effort to make it work that's all really, though it does help that the girls keep themselves busy with other stuff but you do have to make an effort to be with all of them".

Ryuu nodded " Rean is very busy with one thing or the other and we all understand that but he does make an effort to be with us as much as he can, whether he takes us on a small date, just sit with us and talk or just be there while we're busy with our duties like he is with me right now, that is more than enough to let us know that he cares and loves us all".

Welf and Bell nodded and were taking notes which made chuckle a bit, Ryuu just rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless finding what Welf and Bell were doing funny.

Suddenly the door of the Hostess of Fertility slammed open and a blood covered Serafall walked in looking mighty pissed off which sent me into alert mode.

Ryuu got up and immediately ran up to Serafall and started to check her for injuries, Serafall smiled at Ryuu "I'm okay Ryuu, it's now my blood so you don't need to worry".

That statement delivered so non chalantly made everyone but me, Welf, Bell and Ryuu sweatdropped while I stood up and wave my hand over Serafall getting rid of the blood that was covering her body.

She smiled at me and immediately hugged me, I smiled back at her and hugged her back with a smile on my face "Sera, why were you covered in blood and whose was it? and where are all the girls?".

Serafall looked up to me and continue to smile "ah! you see me and the girls went shopping like we told you we would and we were getting some lunch in a nearby restaurant when this Pallum, Elf and Human began to talk shit of all of us and Hestia... we tried to ignore them but then they began to insult you saying how you should be put to the death for doing whatever you wanted in Orario and well... we sort of snap!".

*This is starting to sound awfully familiar...* "what happened next? I think I know but I might as well hear it from you".

Serafall awkwardly giggled "well... we killed them, I slapped the head off the Pallum, Yasaka set the Elf on fire and Sakuya shanked the human until he stopped moving~".

Everyone in the Hostess of Fertility immediately moved their seats as far away as they could from Serafall who just smiled at me, I chuckled and patted her head "ah I see and the blood?".

Serafall grinned "oh this human called Hyakinthos something came in after we killed the three first idiots and began to rant about how the Apollo Familia wasn't going to take this and that Apollo was going to make sure we all pay and blah, blah, blah so Wiz just waved a hand on the guy and he exploded! it was pretty cool how he went POP! though as you can see it was messy".

*Ah so this is Apollo starting shit, I'm actually surprised he decided to do something with everything I've done to the Soma and the Freya Familias but he is a massive ignorant and arrogant asshole*.

I hummed as I looked at Serafall who seemed to be having fun telling her story "Apollo huh? did you guys talked to Artemis about this?".

Serafall nodded "yup! we went home after dealing with those four idiots and told Artemis what had happened, she just shrugged and told us that even though Apollo is her twin he was never a good person to begin with and that they haven't spoken in millennia".

"Oh wow... Artemis can be pretty cold blooded when she wants to be, I'm so glad she's a sweetheart with us".

Serafall nodded "yeah! though I find it funny how she can be such a hard ass to everyone but us!".

And it was true Artemis is sweet and caring with us and the Pokémon but she had zero patience with anyone else, Hestia had said that that's usually how she was before the whole Antares thing happened and that sweet and caring side of her was new and she only showed it to us.

Serafall then went on "after having talked to Artemis I just ran over here to let you know what happened and that the girls and me will be dealing with the Apollo Familia!".

I winced and hissed a little *ah... now I feel bad for Apollo and his Familia, with me I would have ended their lives quickly but the girls? the girls were going to make Apollo suffer and if his Familia get in their way well...*.

Serafall smiled and then fist pump, she then got on her tippy toes and whispered in my ear "we just need you to be there to pull all of Apollo into his avatar and to take everything from him once were done with him~".

I blinked but nodded at Serafall, I'm not on to deny my girlfriend's wishes especially since they're justified to do this, there was no need for Apollo to start shit and yet he did so, the only pity is that he chose to target the girls "alright then let's go home and plan all of this".

I turned towards Bell and Welf who grinned and nodded, Ryuu smiled at us and nodded as well and together we all left to go home and prepare for what the girls have planned.

It didn't take us long to go back home and as soon as we got there we headed straight to the living room where we saw everyone already there and talking about what happened, Hestia and Artemis had frowns on their faces.

My guess is that they weren't happy about the fact that Apollo was scheming something and actually dared to sent his Familia to annoy Serafall and the girls which was a very foolish thing to do.

Welf, Bell, Ryuu, Serafall and I sat on the couches, Artemis sighed and immediately spoke up "I'm very sorry for my brother... I knew he was an arrogant fool but to this extent? I don't know what to even say".

Tione frowned, her and Tiona were resting at home with Artemis before going back to the Loki homebase when the girls returned covered in blood, at first they panicked thinking they were hurt or something like that but once they found out what had happened the decided to stay and let Lefiya and Ais explain the situation to Loki and Finn.

They were family to Rean and the girls now so they take priority to anything else and so Tione decided to tell what she knows about Apollo and his Familia "lord Apollo is well known to be an obsessive God... he's like lady Freya in which he would do anything to get possession of anything that catches his attention but unlike her he's very open with his methods and persistent to a high degree...".

Hestia huffed "he's a pervert and flirt too, he used to chase after me in Heaven and kept pestering me non stop! he's an annoying and stupid guy!".

Artemis huffed "he's always been a troublemaker and sure he cares a lot about his Familia but he tends to forcibly make them join, most of his Familia members hate his guts... in fact many of my children were women he kept pestering and not wanting anything to do with him they decided to seek me out and join my Familia instead since Apollo is terrified of me".

I raised an eyebrow at Artemis and she blushed a bit but elaborated on what she just said "ah! well in heaven he kept acting like a horrible pervert and one time while a bunch of Goddess were taking a bath, him and Hermes snucked inside and peeped on us...".

Hestia sighed but then giggle "I remember that day, they both began to push each other to get a look and ended up pushing each other inside the baths, Artemis beat the ever loving life out of them heh!".

I smiled at Artemis who was blushing and looking mighty sheepish, Wiz and Yunyun who were sitting besides her hugged her because she looked adorable and I whole heartily agree.

I looked around looking for my daughter "where's Kunou?" .

Hestia smiled "she's outside with Haruhime playing with those two new Pokémon you summoned, Dialga and Darkrai I think".

I nodded and smiled "yes, Dialga is a Legendary Pokémon with conceptual control of time and Darkrai is a Mystical Pokémon with conceptual control over nightmares".

Artemis tilted her head and hummed "so like grandpa Chronus and cousin Morpheus huh? the Pokemon never cease to amazed me".

Everyone nodded while I smiled knowing full well that this wasn't even the tip of the iceberg and there were a lot of Pokemon still to be discovered "so whats the plan?".

Serafall clapped "well! I say we raid the Apollo Familia Homebase and teach Apollo a lesson!".

Artemis raised her hands "if possible can you guys spare the members of his Familia? most of them were really forced to join him and don't kill my brother, he might be annoying but I don't want to see him die".

Everyone nodded, Yunyun however nervously scratched her head "ah well already killed four of them...".

The girls sweatdropped since they had forgotten about those four Apollo Adventurers they killed, Artemis just smiled at them "yes, you did say that it an Elf, a Pallum, and Two humans right?".

The girls nodded and Artemis hummed "then those four were Hyakinthos Clio, Lissos, Luan Espel and Laon... those four are members of Apollo's Familia who willingly joined and helped him force others into the Familia, they're were as arrogant and perverted as my brother so don't feel bad about them, the world is a better place without them".

*Damn... Artemis is super harsh* everyone sweatdropped at the sheer vitriol Artemis just used to speak about those four Adventurers who dared annoy my girlfriends.

[Black Artemis is so cool.]

*Black Artemis?*.

[Hmhm! white Artemis is the sweet and caring one that's always with you and the girls but everyone else gets the Black Artemis who is harsh and ruthless with her words!.]

I inwardly chuckle because that fit Artemis perfectly, Serafall awkwardly laughed and nodded "alright then let's not kill anyone but we are going to hurt Apollo! A LOT!".

Artemis shrugged "he made his bed he might as well lay on it, just pleased don't kill the idiot".

Everyone nodded and turned towards me, I raised an eyebrow at them which made the girls just smiled at me, Wiz giggled and then decided to speak "well have Rean pull Apollo's full self into his avatar and then take all his Domains turning him into a human like he did with Freya, maybe he'll learn some humility after struggling in life for a long while~".

I nodded since I didn't mind doing that, I then turned towards Artemis who nodded "that's fine and it's a perfect punishment for someone like him who is used to living a lavish life, thank you everyone".

Everone smiled at Artemis and Asia softly spoke "your family Artemis and we always care about family, we wouldn't want to cause you pain so we're not going to do something that would hurt you, that's why we talked to you first".

Many would be surprised of Asia if they were to see her now, since she's been living with us for a while and she's gotten used to the way we deal with problems she has gotten pretty much immune to battles, gore and full on war.

Before she would only focused on healing and shielding like in the anime but with us and over time she got into fighting to protect the family, she had access to all my Holy Light spells and likes using Water and Fairy Type Pokemon attacks as well.

Our Asia had become quite the battler and she's not afraid to fight if the needs requires her to do so, she's still a sweetheart and we all love her very much but she's not someone you want to mess with.

Artemis smiled at Asia and nodded thankful that everyone was willing to listen to her, I stood up and stretch "well then! let's go teach Apollo a lesson! we might as well make sure whatever he's planning never comes into fruition".

I knew that he was going to make a big deal out of this in a party or Denatus but we don't have the time nor the desire to wait that long so we're going to deal with it now *ready or not, here we come Apollo!*.

Cassandra Ilion was nervously pacing around in her room, she just got a horrible vision one that was so crazy and out of this world that I had her feeling all sorts of nervous, first she saw an ice Demon bring and never-ending ice age to the home base of Apollo.

I shadow with big bright red eyes bringing destruction and chaos with the elements themselves, a Goddess with a shroud of crystal clear water washing away everything in her path.

A holy maiden whose holy light not only burns but purifies everything it touches, a red eye maid moving through the stream of time, a ninetailed Renard engulfed in blue flames.

But what was worse was the massive purple Dragon looking down at her and her entire Familia, behind the massive beast Cassandra watched with wide eyes as the universe expanded from the Dragon itself.

These visions have been plaguing Cassandra since lord Apollo decided to send some of his Adventurers to antagonize the women he became enamored with in the hopes of provoking Rean Hayashi into a war game.

After having those visions she knew that the Apollo Familia had provoked an outworldly force and that they were going to pay dearly but even though she tried to tell everyone no one believed her.

She desperately tried to convince lord Apollo from going through his plan but that didn't work either, she begged and pleaded but no one listened to her not even her friend Daphne.

Speaking of her friend Daphne, she just walked into her room looking rather perturbed and scared, Cassandra noticing this instantly grew worried "Daphne? what's wrong?".

Daphne looked up to Cassandra and stared at her for a few good seconds before frowning "Luan, Alto, Laon and Hyakinthos are dead... they just brought Luan's and Laon's bodies but they told Apollo that there was nothing left of Hyakinthos and Alto who was turned into to ash...".

Cassandra gasped and she began to pale "no... they really went to go annoy those girls...".

Daphne nodded and sighed "yes it really seems like those girls mercilessly killed them, Apollo is in his room crying his eyes out right now but I'm sure he's going to make a big show of this and challenge the Hestia Familia into a War Game...".

Cassandra began to tremble and look very sick "Daphne... we have to get out of here now! they're coming here and only destruction will be left in their wake! please for once just listen to me and let's leave!".

Daphne stared at Cassandra with wide and shocked eyes, she had never seen her friend so afraid and desperate before but before she could even say anything to Cassandra there's was a big boom and the entire Apollo mansion shook.

Both girls screamed in fright as the ground and building continued to shake violently, Cassandra then began to cry "its too late! they're here and no one can save us! ".

Apollo was crying while sitting on his bed, he knew that it was dangerous to mess with the Hestia Familia but he thought that the only one to watch for was Rean but it seems like the rest of that Familia was dangerous as well and now four of his beloved children are dead.

He would never forgive the Hestia Familia, he'll will make sure they pay in the War Game he's going to be challenging them in, he was going to take everything they treasure.

Apollo is vowed to make them pay for the dead of his beloved children, soon he'll organize the next Denatus and there he'll show everyone all the crimes the Hestia Familia has done to him.

But the God was taken out of his revenge filled thoughts when a loud boom echoed through his entire mansion, the God then screamed in panic as everything began to aggressively shake "what's happening?!".

Ouranos had watched everything happen from the

beginning and he could only shake his head in disappointment "it's like I'm dealing with children, the more I tell them not to do something the more they actually go out of their way to do it...".

Fels sighed "looks like the Apollo Familia will also be destroyed... the Soma, Freya, I'm pretty sure Rean had something to do with Hermes's disappearance and now the Apollo Familia".

Ouranos scratched his beard and tiredly sighed "let the Guild know Fels, tell them that the Apollo Familia attacked the Hestia Familia first and that they retaliated, unlike Freya who was very discreet Apollo is far more extravagant about forcing people into his Famila, he's actually very much hated and I'm sure not many will actually care what happens to him".

Fels nodded and immediately went to inform the Guild of what is about to happen, the sole member of the Ouranos Familia was already used to this though whether that is a good thing or not was left in the air.

Ouranos then turned towards the orb empowered by his divinity and watched as Rean along his girlfriends arrived in front of the Apollo's Familia, he then gaped when he saw the brown haired young woman summon a massive amount of water and began to pelt the mansion with massive orbs of water causing the whole building to shake.

The old God chuckled "it seems like it wasn't only Rean everyone should have watch out for, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned indeed".

Wiz continued to blast the mansion before her with her Master rank water spell Blessed Drop, her nature as a Goddess of water made all her water elemental spells extra powerful and she was taking advantage of it.

As she stood before her harem sisters she watched as many Adventurers began to get out of the mansion in a panic so she stopped her spell and nodded to her friends who immediately rushed forward while she prepared another spell.

Yunyun flew up her hand engulfed in purple lightning as she began to pelt as many adventures as she could with the Lightning spell, the Adventurers screamed in pain and fell to the ground unconscious a few minutes later.

Yunyun frowned when she had to underpowered her spells so much in order not to accidentally kill anyone "holding back is hard... I wonder how Rean does it all the time?".

Whatever the case it seems like she was going to have to think of something to use when she was forced to use non lethal methods of attacks but that was for later, right not she has a bunch of Adventurers to knock out.

Yasaka grinned when she saw a groups of adventures surrounded her "Ara? what should a poor woman like me do now?".

Despite having said this in a soft voice the Adventurers around her tensed, their instincts were telling them that this ninetailed Renard was dangerous.

Their instincts were proven right when Yasaka's body was suddenly engulfed by Senjutsu as she stomped on the ground releasing a blast of energy that sent all the Adventurers around her flying and screaming in pain.

These Adventurers harshly landed on the ground unconscious and groaning in pain.

Sakuya was dancing around any Adventurer that got in her way, these poor Adventurers only saw her glowing red eyes before they were cut down, they were lucky that Sakuya was aiming for none vital areas otherwise they would have died but the fact remained that no one could see or even react to her movements which seemed ethereal in nature.

Asia waved her hand forward and hit a group of Adventurers with a Thunderwave attack, a Pokémon move she learn because she found it useful and it prove to be the right choice since the Pokémon move was very effective against big groups of Adventurers who thought Asia was an easy target.

These Adventurers were left on the ground unable to move as they watched Asia walked up and do the same thing to another group of Adventurers who screamed in pain as they felt their muscles spasm from the paralyzing jolt of electricity that hit them.

Serafall walked up to the mansion, her energy flaring and dancing around her and any Adventurer foolish enough to try and attack her were immediately encased in ice from neck down by her energy one.

It was a massive show of control what Serafall was doing and it certainly was impressive to see her calmly walk towards the mansion while leaving ice encased Adventurers in her wake.

They would survive and be okay after a while though some of them might get a nasty cold but at least they would be alive.

This is what the newest members of the harem were watching with eyes full of excitement and pride, Tiona began to excitedly hop from foot to foot "whoa! they're all so strong! they're not even trying and they're taking everyone down with ease!".

Tione smiled "they all look so beautiful... so calm and collected, I wonder if we'll ever be that powerful?".

Ryuu nodded "I've seen them train before but this is still even more impressive... they way they so effortlessly take down their opponents while also making sure they don't die... such control".

Artemis hummed and smiled "what a beautiful display of power and control, the old me would have loved to have them in my Familia but now? now I'm happy that they're my family instead".

I couldn't help to smile at the comments from the twins, Ryuu and Artemis "don't worry girls, you will eventually reached those levels of power and control, I already gave you the same skills I gave them all so your well on your way".

The girls nodded and then we all began to follow the Serafall and the rest of the attacking girls into the Apollo's mansion, along the way the girls took great pleasure of destroying everything inside.

Which I don't blame them since pretty much the whole mansion was filled with statues of Apollo and the girls wasted no time to destroy them.

Artemis shook her head in disappointment at her brother's over inflated ego and even help destroy her brother's statues with a gleeful smile.

We went through every room and destroyed everything in them, we just left whatever looked like a bedroom because we didn't want to destroy the personal objects belonging to the Adventurers of the Apollo Familia but everything else was fair game.

Eventually we came across two girls who were hiding in a room, one of them glared at us and drew her sword while the other was trembling and staring at us with eyes full of fear.

I immediately recognized these two as Daphne and Cassandra, from what I remember from these two they become good friends with Bell and his party and I don't want to ruin that so I nodded to the girls and all of them nodded back and immediately left the room to continue with their rampage.

I turned towards the girls and Daphne looked ready to attack even though she was evidently afraid of me, I'm pretty sure she recognized me but she was still going to try and protect Cassandra "you guys don't have to worry we won't hurt you".

Daphne growled and glared at me "liar! I know what you did to the Familias who you dealt with! I won't let you hurt Cassandra!".

Daphne was about to launch herself sword first towards me but Cassandra hugged her waist and stopped her "stop Daphne! don't attack him! you'll die if you do!".

Daphne grunted from how tight Cassandra was holding her "Cassandra let me go! he'll kill us both if we let him do s-".

But Cassandra suddenly yelled and cut off Daphne shocking her from her sudden outburst "SHUT UP! and listen to me for once! just stop and don't do anything!".

Daphne numbly nodded still shocked that her soft spoken friend had raised her voice at her like that and dropped her sword on the floor, Cassandra then sighed in relief and then turned towards me still shaking and looking terrified "M-Mr Dragon please forgive my friend, s-she was just trying to protect me...".

I just smiled at Cassandra and raised an eyebrow "oh? you know what I am? even though no one should be able to sense me?".

Cassandra gulped and nodded "y-yes... I get visions sometimes and in one of them I saw you in your true form... it was both beautiful and terrifying to see...".

*Oh... that's right, Cassandra has the ability to to get visions but no one believes her which is kinda sad because that kind of ability would be very useful to anyone* "I see... mind keeping what you saw on your visions a secret, I don't want to cause a panic".

Cassandra's eyes widen in surprise "y-you believe me?".

I nodded at the poor girl since she seems so happy to have someone belive her for once "not a lot of people know my true nature that alone is proof that your visions are real".

Cassandra smiled and nodded while I continued speaking "anyways you both are mistaken in a couple of things, first I'm not the one attacking you it's actually my girlfriends, second they're not killing anyone since Apollo's sister Artemis asked us to not kill them but I will punish Apollo though and third I'm definitely not going to hurt you, I'm pretty sure both you were forced into joining Apollo's Familia and pretty much don't care what happens to him right?".

Cassandra and Daphne looked down and after about a minute they nodded though they seemed a bit ashamed about it, I smiled at them "don't feel bad, I'm sure once I destroy the link Apollo has with the Falna of his Familia members everyone will be happy to be free".

Cassandra nodded, while Daphne frowned a bit "can you really do that? I mean... set us free?".

I nodded "I sure can in fact I've done it before, I didn't killed everyone in the Soma Familia, four of its members were spared, they later rejoined Soma and I also spared two members of the Freya Familia ".

Daphne nodded and even though she still looked unsure she seemed to be willing to listen to me, Cassandra sighed and nodded as well and seemed to have calmed down.

I smiled at both of them "in any case both of you are free to leave this place if you want, no one is going to stop you as long as you don't try to attack us okay?".

Both girls nodded and I gave them a nod "okay then I'm going to leave now, I'm sure my girlfriends have already found Apollo and are kicking his ass as we speak so later!".

I waved at them and turned around to leave the room, Cassandra dropped on her bum and nervously laughed "my legs feel like jelly...".

Daphne smiled a her friend and then went to help her up so both of them can get out of this place, she didn't want to admit it but Rean sparked a bit of hope in her heart, hope that both her and Cassandra will be free soon.

It didn't take me long to find the girls in fact all I had to do is follow the shrill screams of pain that suspiciously sounded very feminine and I arrived to watch the girls were beating the living shit out of Apollo.

The poor bastard couldn't do anything to stop them and his pleas of mercy fell on deaf ears as the girls beat him, I even winced when I saw Serafall punt Apollo in the testicles *sweet merciful Astraea... my girlfriends are ruthless... and I find that surprisingly sexy for some reason...*.

Both Astraea and Excalibur giggled within my soul but I decided to not acknowledge that since I wanted to keep some dignity but wow the girls are really giving it to Apollo, I think at this point the idiot is actually wishing for the death right.

Even Artemis is kicking him in the ribs... you have to be one special kind of idiot and pervert for you twin sister to hate you that much and its seems like Apollo got to that point "SISTER! PLEASE! I'M SORRY! HAVE SOME MERCY!".

I blinked whe Artemis shook her head and turned around, she walked up to me while the girls continue to beat Apollo "Rean can you take care of the rest? we're pretty much done with this fool".

I couldn't help but sweatdropped at the cold way Artemis just spoke about his brother, the girls finally stopped beating him and dusted their hands before walking away from him.

Each and everyone of the girls gave me a kiss as they walked out the room until I was left alone with a battered Apollo groaning in pain on the floor, I walked up to him and looked down "... you really should have left things alone or a least not go after the girls directly, but then again your an idiot".

I shrugged while Apollo just groaned in pain, I then summoned Excalibur into my hand and stabbed Apollo on the leg, causing him to grunt in pain while activating Excalibur's Rule Breaker skill to destroy every connection he had to his Familia's Falna.

I then bent down and grabbed his chest and proceeded to bring his entire self into his avatar and then take away all of his divinities which were quite a lot actually.

I got a race orb for each one which were the Domains of sun, light, music, poetry, healing, plagues, prophecy, knowledge, order, beauty, archery and agriculture.

Once I had then I placed them in my inventory with the rest I obtained from Freya, you never know when we'll need them, after that I stood up and immediately walked away from the now very human and mortal Apollo.

Hopefully he'll learn to be less obsessive and annoying but if he doesn't he's powerless to do anything about it anyway.

Either way with this done I think it's time to go home soon, me and the girls will take a few days to say goodbyes and make preparations of course.

But soon we'll leave this world and we'll do so with very good and fond memories, I definitely won't forget the good and fun times I had in Danmachi.