

The next few days were busy for the entired Hestia Familia since we all decided to open up a stall for the Holy Moon Festival to sell Pokémon Plushies and pastries for fun and make some money.

Everyone helped a bit in making this possible, Hestia went to the Guild and got us a good spot to put our stall in, while Asia and Rayne made more Pokemon Plushies.

Yunyun, Wiz, Yasaka and even Serafall began to prepare and buy everything we would need to make and sell the Plushies and pastries while I made the maid uniforms for the girls and some of the Pokémon.

All the girls had decided to suit up in maid uniforms and tend the stall together even Kunou wanted to dress up as a maid so I had to make uniforms for everyone.

Thankfully and thanks to the Xenos I had quite a lot of materials to work with, I even took advantage of the situation and taught Ray and Marie how to dye the silk, cloth and wool into many different color.

Most of the female Pokémon also agreed to dress up and help with the stall though Gardevoir took some convincing and a puppy eye technique from Kunou to agree to wear the maid uniform.

My Gardevoir had become quite the tomboy which was very funny since most of time she looks Regal and majestic except when she starts punching monsters with Ice, Fire and Thunder Punches.

Honestly I think it's mine and the rest of the Pokémon fault that she became such a tomboy, not that it matters to us because we love her nonetheless.

In any case everyone was having a lot of fun preparing for the upcoming Holy Moon Festival even Bell, Lili, Welf and the Loki girls kept going to the Dungeon everyday to get a lot of Valis to spend in the Festival.

But now after a few days of preparing we were finally done all we had to do now is relax and wait for the day to arrive so this morning I decided to go watch over Bell's Party training with Lucario and Greninja.

Both Bell and Lili have come a long way during their time training and can last quite a bit against Lucario or Greninja when sparring, even though both of my Pokemon hold back a lot it as still impressive that way Bell and Lili fight with refined movements and skill.

Welf is still doing physical conditioning but his stats were quickly growing, according to Hephaestaus who comes over to visit very often, Welf's stats were already at the A or S rank.

He could Level up now but we're holding back on that until all of his stats reach rank S since as a Level 1 this will make sure he has a good foundation on his stats and prevent over specializing something Lefiya, Tione and Tiona were currently struggling with.

Their stats lean towards two completely different spectrums and fighting styles, the twins had over focused on their physical abilities leaving their Magical ones to suffer quite a bit.

The same can be said about Lefiya since she focused too much on her magical abilities allowing her physical ones to suffer but with my training and gravity charms they're quickly catching up.

Ais surprisingly was very balanced in her stats though she does focus a lot of speed but I guess that's the result of her first teachers Riviera, Finn and Gareth.

Kunou was also training but seeing me here she decided to forego the training so she could sit on my lap and spend time with me which is fine by me, as we watched Bell and his party train she told me everything she has been learning from the Pokémon.

From her mommy Yuki she has pretty much mastered all Ice and Fairy Type moves making her and adorable and effective weapons against Dragons, luckly from me I have a lot of perks and skills that nullify such weaknesses and so do my Pokemon but I don't envy any Dragons that have to face my daughter in the future.

Though I was very curious as to why Ice and Fairy Types can hurt Dragon so much, according to Astraea the reason for that is because Pokémon Moves are powdered by a Pokémon's Aura and Aura is the power of the soul so on a slight conceptual level Pokémon Moves attack the soul as well as the physical body.

That's the reason some Pokémon are weak to some types, those types of Moves do conceptual damage increasing the damage they get, it's only thanks to the skills and nature of my power that makes my Pokemon utterly resistant to anything including their so called weaknesses.

Still because of this Pokémon Moves are very effective attacks against anything or anyone and because they use Aura they ignore defenses and resistances, this is doubly true for Kunou who as my daughter receive a bunch of Skills and Perks from me making all of her attacks far more powerful.

She could practically bitch slap Great Red with a Fairy Type Move and kill the dude with that one hit, my daughter is single handedly the most adorable and dangerous little girl to Dragons and I find that hilarious.

Other than that my Pokemon made sure she learns all kinds of Pokémon Moves not only the offensive ones but healing, buffs, debuffs and status changers, not to mention that many of the Legendary Pokémon have taught her their Signature Moves.

In fact she's just telling me right now how she learned Mist Ball from Latias a few days ago "it was very hard to learn it daddy! I'm not very good with Psychic Moves because I need to focus very, very hard! but I was still able to get it done!".

I smiled at my daughter and proudly nodded at her "that's great Kunou, you've learned a lot of Pokemon Moves, your practically a Pokémon now!".

Kunou giggled and then excitedly nodded "Legendary Pokémon Kunou Hayashi has appeared!".

I chuckled in amusement at my daughter's declaration while Yuki who was laying besides me smiled at Kunou and barked which made Kunou gasped "what do you mean!? I look plenty regal!".

Yuki shocked her head and pointed at the top of !a tree nerby causing me and Kunou to turn our head towards it only to see Ho-oh majestically roosting on top of branch, I got to admit that he looked rather impressive just chilling up there while watching over the training area.

Kunou ears drooped and signed "okay! so I don't look as majestic as Ho-oh but he's an unfair comparison! look at him looking all regal and cool without even trying!".

Yuki just smugly smiled at Kunou who groaned "daddy~ mommy Yuki is bullying me!".

I just chuckled and patted Kunou's head while she pouted at Yuki, I then decided to give my daughter a hand "well what about Mew and Celebi? they certainly don't act or look regal nor majestic, in fact they're adorable as all hell".

Yuki sweatdropped because she didn't have a retort to my words while Kunou cheered "that's right! I can be a cute and adorable Legendary Pokémon then!".

Yuki huffed but still smiled at Kunou and then decided to tickle her with her tails which made Kunou squeal "ah! nooo~ mommy Yuki staph!".

But Yuki showed no mercy and poor fearsome Kunou was defeated by tickles, suddenly a voice caught my attention "it's still very jarring to see nine tailed Renard and fox act like that...".

I turned my head towards where the voice come from and smiled when I saw Haruhime walking towards us with a picnic basket, apparently she had taken upon herself to bring Bell, Lili and Welf lunch whenever they train "oh! Haruhime how are you doing?".

Haruhime smiled and sat down beside us "I'm doing great master Rean and I'm having a lot of fun with everything I'm learning~".

I smiled at Haruhime, I'm very happy that she's having fun and enjoying her time with us, I know that she had a very rough childhood and life afterwards since she was sold off by her family but at least she's happy now and that's what matters.

I then noticed her hand twitching as she stared at Yuki who was staring back at her, it made me chuckle at the fact that she wanted to pet her for a long time now and she hasn't found the courage to do so yet, so decided to give her a little push "you can pet her you know? she won't mind, in fact Yuki likes it when you scratch behind her ear".

Yuki turned towards me and gave the most betrayed look I have ever received in my life but unfortunately for her Haruhime decided to take me up on my offer and she began to scratch Yuki behind her ear.

The Alolan Ninetails instantly melted and practically slumped on the ground face first with a soft thump, Kunou giggled and fist pumped "it's super effective!".

All Yuki did in response was twitched since Haruhime was still scratching behind her ear which made me chuckle "you can play and pet any of the Pokémon Haruhime, they're all very friendly and know that your a friend so you don't have to worry about anything".

Haruhime turned her head towards me and smiled "really? I've always wanted to pet them and play with them but I didn't know if it was allowed or if they'll let me".

Kunou smiled at Haruhime "don't worry big sis! all the Pokémon are very nice! even the Ghost Type Pokemon are friendly so you can play with them at anytime!".

Haruhime brightly smiled at Kunou and nodded she then turned to watch Bell train with a blush on her face which made chuckle a bit in amusement, it was clear that Haruhime has a crush on Bell but right now he's busy with Hestia and Lili who recently joined his harem after Hestia and Lili had a private talk.

So right now both of them were going on dates with Bell and spending more time together, Ais is also becoming quite attached to Bell and often times would spend an entire day with him.

So Haruhime is going to have to wait a bit for Bell's new relationships to settle down a bit but I don't doubt that she'll join the Bell's harem soon.

After an hour Bell, Lili and Welf took a break and now we're all having some lunch with Lucario and Greninja eating with us, its certainly a nice way to spend the day together like this and just take it easy.

Suddenly Sakuya walked up to us and gave us a smile "Rean, the Takemikazuchi Familia are here to apologize to Bell and his party, should I let them in?".

I smiled at my super maid and nodded "sure, I bet they'd been stressing about apologizing these last couple of days but since we've been so busy with preparing for the Holy Moon Festival we haven't been able to meet".

Sakuya smiled and then snapped her fingers, adding the Takemikazuchi Familia to the wards again and teleporting them right in front of us, which must have caught them by surprised since they all fell on their butts.

Kunou giggled while Haruhime immediately stood up to help them up only to freeze when she saw Mikoto up close, which I noticed right away making remember a small detail about the Takemikazuchi Familia and Haruhime *that's right, they know each other from their hometown, they're practically childhood friends*.

Mikoto looked up and noticed Haruhime, she of course gasped in surprised "Sanjouno-sama?".

This alerted the rest of the Takemikazuchi Familia who immediately turned towards Haruhime and gasped when they recognized her, Haruhime teared up and then jumped on top of Mikoto and hugged her tightly causing poor Mikoto to squeak in surprise "Sanjouno-sama! please!".

But Haruhime aggressively shook her head "it's Haruhime! I'm no longer a princess nor a Sanjouno, I'm just Haruhime now!."

Mikoto eyes widen in surprise but she then sighed and hugged Haruhime back "alright... I finally found you Haruhime, we have been looking for you for so long... we didn't know what had happened to you! and your father only spoke ill of you".

Haruhime shook her head again and only tighten her hold on Mikoto "it doesn't matter... It's in the past and I'm happy here... you don't have to worry about me anymore Mikoto instead tell me what you've been up to".

Bell, Lili and even Welf smiled happy to see Haruhime reunited with someone she clearly cares about, I myself was also happy and a little upset at myself for forgetting about this but at least things worked out in the end "how about all of you join us for lunch?".

The Takemikazuchi Familia looked surprised by my offer but a puppy eye technique from Haruhime had them agreed right away and after a bit we were all eating and talking together.

All of them apologize to Bell, Lili and Welf first and even though Lili and Welf weren't thrilled about what they did to them they also understood that at the time they didn't have a choice, Bell on his part accepted the apology right away and even stated that if he was in the same situation he might have done the same thing.

The Takemikazuchi Familia apologized to me again as well but I just shook my head and said it was fine as long as they understood that what they did wasn't good which they did, Mikoto even said that it left a nasty taste in her mouth having done that.

I smiled at her "your not bad people and you were desperate so I understand but don't get me wrong, the only reason I didn't do anything to you was because Takemikazuchi is good friend of Hestia and I knew Bell and his party would be fine, otherwise you would have shared the same fate of the Freya and Soma Familia met".

The Takemikazuchi Adventurers gulped knowing full well that I was serious but after that we all ate and enjoy our picnic while Kunou enjoyed getting to know the new people.

Mikoto eventually spoke up with her eyes full of curiosity "umm... Rean-sama can I ask you a few questions?".

I raised an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless "sure I don't mind but you can call me Rean, I'm not one for formalities".

Mikoto shyly smiled and then pointed at Greninja, Lucario and Yuki who were happily eating some Pokepuffins "these are Pokémon like the pink cat you summoned last time we were here right?".

I nodded and smiled at my Pokemon "that's right, the pink cat's name is Mew and these are Lucario, Greninja and Yuki but her species is known as Ninetails".

Mikoto nodded and the stared at the Pokémon in curiosity for a few seconds and then spoke up again "according to the guild your a summoner of sorts but I've been curious about you too, it's a well known rumor that you're a powerful swordsman and mage as well but not many have seen you fight... even when you took down the Freya and Soma Familia it was said that you used your Pokémon so I'm very curious to know how you fight".

I smiled and nodded "I see... it's true not many have seen me fight much less actually survive when i do... then how about a friendly spar?".

Mikoto turned her gaze towards me and stared into my eyes for a few seconds, she then nodded with her eyes full of determination "yes... I believe I would like to test myself against your blade".

"Alright then let's do it now, this place is very open and we can move freely as we wish".

I stood up and then headed to what is known as the training area which was a fair distance away from everyone I then turned towards everyone and waited for my opponent, Mikoto stood up and followed me to the open area "do you happen to have a wood sword? I didn't bring a weapon with me".

I hummed as I thought about a particular blade i had made recently in my spare time and then nodded to myself "I have something better and I'm sure you can put it to good use".

Mikoto tilted her head in curiosity and watched me as I took out a bluish colored Katana and threw it at her, she easily caught it and brought it to her face to inspect it "amazing... the craftsmanship on this blade is superb!".

"Thank you, I made this Katana with an specific use in mind, it is a high ranked blade and I made it with the scales of a Pokémon known as Kyogre, that and the Enchantments I placed on this Katana made it capable to summon water and manipulate it to the will of the wielder".

Mikoto and everyone else in the Takemikazuchi Familia stared at me with wide eyes full of surprise, Mikoto then shook her head "I-i can't use something so precious as this sword!".

Her reaction made me chuckle as I shook my head "it's alright, that blade deserves to be used so give it a try and if you manage to impress me I'll even give to you as a gift! so how about it? want to give it a try?".

Mikoto looked into my eyes for ablut a minute but then looked down at the Katana for a few seconds "what's the name of the blade?".


Mikoto nodded and smiled "a beautiful name for a beautiful sword... alright I'll take you on your offer. me and Manahimeko will surprise you!".

I watched as Mikoto took on a stance akin to a Quickdraw technique but what surprise me the most was the fact that Manahimeko glowed in response to Mikoto's words *how curious...*.

This was very peculiar and something that seems to happen whenever I make a weapon using something from a Pokémon like scales, feathers, fangs and even claws.

Pokemon shed things like these all the time and I was always curious about making a weapon with them, Manahimeko was the first weapon I ever created using a Pokémon material.

Kyogre happily gave me some of her scales and with them a forged this sword but as soon as I finished it, Excalibur immediately told me that Manahimeko was semi sentient and that it would probably choose a wielder at some point.

I gave it to Mikoto out of curiosity but I never actually expected Manahimeko to accept Mikoto *not only that master, that child is actually excited to fight us~*.

*I see... so more than likely she'll help Mikoto in the fight, I must admit... I'm feeling rather excited myself! Manahimeko is a Legendary ranked sword so it pretty powerful, let's teach that child who is the strongest Excalibur!*.

With that said I summoned Excalibur into my hand which made Mikoto's eyes widen in surprise as she watched me spin Excalibur and get into a relaxed stance, Mikoto narrowed her eyes "...a tachi?".

I smiled and nodded at her "that's right! I Rean Hayashi practitioner of the The Eight Leaves One Blade style accept your challenge! come and show me what you got!".

Mikoto nodded and then became blur as she moved as fast as a Level 2 adventure could, but I saw her coming and when she reappeared in front of me I saw her do a Quickdraw technique as she screamed it's name "Zekka!".

But I easily blocked and parried the Mikoto's fast slash and sent her skidding to my left, Mikoto then used the momentum my parry gave her and spinned on her toes and then slashed back at me towards my neck.

I smiled and blocked her strike with Excalibur and then strongly pushed her off of me sending her into the air but Mikoto twirled in mid air and landed on her feet, she immediately rushed forward.

But I intercepted her midway and began to clash against her as she tried to cut me with Manahimeko.

Haruhime who was having fun watching the spar and excitedly clapping began to cheer for both us "go master Rean! go Mikoto~".

Bell, Lili and Well smiled at Haruhime while the Takemikazuchi Familia gaped at the fight going on in front of them, while Lucario, Greninja and Yuki just silently watched while eating, Kunou was of course cheering for me.

As we clashed our blades Mikoto couldn't help but frown as she intently watched me fight, she then jumped back and got back into her Quickdraw stance "your holding back... this isn't anywhere close to your true skill and power".

I smiled at her and nodded "yes, I can't very well go all out, I might accidentally kill you, you know?".

Mikoto continued to frown as she looked down, she was frustrated since Rean turned to be a very skilled swordsman and as she clashed blades with him a desire to see his true power blossomed in her heart.

But she knew she wasn't strong enough to push him far enough for him to use his true power *I want to see what's he's capable of... I know it would be incredible to witness his true skill*.

As if responding to her desire, Manahimeko began to glow and Mikoto's eyes widen in surprise as information began to flow into her head "what?... Manahimeko?".

Manahimeko glowed and Mikoto stared at the Katana for a few long seconds before nodding "I see... you want to see too... okay! then let's do this together!".

I smiled as I watched Manahimeko and Mikoto synchronize, Mikoto raised Manahimeko above her head and narrowed her eyes towards me as I began to look around as water began to gather towards Mikoto and Manahimeko.

Everyone watched with awed expressions on their faces as Mikoto got ready to for an attack, she then roared and began to swing Manahimeko at high speed "Water Cutter! Rapids Dance!".

A slash of highly condensed water fired off Manahimeko towards me at a high speed, from my point of view the attack looked like a rushing river heading towards me.

I smiled and closed my eyes *well... how about we try that new technique we made together Excalibur?*.

*Fufufu you mean the one we based of that power obsessed half demon from that video game you like?*.

*Yes that one, I think it will be an spectacular reveal to use it now*.

*Okay! then let's do it master Rean!*.

I open my eyes and instantly got into a Quickdraw stance while engulfing Excalibur with Time and Space energy along with my Stardust energy.

Everyone's eyes widen in shock as time stopped around me and Mikoto for a second and I then reappeared in front of Mikoto while holding Excalibur down.

Time and Space around Mikoto was then cleanly cut and shattered like glass sending her flying and screaming in pain until she crashed into the ground were she rolled a couple of times until she finally stopped a fair distance away from me, I smiled and then softly said "Dark Slayer style... Judgement Cut..".

Mikoto coughed off some blood and winced in pain, even though time was frozen she was still somehow able to see everything Rean did, he had cut Space and Time so fast that he sliced and shattered reality around her cutting her not only physically but spiritually as well.

It was Manahimeko who had passed down the knowledge of what Rean had done to her and she was utterly impressed "amazing... what a deadly and beautiful technique...".

She then heard someone run up to her but she couldn't move to see who it was until she saw Haruhime's head pop up from above her "Mikoto are you okay!?".

Mikoto smiled and tried to reassure her friend but the blood dripping from her mouth didn't help, Haruhime then turn head towards her side and pouted "mou! master Rean! you should have held back!".

Mikoto the heard Rean chuckle "sorry I got over excited but don't worry I'll heal Mikoto, here Healing Circle!".

Mikoto sighed as she was engulfed in a soft white blueish light which began to heal her, I smiled at her and then kneeled besides her "sorry about that Mikoto, I got a little over excited".

Mikoto smiled and shook her head "no don't apologize master Rean! that was single handedly the most amazing sword technique I've ever seen! if wasn't because of Manahimeko I wouldn't even be able to understand what you did... to be able to cut Time and Space! that's an incredible feat!".

I smiled at her and patted her head, her enthusiasm was very adorable "thank you, that technique is something I've been practicing for a while and I based it off another master of the Quickdraw technique".

Mikoto nodded and even though she was blushing from my head pat she still smiled, I then nodded and spoke up "it also seems that Manahimeko chose you as her wielder so I want you to keep her".

Mikoto's eyes widen in surprise "really? I can keep her?".

I nodded "yes but promise me that you'll take care of her, she a young sentient sword, the first I've have ever forged so please take care of her and treat her like a partner".

Mikoto stared into my eyes for a long second and then sat up, she then kneeled on the ground and bowed in a seiza "I vow to take care of Manahimeko and treat her as my partner master Rean! I promise!".

I smiled but then clapping from out of nowhere caught our attention making us turn towards its source only to see Takemikazuchi clapping and Hestia standing besides him with a smile on her face "an amazing sword battle, even if it was too fast for me to catch everything you both showed plenty of talent and skill, I'm proud of you Mikoto".

Mikoto smiled and bowed to Takemikazuchi who then turned towards me "Rean, I know it might be too much of me to ask but can ask you for a favor?".

I tilted my head, i was very curious as to what Takemikazuchi would ask of me but nodded "if it's within my power".

Takemikazuchi smiled and then bowed "would you consider taking Mikoto as your student?".

Mikoto's eyes widen in surprise "Takemikazuchi-sama?".

Takemikazuchi smiled at Mikoto "Mikoto, I think you can learn far more with Rean and the Hestia Familia than with me plus, Rean's sword style matches yours perfectly, he's the perfect teacher for you, remember Mikoto you're more of a ninja type than a samurai".

Mikoto looked down and thought it over while I hummed "the thing is that I'm only training Hestia Familia members, Welf here transferred from the Hephaestaus Familia to learn forging and become our official Blacksmith in the future".

Takemikazuchi nodded and then turned towards Hestia "Hestia would you be willing to take Mikoto into your Familia? I think she'll be better suited for yours than she is with mine".

Hestia smiled at her friend "I don't mind but she has to make that decision herself Take".

Takemikazuchi nodded and then turned towards Mikoto who looked up and nodded, she then turned towards me and bowed "Master Rean! please take me as your student!".

Takemikazuchi also bowed to me, suddenly Astraea's echoed in my mind [what an earnest girl and God, what are you going to do Rean?.]

I closed my eyes while I thought it over *well I know Mikoto becomes a very important member of the Hestia Familia later plus I know she's a hardworking and caring girl, she's also a very important friend of Haruhime*.

I opened my eyes and then nodded at them "very well, I'll take Mikoto as my student but it won't be easy, you will train everyday with everyone else in the morning and after going into the Dungeon you'll train with me, is that acceptable?".

Mikoto smiled and then excitedly nodded while Takemikazuchi bowed again "thank you Rean! thank you for giving Mikoto a chance to grow the best she can!".

I smiled at Takemikazuchi and shook my head "don't mention it, I was impressed with her in our spar, she knew she was no match but she still tried to push me to do my best which is why I showed off that new technique".

Mikoto blushed in embarrassment at me noticing that she wanted to see what I can really do but I just smiled at her.

After that Takemikazuchi and Hestia made the transfer and Mikoto become a full-fledged member of the Hestia Familia, that afternoon she headed down with Bell, Lili and Welf into the Dungeon.

A few days later the day of the Holy Moon Festival finally arrived and the entire Hestia Familia and some of our Pokemon got up early in the morning to set up the stall we were opening that day.

Most of the Female Pokémon wore their maid uniforms which included even Mew and Latias which made them immediately popular with the customers, for the festival I opted to make the Pokémon Plushies to wear little maid uniforms that you can take off as a sort of special event item.

They become instantly popular and even though Asia, Rayne and I made a quite a lot of stock we might no have enough, Wiz's pastries became a hot item as well, overall we became rather busy even though we had a lot of help tending the stall.

The girls and even Mikoto wore the deep blue and silver maid uniforms I made for them, they instantly fell in love with them the the moment I gave them to them which made feel embarrassed and happy at the same time.

I based them on Rem's and Ram's maid uniforms from Re:Zero just with the black parts deep blue in color and the white part silver.

The Loki girls also came over and tried the pastries and bought a few Pokemon Plushies but after that they stayed around to hang out with us and they even helped.

Our stall was very popular and it was because the Pokemon and the very beautiful maid tending the stall, I even saw some Adventurers try to hit on my girlfriends only to be shot down immediately.

Some tried to get rough with them but my girlfriends would beat them down to the ground and left them half dead on th floor, it took a while but the men in the area learned to just let them work.

I found the whole thing hilarious, these poor bastards just didn't know who they were messing with, eventually our Familia's friends began to show up like Hephaestaus, the Takemikazuchi Familia, Miach and Naaza.

We had saved some pastries for them so they got to enjoy Wiz's baking and the girls even bought Pokemon Plushies too, but in the end we ended up selling everything rather quickly.

It was a shame since we were having a lot fun tending the stall but this way it gave us a way to enjoy the rest of the festival, I took all my girlfriends around and tried the food, played some games and even saw a couple of street shows.

Kunou had a lot of fun playing and trying out all the snacks while Yuki and the rest of us followed her around, most of the Pokémon went back home to rest and relax after we finished selling everything in the stall.

Especially Gardevoir who really wanted to already take off her maid uniform, which made the girls sad because to them it really suited her but alas, my Gardevoir just didn't like dressing up.

But some of the Pokémon chose to go around the festival and enjoy the Holy Moon Festival and everyone payed them no money in fact most people would enjoy watching them play around.

The Pokémon of course were extra popular with the children who always petted them or gave them sweets whenever one of them would get close something my Pokemon really enjoyed.

Bell went around the festival with Lili, Hestia, Haruhime and Ais as a sort of date though Ais looked like she didn't know what she was doing and was rather going with them because it looked fun.

Lefiya, Tione and Tiona followed me and then girls around and we all had a lot of fun with them, though I got rather nervous because these three girls were seriously talking about something with Serafall and the grin she was sending my way was giving me bad vibes.

But then came the event I was waiting on, me and the girls arrived just in time when Bell was about to pull out the spear from the crystal pedestal it was stuck in "Bell! do not touch that spear!".

Bell immediately reacted and jumped back, Hermes who was watching Bell try to get the spear out frowned and turned to look towards me only to flinch when he noticed me glaring at him.

But I didn't have time to waste on this God right now, I walked over to where the crystal pedestal was and stared at the spear embedded into it, Bell of course walked up to me "what is it Rean?".

I moved my gaze towards Bell "do not trust Hermes, Bell something about him bothers me... Mew told me that he's been skulking around our home for a while and has sent him flying a couple of times".

Bell frowned and turned his gaze toward Hermes who was smiling at him "I see... this event was organized by him, do you think it's a trap?".

I shook my head, I know what the plan is but I couldn't really reveal that "I don't think so but this spear is heavily enchanted... I'll deal with this, you and the others stand back, I don't know what is going to happen when I pull the spear out".

Bell nodded and then walked back to his group who were watching from bellow the stage, I grabbed hold of the spear and destroyed the Enchantments that were holding it in place freeing it from its crystal prison while also over writing the Enchantments on the spear which was easy thanks to my Legendary Rank Enchant skill.

Hermes frowned but I wasn't paying attention to him, rather I was paying attention to the blue haired Goddess who was walking up to the stage, once she reached me she looked up and smile "I finally found you Orion...".

In front of me stood Artemis and even though I knew that the one in front of me is just a fragment of the real one, I couldn't help but to give her sad smile knowing what had happened to her.

I'll make sure to save her and deal with Hermes before he becomes a annoyance later on to Bell and Hestia, looks like once again I'llbe busy for a couple of days.